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By J. Ur-Gosh. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. 2018.
Opium was described as an ex- rected more to intellectual pursuits of science viagra extra dosage 120mg sale erectile dysfunction depression medication, rhetoric viagra extra dosage 200 mg mastercard jack3d causes erectile dysfunction, and phi- cellent painkiller. An educated individual was expected to be acquainted Until recently, the Chinese have been possessive of their with all fields of knowledge, and it was only natural that great beliefs, and for this reason Western cultures were not influenced strides were made in the sciences. Per- Perhaps the first written reference to the anatomy of haps the best known but least understood of the Chinese contri- wounds sustained in battle is contained in the Iliad, written by butions to human anatomy and medicine is acupuncture. Homer’s detailed descriptions of the Acupuncture is an ancient practice that was established to anatomy of wounds were exceedingly accurate. Three hundred scribed clean wounds—not the type of traumatic wounds that sixty-five precise meridian sites, or vital points, corresponding to would likely be suffered on a battlefield. This has led to specula- the number of days in a year, were identified on the body (fig. Acupuncture human sacrifice may have served as subjects for anatomical study is still practiced in China and has gained acceptance with some and demonstration. Hippocrates The painkilling effect of acupuncture has been documented and is Hippocrates (460–377 B. Acupuncture sites have been identified cians of his time, is regarded as the father of medicine because of on domestic animals and have been used to a limited degree in the sound principles of medical practice that his school estab- veterinary medicine. His name is memorialized in the Hippocratic tery, although it has recently been correlated with endorphin pro- oath, which many graduating medical students repeat as a duction within the brain (see chapter 11). Hippocrates probably had only limited exposure to human Japan dissections, but he was well disciplined in the popular humoral theory of body organization. Four body humors were recognized, The advancement of anatomy in Japan was strongly influenced by the Chinese and Dutch. The earliest records of anatomical interest in Japan date back to the sixth century. History of Anatomy © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Companies, 2001 Chapter 1 History of Anatomy 9 (a) (b) FIGURE 1. Acupressure is application of finger-point pressure at specific meridian sites to manage pain. Phlegm (pronounced flem) within the upper respiratory sys- tem is symptomatic of several pulmonary disorders. Sanguine, a term with the lungs; and melancholy, or black bile, with the spleen. A that originally referred to blood, is used to describe a passionate healthy person was thought to have a balance of the four hu- temperament. The concept of humors has long since been discarded, but cheerfulness and optimism that accompanied a sanguine personal- it dominated medical thought for over 2,000 years. Perhaps the greatest contribution of Hippocrates was that he attributed diseases to natural causes rather than to the dis- Aristotle pleasure of the gods. He was also a renowned The four humors are a part of our language and medical teacher and was hired by King Philip of Macedonia to tutor his son, practice even today. Melancholy is a term used to describe Alexander, who later became known as Alexander the Great. History of Anatomy © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy, Sixth Edition Companies, 2001 10 Unit 1 Historical Perspective The Hippocratic Oath I swear by Apollo Physician and Aesculapius and Hygeia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant: To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art—if they desire to learn it— without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but to no one else. I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work. Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief, and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves. What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.
Given adequate nutritional resources buy viagra extra dosage 130 mg free shipping erectile dysfunction ayurvedic drugs, however generic 130mg viagra extra dosage overnight delivery erectile dysfunction on zoloft, there is little evidence of other damaging effects of maternal exercise on fetal development. The failure of exercise to harm well-nourished pregnant women may re- late in part to the increased maternal and fetal mass and blood volume, which reduces specific heat loads, moderates vaso- constriction in the uterine and umbilical circulations, and di- minishes the maternal exercise capacity. At least in previously active women, even the most in- tense concurrent exercise regimen (unless associated with The dependence of minute ventilation on FIGURE 30. Ventilation or embryogenesis, although the combined effects of exer- rises linearly with intensity until exercise nears maximal levels. CHAPTER 30 Exercise Physiology 557 terial PO2 (and, hence, oxygen content), PCO2, and pH all The ventilatory control mechanisms in exercise remain remain unchanged from resting levels (Table 30. Where there are stimuli—such as in mixed ve- respiratory muscles accomplish this severalfold increase in nous blood, which is hypercapnic and hypoxic in propor- ventilation primarily by increasing tidal volume, without tion to exercise intensity—there are seemingly no recep- provoking sensations of dyspnea. Conversely, where there are receptors—the carotid More intense exercise presents the lungs with tougher bodies, the lung parenchyma or airways, the brainstem challenges. Near the halfway point from rest to maximal bathed by cerebrospinal fluid—no stimulus proportional to dynamic work, lactic acid formed in working muscles be- the exercise demand exists. This point, which de- chemoreceptor is immersed in increasing alkalinity as exer- pends on the type of work involved and the person’s cise intensifies, a consequence of blood-brain barrier per- training status, is called the lactate threshold. Perhaps exercise concentration gradually rises with work intensity, as respiratory control parallels cardiovascular control, with a more and more muscle fibers must rely on anaerobic me- central command proportional to muscle activity directly tabolism. Almost fully dissociated, lactic acid causes stimulating the respiratory center and feedback modulation metabolic acidosis. During exercise, healthy lungs re- from the lung, respiratory muscles, chest wall mechanore- spond to lactic acidosis by further increasing ventilation, ceptors, and carotid body chemoreceptors. Through a range of exercise Unchanged by Training levels, the pH effects of lactic acid are fully compensated The effects of training on the pulmonary system are mini- by the respiratory system; however, eventually in the mal. Lung diffusing capacity, lung mechanics, and even hardest work—near-exhaustion—ventilatory compensa- lung volumes change little, if at all, with training. The wide- tion becomes only partial, and both pH and arterial PCO2 spread assumption that training improves vital capacity is may fall well below resting values (see Table 30. Tidal false; even exercise designed specifically to increase inspi- volume continues to increase until pulmonary stretch re- ratory muscle strength elevates vital capacity by only 3%. The demands placed on respiratory muscles increase their Frequency increases at high tidal volume produce the re- endurance, an adaptation that may reduce the sensation of mainder of the ventilatory volume increases. Nonetheless, the primary respiratory Hyperventilation relative to carbon dioxide produc- changes with training are secondary to lower lactate pro- tion in heavy exercise helps maintain arterial oxygena- duction that reduces ventilatory demands at previously tion. The blood returned to the lungs during exercise is heavy absolute work levels. Because the pulmonary arterial PO2 is re- In Lung Disease, Respiratory Limitations May Be duced in exercise, blood shunted past ventilated areas can Evidenced by Shortness of Breath or Decreased profoundly depress systemic arterial oxygen content. Oxygen Content of Arterial Blood Other than having a diminished oxygen content, pul- monary arterial blood flow (cardiac output) rises during Any compromise of lung or chest wall function is much exercise. In compensation, ventilation rises faster than more apparent during exercise than at rest. One hallmark of cardiac output: The ventilation-perfusion ratio of the lung disease is dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing) dur- lung rises from near 1 at rest to greater than 4 with stren- ing exertion, when this exertion previously was unprob- uous exercise (see Table 30. Restrictive lung diseases limit tidal volume, reduc- nearly constant arterial PO2 with acute exercise, although ing the ventilatory reserve volumes and exercise capacity. This in- Obstructive lung diseases increase the work of breathing, crease shows that, despite the increase in the ventilation- exaggerating dyspnea and limiting work output. Lung dis- perfusion ratio, areas of relative pulmonary underventila- eases that compromise oxygen diffusion from alveolus to tion and, possibly, some mild diffusion limitation exist blood exaggerate exercise-induced widening of the alveo- even in highly trained, healthy individuals. Second, Normally, the respiratory system does not limit exercise their primary complaint is usually shortness of breath, or tolerance. In fact, patients with chronic obstructive pul- tion with oxygen, which averages 98% at rest, is main- monary disease often first seek medical evaluation be- tained at or near 98% in even the most strenuous dy- cause of dyspnea experienced during such routine activi- namic or isometric exercise. In healthy people, includes the ability to augment ventilation more than car- exhaustion is rarely associated solely with dyspnea. In em- diac output; the resulting rise in the ventilation-perfusion physematous patients, exercise-induced dyspnea results, ratio counterbalances the falling oxygen content of in part, from respiratory muscle fatigue exacerbated by di- mixed venous blood. Third, in emphysematous patients, arterial oxygen exercise occur long before ceilings are imposed by either saturation will characteristically fall steeply and progres- skeletal muscle oxidative capacity or by the ability of the sively with increasing exercise, sometimes reaching dan- cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to exercising gerously low levels.
If that is so then clozapine generic 150mg viagra extra dosage mastercard erectile dysfunction caused by fatigue, which occupies only 20±40% of the D2 receptors at a therapeutic concentration quality 150mg viagra extra dosage erectile dysfunction caused by obesity, must have some other action which accounts for its therapeutic effectiveness. Its activity at D1 receptors has been put forward as a possibility and although it has a relatively higher affinity for D1 than D2 receptors, compared with typical neuroleptics, it is still a weak antagonist at both and in the absence of evidence for D1 (or D5) receptor involvement in schizophrenia the significance of any D1 antagonism is unclear. K1 (nM) values for clozapine at D2 and D1 receptors are 56 and 141 compared with 0. A relatively strong block of D1 compared with D2 receptors may not be the answer for schizophrenia but it could reduce the tendency to produce dyskinesias, if this depends on D1 receptor activation (see Fig. Among the D2 family of receptors (D2,D3 and D4) the D2 receptor itself seems to be the most important. At a therapeutic concentration, most neuroleptics, except clozapine (and risperidone), should, according to in vitro binding studies, be occupying 50±70% of brain D2 receptors. The picture is similar for D3 receptors but only clozapine (and SCHIZOPHRENIA 365 risperidone and olanzapine) occupy more than 50% of D4 receptors at a therapeutic dose. This relative selectivity of clozapine for D4 receptors with their restricted location, even if it is in small numbers, to the prefrontal cortex has stimulated much interest in their involvement in schizophrenia and the control of negative symptoms. There has been one report (Seeman, Guan and Van Tol 1993), refuted by others, of a sixfold increase in D4 receptors in schizophrenic brain. Unfortunately the measurements were made in striatum rather than cortex and depended on the difference in the binding of aD,D,D2 3 4 antagonist nemonopride compared with that of a D2 and D3 antagonist raclopride. D4 occupancy was thus inferred rather than established by a specific D4 antagonist. When such a selective D4 antagonist, L-745,870, became available and was tested in 38 schizophrenics it proved ineffective at what were considered to be doses sufficient to occupy 50% of the D4 receptors (Bristow et al. It has not been used apparently to assess D4 receptor number in schizophrenic brain. There are few specific drugs for D3 receptors but D3 knock-out mice show no behavioural defects. Thus the significance of any DA receptor other than the D2 still remains to be established (see Seeman and Van Tol 1994; Sokoloff and Schwartz 1995; Strange 1994). Involvement of other NTs Acetylcholine Neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism (but not tardive dyskinesias) can be reduced by antimuscarinic drugs. It is generally assumed that neuroleptic antagonism of DA- mediated inhibition in the striatum leaves the excitatory muscarinic action of ACh unchecked (Fig. The atypical neuro- leptics thioridizine and clozapine both have potent inherent antimuscarinic activity with PA2 values (7±8) similar to that for atropine and more than a hundredfold that of a typical neuroleptic-like haloperidol. Thus each compound has the ability to nullify its own antidopamine effect in the striatum and stop Parkinsonian symptoms developing (Fig. There is no evidence that antimuscarinic activity has any effect on schizo- phrenia and thioridizine has no more effect on negative symptoms than typical neuroleptics. Of course, since clozapine is also a weaker D2 antagonist than thioridizine this automatically reduces its ability to produce EPSs anyway. This has centred primarily on 5-HT2A receptors found in the limbic cortex, which are linked to neuronal excitation and believed to mediate the hallucinogenic effects of drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Generally most atypical neuroleptics have higher affinity for 5-HT2 than D2 receptors while typical ones retain a preference for the D2 receptor. There is, however, no infallible separation since chlorpromazine (typical neuroleptic) is more active at 5-HT2A 366 NEUROTRANSMITTERS, DRUGS AND BRAIN FUNCTION Figure 17. Normally the inhibitory effects of DA released from nigrostriatal afferents on to striatal neuron D2 receptors is believed to balance the excitatory effect of ACh from intrinsic neurons acting on muscarinic (M2) receptors (a). Typical neuroleptics block the inhibitory effect of DA which leaves unopposed the excitatory effect of ACh (b) leading to the augmented activity of the striatal neurons and EPSs (see Fig. An atypical neuroleptic with intrinsic antimuscarinic activity reduces this possibility by counteracting the excitatory effects of released ACh as well as the inhibitory effects of DA (c). Thus the control of striatal neurons remains balanced than D2 receptors and remoxidpride (atypical) more active at D2 than 5-HT2A.
In such cases discount 150mg viagra extra dosage overnight delivery erectile dysfunction from alcohol, the ready availability of gly- storage capacity (the equivalent of 138 moles of ATP per colytic ATP compensates for the relatively low yield of mole of a typical fatty acid) makes it an ideal energy store cheap 120mg viagra extra dosage visa l-arginine erectile dysfunction treatment. The depletion of body fat reserves is almost never a limit- In most muscles, especially under conditions of rest or ing factor in muscle activity. However, protein is used by products of glycolysis) to supply the energy needs of the muscles for fuel mainly during dieting and starvation or contractile system. Under such conditions, proteins are several physiological mechanisms come into play to in- broken down into amino acids that provide energy for con- crease the blood supply (and, thus, the oxygen) to the traction and that can be resynthesized into glucose to meet working muscle. The gly- ing energy for contraction and the recycling of metabolites colytic pathway can continue to operate because the ex- (e. In addition to its oxygen- and formation of lactic acid, by preventing a buildup of pyru- carbon dioxide-carrying functions, the enhanced blood vic acid, also allows for the restoration of the enzyme supply to exercising muscle provides for a rapid exchange cofactor NAD , needed for a critical step in the gly- of essential metabolic materials and the removal of heat. Thus, ATP can continue to be produced under Those muscles adapted for mostly aerobic metabolism anaerobic conditions. This The accumulation of lactic acid is the largest contributor iron-containing molecule, essentially a monomeric form of (more than 60%) to oxygen deficit, which allows short-term the blood protein hemoglobin (see Chapter 11), gives aer- anaerobic metabolism to take place despite a relative lack of obic muscles their characteristic red color. Other depleted muscle oxygen stores have a smaller gen storage capacity of myoglobin is quite low, and it does capacity but can still participate in oxygen deficit. The largest not make a significant direct contribution to the cellular of these is the creatine phosphate pool (approximately 25%). Chapters 9 and 10 ATP levels return to normal, the energy stored in the crea- discuss metabolic adaptations that are specific to skeletal, tine phosphate energy pool is also replenished. REVIEW QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Each of the numbered (C) Maintain the separation of thick stretched beyond its optimal length items or incomplete statements in this and thin filaments when the muscle is (but not to the point where damage section is followed by answers or at rest occurs), the reduction in contractile completions of the statement. Select the (D) Promote the binding of calcium force is due to ONE lettered answer or completion that is ions to the regulatory proteins (A) Lengthening of the myofilaments so BEST in each case. Calcium ions are required for the that crossbridges become spaced farther normal activation of all muscle types. Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle Which statement below most closely (B) Decreased overlap between thick all have which of the following in describes the role of calcium ions in and thin filaments, which reduces the common? During the shortening of skeletal filaments action potential muscle, (D) A high concentration of calcium (B) A rapid release of calcium from its (A) The distance between Z lines stays ions in the myofilament space is storage sites in the T tubules the same required to maintain muscle in a (C) A rapid release of calcium from the (B) The width of the I band changes relaxed state. The normal process of relaxation in reticulum (D) All internal spacings between skeletal muscle depends on (D) A release of calcium that is bound repeating structures change (A) A sudden reduction in the amount to cytoplasmic proteins in the region proportionately of ATP available for the crossbridge of the myofilaments 3. The relaxation of skeletal muscle is energy for muscle contraction during (B) Metabolically supported pumping associated with a reduction in free the crossbridge cycle. A second of calcium out of the cells when the intracellular calcium ion concentration. When an isolated skeletal muscle is molecules (continued) CHAPTER 8 Contractile Properties of Muscle Cells 151 (C) A change in the chemical nature of support contraction at a reduced rate (C) The muscle would continue to the myosin molecules, reducing their 11. In the face of insufficient oxygen to develop force, but its relaxation would enzymatic activity meet its current metabolic be slowed (D) Reduced contractile interaction by requirements, skeletal muscle (D) Activation of the muscle would no the binding of calcium to the active (A) Quickly loses its ability to contract longer be possible sites of the myosin molecules and relaxes until oxygen is again 9. The chemical energy source that most available SUGGESTED READING directly supports muscle contraction is (B) Maintains contraction by using Bagshaw CR. Muscle Physiology and Cardiac (C) ATP (C) Maintains contraction by using a Function. Carmel, IN: Biological Sci- (D) Free fatty acids large internal store of ATP that is kept ences Press-Cooper Group, 2000. Cellular Physiology of of ATP for skeletal muscle contraction, (D) Contracts more slowly at a given Nerve and Muscle. Boston: (A) Myofilament interaction ceases, force, resulting in a saving of energy Blackwell, 1991. Calcium in Muscle Contraction: (B) Actin and myosin filaments cannot sarcoplasmic reticulum were impaired Cellular and Molecular Physiology. New York: Springer-Verlag, (C) Creatine phosphate can directly (A) Muscles would relax more quickly 1992. Molecular Mechanisms in although less efficiently (B) Contraction would be slowed, but Muscle Contraction. Boca Raton: CRC (D) The lower energy form, ADP, can the muscle would relax normally Press, 1990.
Transit is significantly faster in the other parts the beginning of the emptying curve purchase viagra extra dosage 200mg with visa erectile dysfunction when cheating, not at the end buy viagra extra dosage 200 mg fast delivery impotence hypertension. The plateau phase of the gastric ac- Weakness in the puborectalis muscle allows the tion potential and the associated trailing contraction anorectal angle to straighten and lose its barrier func- increase in direct relation to the amount of ACh re- tion to the passage of feces into the anorectum. Choice leased by excitatory motor neurons to the antral mus- A is incorrect because the rectoanal reflex (i. The higher the firing frequency of the excita- ation of the internal anal sphincter in response to dis- tory motor neurons, the more ACh is released. Choice tension of the rectum) does not weaken significantly in B is not correct because the release of NE from sympa- older persons. Choice B is incorrect because a deficit in thetic postganglionic neurons decreases the amplitude sensory detection, not elevated sensitivity, can be a of the plateau phase of the gastric action potential. Choice C is incorrect be- Choice C is incorrect because the firing frequency of cause adult Hirschsprung’s disease results in constipa- the pacemaker does not affect the amplitude of the tion, not incontinence. Opening of the pylorus cannot affect pseudoobstruction is not associated with fecal inconti- the trailing contraction; nevertheless, the pylorus is nence because propulsive motility is absent as a result closed as the trailing contraction approaches. Salivary secretion is exclusively un- in slowing gastric emptying because they have the der neural control. Decreased pH in the duode- hormonal stimulation and are, therefore, only partially num is also a powerful suppressant of gastric emptying. As the gastric reservoir fills during a which stimulates salivary secretion. CCK stimulates the cytes is sodium-dependent and is not dependent on gallbladder to contract and the pancreas to secrete a calcium, iron, potassium, or chloride. Secretin stimulates secretion of a bi- sorption of vitamin B12 by the ileum. CCK stimulates a pancreatic secre- matostatin, and CCK are secreted by specialized GI tion rich in enzymes and potentiates the action of se- endocrine cells, whereas chylomicrons are produced cretin. Although the cephalic and intestinal sults in acid hypersecretion and peptic ulcer disease. Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the for- failure of the liver to secrete VLDLs, or failure to se- mation of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and wa- crete a bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice. Lactase hydrolyzes lactose to form ide from carbon and oxygen, bicarbonate ion from both glucose and galactose. None of the other combi- carbonic acid, hydrochloric acid, or hypochlorous nations is correct. Because maltose does not contain galactose or the release of kallikrein by the salivary acinar cells, fructose, none of the other choices is correct. Kinins include taken up by enterocytes through a sodium-dependent bradykinin and lysyl-bradykinin. Xylose and sucrose are not taken up by en- leases amino acids from the amino end of peptides and terocytes. Intrinsic factor is secreted by the The hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, not triglyc- parietal cells of the stomach and is not secreted by the eride, results in the formation of lysophosphatidyl- salivary glands. Although diglyceride is an intermediate in the ramidase are found in saliva. In the fasting state, the pH of the drolysis continues until 2-monoglyceride and fatty stomach is low, between 1 and 2. Salivary secretion is inhibited by at- triglyceride totally to form glycerol and fatty acids. The small intestine transports dietary petitively inhibits ACh at postganglionic sites, inhibit- triglyceride as chylomicrons in lymph. Aspirin is the most widely used analgesic (pain pathway for the transport of dietary lipids to the circu- reducer), antipyretic (fever reducer), and anti-inflam- lation by the small intestine. Omeprazole inhibits the H /K -ATPase crete LDLs, and although it does secrete HDLs, they and, thus, inhibits acid secretion. The chief cells of the stomach secrete to the blood by the small intestine. Amino acids, as well as dipeptides crete hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor. Gastrin and tripeptides, use different brush border transporters and CCK are secreted by specialized endocrine cells. Histamine interacts with its receptor taken up passively by any part of the GI tract.
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