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By M. Tragak. Valparaiso University. 2018.
Immunosuppressive agents in trans- (E) An autoimmune disease targeted at basophil plantation: Mechanisms of action and current anti- surface receptors rejection strategies discount kamagra soft 100mg how to fix erectile dysfunction causes. New Immunosuppressive (B) Nephrotoxicity order kamagra soft 100 mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation underlying causes and available treatments, neurotoxicity, hirsutism Modalities and Anti-rejection Approaches in Organ (C) Thrombocytopenia, hypokalemia Transplantation. Growth Factors: Cell (E) Increase circulating immune complexes, car- Growth, Morphogenesis, and Transformation. In choosing tissues and organs for transplan- Fplant, Mary Smith developed jaundice and a tation, the HLA antigens of donors and patients are skin rash on her hands, feet, and face. She also had matched as closely as possible to decrease the risk occasional episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. However many minor antigenic mark- Clinical chemistry results showed her serum liver ers that can cause immunological incompatibility enzymes (LDH, ALT) and bilirubin level to be ele- differ between individuals. Such reactions usually occur when reaction is diagnosed, treatment with corticoste- immunologically competent cells are introduced roids, such as prednisone and prednisolone, is usu- into an immunocompromised host. Lazo and Jennifer Rubin Grandis Most drugs used today are designed to treat symp- tient in a phase I gene therapy protocol. Notable stimulated a substantial review of the oversight mecha- exceptions include cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents, nisms in human gene transfer research. One of the first as described in Chapter 56, and agents that restore or successes of gene therapy was reported in 2000, when modulate hormone function, as outlined in Chapter 57. The first disease-associated gene, -globin, was C transgene expression in T- and NK cells was de- cloned over 25 years ago. It is now theoretically possible tected and T-, B-, and NK-cell counts and function were to isolate, sequence, and analyze genes causally associ- comparable to those of age-matched controls. Moreover, with the com- orous approach to investigating the safety and efficacy plete sequencing of the human genome, many of the es- of gene transfer will ensure that clinical strategies em- timated 100,000 human genes may become candidates ploying genetic manipulation are rationally incorpo- for genetic manipulations. GENE THERAPY: DEFINITION Germ cell gene therapy will require considerable dis- AND GOALS cussion about ethical issues and extensive information before it can be applied to humans, but somatic cell gene The broadest definition of human gene therapy includes therapy in humans is now being extensively explored. Principles of proved by the Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA, gene therapy include transfer of one or more transgenes formerly the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee) to prevent a disease, prevent an adverse consequence of of the National Institutes of Health. Although most of the controversy and excitement have With few exceptions, gene therapy was considered centered on the transfer of functional genes, the thera- safe if not particularly effective until the death of an 18- peutic potential of genes that abrogate aberrant func- year-old man in 1999, the first fatal outcome for a pa- tion (e. A second approach seeks permanent alteration of the genotype of the cell, Infectious leading to a modified phenotype that prevents or alters disease 7% a disease state. Theoretically, mutated or nonfunctional genes could be excised and replaced, and new genes with desired Monogenic functions could be permanently inserted into the diseases 12% genome. Because of the Cancer 63% technical difficulties associated with the delivery of nu- cleic acid–based products selectively to specific target cells in vivo, more experimental information is available FIGURE 58. During the past 5 years in the United States more than 500 human gene therapy clinical trials have been approved by the Office of Biotechnology Activities of the National ANTISENSE Institutes of Health. In the first, cleotide that is in the reverse orientation (antisense) to a genetic material is introduced into cells to alter the cel- portion of a target messenger RNA (mRNA) species, is lular phenotype but not the genotype. This is typified by introduced into a cell and a DNA–RNA duplex is formed the transfer of unintegrated DNA, antisense oligomers, by complementary Watson-Crick base pairing. In this regard, gene therapy has many of of protein synthesis then may result from the rapid DNA Insert Vector Antisense Oligomer Integration into genome hnRNA Sense mRNA hnRNA Antisense mRNA DNA RNA Nucleus duplex RNA RNA duplex Ribonuclease H Cell FIGURE 58. Cells and or- plexes designed to bind to a particular transcription fac- ganisms protect themselves against foreign DNA and tor and prevent its normal function are another ap- RNA by producing nucleases that degrade phosphodi- proach examined in the context of NF B blockade. Chemical modifi- These strategies, like antisense itself, do not require in- cation of the phosphodiester moiety can produce nucle- tegration into the genome, and thus they share the phar- ase-resistant oligomers. In the two most common macological problems of absorption, distribution, me- chemical analogues, the backbone phosphate is replaced tabolism, and elimination of any traditional drug not either with a methyl group to form a methyl phosphonate based on nucleic acid. These modifications grant extra stability to the oligonucleotides, allowing for a longer half-life in vivo. GENE EXCISION AND REPLACEMENT The antisense RNA can also be generated within cells after delivery via a plasmid or attenuated virus Diseases at a genetic level can result from several containing a suitable promoter that controls expression causes, including (1) mutation in a gene, (2) loss of ex- of the antisense strand using methods of gene insertion pression of a gene, (3) elevated expression of a gene, or described later (Fig. In sense strategies, several related approaches have been each case, gene replacement or excision therapy might considered. Theoretically, the disease gene could be re- zymes capable of degrading complementary mRNA placed through a homologous recombination event. Oli- Depending on the design of the replacement gene, it gomers designed to interact with genes directly via also would be possible to engineer stop codons or non- Hoogsteen hydrogen binding in a triplex formation sense sequences into the internal domains of a gene to have been suggested as a means of disrupting transcrip- ensure loss of protein production. Excision of an entire O Base O O P O O n DNA Transcription O Base O O P S O n Phosphorothioate Definition of symbols: Triplex Decoy duplex O Base Oligomer O O DNA Transcription P factor CH3 O n Methylphosphonate FIGURE 58.
Since alcohol relievers such as acetaminophen buy kamagra soft 100mg with mastercard erectile dysfunction treatment mn, using a vaporizer to can irritate the throat kamagra soft 100mg overnight delivery cough syrup causes erectile dysfunction, consumption may need to be limited. Resources For an infant who is clearly struggling for air, a doc- BOOKS Albright, Peter. The Complete Book of Complementary Thera- tor may put in an artificial airway for a short period of pies. Emmaus, PA: Rodale When a doctor is consulted, antibiotics may be pre- Press, Inc. The Family Guide to Preventing and Treat- The prognosis for people with laryngitis is excellent ing 100 Infectious Diseases. Liz Swain Laughter therapy see Humor therapy Lavender Description Lavender is a hardy perennial in the Lamiaciae, or mint, family. There are many species of lavendula which vary somewhat in appearance and aromatic quality. Taking just a few whiffs of this sweet- This fragrant, bushy shrub has been widely cultivat- smelling herb is said to dispel dizziness. The tiny, tubular, mauve-blue blos- women in labor clutched sprigs of lavender to bring soms grow in whorls of six to ten flowers along square, added courage and strength to the task of childbearing. These flower decoction of the flower may be used as a feminine spikes stretch upward beyond the 12-18 inch (3. The sachets, may be used to repel moths and to scent cloth- blossoms are well liked by bees and a good source of ing, or may be lit like incense to scent a room. The needle-like, evergreen, downy leaves are a of its fumigant properties, the herb was hung in the home light, silver-gray. They are lanceolate, opposite, and ses- to repel flies and mosquitoes, and strewn about to sani- sile, and grow from a branched stem. It can be taken in a mild infusion, or can be rubbed on the temples, General use or sniffed like smelling salts to provide relief from Lavender is best known and loved for its fragrance. Lavender oil is antiseptic, and The herb has been used since ancient times in perfumery. In high GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 1185 doses, it can kill many common bacteria such as typhoid, fresh flowers should be added and the process repeated diphtheria, streptococcus, and pneumococcus, according to until the oil has the desired aromatic strength. The essential oil has also been used as a extract can be safely used internally to treat migraines, folk treatment for the bite of some venomous snakes. A few drops on a sugar cube When used in hydrotherapy as part of an aromatic, can speed headache relief. Externally, a small amount of Epsom salt bath, the essential oils of some species will lavender oil, rubbed on sore joints, can relieve rheuma- soothe tired nerves and relieve the pain of neuralgia. The essential oil has also been used to minimize are also used topically on burns and have been shown to scar tissue when applied to burned skin. It is also a fine addition to a foot bath for Lavender sachet: Dried lavender blossoms and sore feet. Lavender essence makes a pleasant massage oil leaves can be sewn into a small cloth bag to scent linens for kneading sore muscles and joints. Lavender is an adju- Lavender vinegar: Fresh leaves and blossoms may vant and may be used in combination with other herbs to be steeped in white vinegar for seven days, then strained make a tonic cordial to strengthen the nervous system. A 2002 report from Korea showed that aromather- Precautions apy massage with lavender oil and tea tree oil on pa- tients undergoing hemodialysis for kidney failure re- Lavender has a long history of use as an essential oil ceived relief from the itching the treatment often causes. It is important to note that, as with all es- sential oils, high or chronic doses of lavender essential Preparations oil are toxic to the kidney and liver. Infants are even The medicinal properties of lavender are extracted more easily overdosed than adults. The Interestingly, lavenderís relaxant effects were put to plant contains volatile oil, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, the test in a 2002 study on aromatherapyís effects on im- and triterpenoids as active chemical components. It seems that phytochemicals are the plant constituents responsible for study subjects who smelled lavender actually did worse the medicinal properties. So when extracted from flowers picked before they reach those choosing to use lavenderís soothing effects should maximum bloom and following a long period of hot and perhaps choose the timing carefully.
Prompt tors such as injection volume buy kamagra soft 100mg without prescription erectile dysfunction doctors in san fernando valley, injection site generic 100 mg kamagra soft amex male erectile dysfunction pills review, and blood insulin zinc suspension (Semilente) is also a fast-acting flow at the site of administration. Rapid-acting and short-acting insulins are often amino acid modifications that promote rapid entry into administered two to three times a day or more. Conjugation of the insulin has a similar affinity for the insulin receptor, but it cannot molecule with either zinc or protamine or both will con- form stable hexamers or dimers in subcutaneous tissue, vert the normally rapidly absorbed parenterally admin- which promotes its rapid uptake and absorption. In addition to binding to the insulin re- Hagedorn, NPH) has a rate of absorption that has been ceptor, insulin aspart also binds to the insulinlike slowed by complexing insulin with protamine, a polyva- growth factor (IGF-1) receptor, which shares structural lent cation. However, at physi- trol diabetes in a variety of situations except during ological and pharmacological levels, the metabolic ef- emergencies (e. Both lispro insulin acting insulin preparations are usually given once or and insulin aspart have relatively fast onsets and short twice a day. Allergic reactions due to the use of zinc in the mixture than is found in isophane insulin sus- animal-derived insulins has subsided since the use of re- pension. Insulin zinc suspension, extended (Ultralente combinant DNA-derived human insulin became wide- Insulin), is quite similar to the protamine zinc insulin spread. Also, hypokalemia Insulin glargine (Lantus) is a long-acting insulin can follow acute insulin administration, an effect that is analogue that does not use zinc or protamine to modu- due to the stimulation of Na –K –ATPase (adenosine late insulin solubility. The introduction of two positive triphosphatase) with its resultant redistribution of K to arginine residues at the carboxy terminus of the -chain the intracellular compartment. A thin, ac- Injection of insulin glargine forms microprecipitates in tive type I diabetic will have very different insulin re- subcutaneous tissue as the pH is raised from 4 to phys- quirements from those of a sedentary, obese type II di- iological. Hence, it is not possible to provide a cookbook site of injection mimics the basal secretion of insulin approach for designing all diabetes regimens. Other considerations, such as work it is necessary to maintain its acidic pH prior to injec- schedule and mealtimes, are important in determining tion, insulin glargine must not be mixed with any other the way the insulin is divided proportionally to cover form of insulin during injection. Although there is quite a bit of variation, most diabetics have about half to two-thirds of their insulin as a long-acting Adverse Reactions to Insulin Therapy preparation, and the rest is usually delivered as a rapid- The most common side effect associated with insulin or short-acting insulin. In many cases, diabetics product is 75/25 insulin, which contains 75% protamine are aware that hypoglycemia is developing, and prompt lispro and 25% lispro insulin. While these combination glucose or intramuscular glucagon is required to reverse products may be convenient for some patients and can the hypoglycemia. Some is due to increased caloric storage of arately mixing their rapid- or short-acting insulin with glucose by insulin, and some is due to renal sodium re- an intermediate- or long-acting insulin to arrive at a ra- tention resulting in fluid retention and edema. The pumps Other complications arising from insulin therapy are provide a basal rate of insulin between meals and can uncommon. Sometimes, diabetics treated with exoge- be manually adjusted to facilitate glycemic control at 67 Insulin and Oral Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus 771 mealtimes. Pumps are usually worn 2 to 3 Although their structural similarities to the sulfon- days before the tubing and needle are changed. ORAL AGENTS FOR TREATING Mechanism of Action DIABETES MELLITUS The primary mechanism of action of the sulfonylureas is Although insulin has the disadvantage of having to be direct stimulation of insulin release from the pancreatic injected, it is without question the most uniformly ef- -cells. Some milder fonylureas enhance the release of endogenous insulin, forms of diabetes mellitus that do not respond to diet thereby reducing blood glucose levels. At higher doses, management or weight loss and exercise can be treated these drugs also decrease hepatic glucose production, with oral hypoglycemic agents. The success of oral hy- and the second-generation sulfonylureas may possess poglycemic drug therapy is usually based on a restora- additional extrapancreatic effects that increase insulin tion of normal blood glucose levels and the absence of sensitivity, though the clinical significance of these phar- glycosuria. Because these drugs do not have to the number of viable -cells in these forms of diabetes be injected, oral agents enhance compliance in type II is small. These classes of drugs are not generally used to the sulfonylureas, possibly because of the insulin re- in type I diabetes. The Sulfonylurea Receptor Sulfonylureas The sulfonylurea receptor was identified as an adeno- Sulfonylureas are the most widely prescribed drugs in sine triphosphate (ATP) sensitive potassium (KATP) the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. Less common adverse re- the -cell triggers insulin granule fusion to the -cell actions include muscular weakness, ataxia, dizziness, membrane and insulin release.
The element of time buy kamagra soft 100 mg overnight delivery erectile dysfunction icd 9 code wiki, associated with clinical information can be identified as an important aspect in the delivery and automation of decision support that can be facilitated by Internet-based healthcare delivery 100 mg kamagra soft free shipping erectile dysfunction blogs forums. It has recently been reported that the element of time has not had its full potential exploited in terms of the benefits it can offer in medical decision support systems (Augusto, 2003a). Although Internet-based systems and medical decision support systems are slowly merging, consideration must also be given to the tools required to analyze time related information and give consideration as to how they can be incorporated into Internet-based healthcare delivery. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Although usually unconsciously, we need to make considerations on a daily basis regarding the preferred order that some of our activities have to be performed in, or for how long some of these activities will last. Frequently deadlines have to be met, such as at work we are constantly undertaking activities which have prescribed time limits, in our personal lives we engage in activities that are constrained by time; to collect children from school or to reach the supermarket before it closes. These activities sustain our perception of time ubiquity and provide a clear practical motivation behind the research in TR. The importance of addressing the way in which humans deal with time-related notions was identified in the 1970s as an important goal to be addressed by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community as a step towards providing intelligent behavior from computing systems. Research in the area has been steadily increasing over the past two decades and as a result much understanding about the related problems has been gained and many techniques and associated tools are now available. An elementary issue relates to the temporal references to be used (hours, minutes, calendar Figure 3. Qualitative temporal relationships between durative and non-durative temporal references (a) interval-interval case (b) point-point case (c) point-interval case Copyright © 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Management and Analysis of Time-Related Data in Internet-Based Healthcare 39 dates, etc. Some of the more basic temporal frameworks are based either on time points, on intervals or on a combination of both. Figure 3 (a) depicts at an intuitive level, the possible meaningful situations two intervals can be in. Part (b) shows the two meaningful relative positions for two points, while part (c) shows the possible situations between a point and an interval. Explicit details of how the aforementioned can be integrated in a TR system can be found in Allen (1984) and Meiri (1991). Temporal references provide a way to directly represent situations involving different types of sequential or concurrent time-related concepts like states holding for a given period or events that can provoke a transition in the system from one state to the next one. Specific research has been focused on repetitive patterns that may be used to reason about processes (Cukierman & Delgrande, 2000). The durative time references included in Figure 3 are called intervals and rely on precise knowledge about their duration. However, it is usually the case that the knowledge available is not as precise as desired, for example, it may be known when an event started but not when it finished or vice versa; these are called semi-intervals (see Freksa, 1992). If for example the end of an interval is not known then it may be important to infer when, possibly within some boundaries, the point at which the semi-interval can be supposed to persist to (see Sadri, 1987; Augusto 2003b). It is impossible to give here a full coverage of all the subtleties involved in TR. We have introduced some basic concepts and invite the interested reader to review the following to obtain a more complete picture of the subtleties, challenges and benefits involved in using TR: Newton-Smith (1980); Shoham (1987); Sandewall (1994); Galton (1995) and Augusto (2001). Reflecting the many possible instances of time-related information in medicine there has been quite an intense research activity in the area during the last decade. See for example some of the special issues focused on the topic: Keravnou (1991); Keravnou (1996); Combi & Shahar (1997); Shahar & Combi (1999) and a more recent survey by Augusto (2003a). A long list of general activities has been identified as key initial steps in the process to provide explicit temporal awareness for systems related to medicine (Shahar, 1999). Determining bounds for absolute occurrences, some information may be missing, for example we know when some symptoms finished but not when they started. Hence it is possible by using other information to infer, at least within some time boundaries, the point in time at which the symptoms started.
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