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By I. Harek. Roosevelt University.
When the above control loops operate to make process changes buy super viagra 160 mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction in young age, morphogenic changes occur in the knowledge phases of our knowledge cycle super viagra 160mg otc newest erectile dysfunction drugs. When the control processes are complex and control action fails, knowledge process metamorphosis can occur (Yolles, 1999). As an example of a metamorphic change, a new concept may be born during the process of knowledge migration. Conclusions This is a good point to return to the hospital wing joke that we introduced this chapter with. We have argued that for healthcare perspectives to be coordinated there is a need to share knowledge, and we have explored the knowledge sharing possibilities for healthcare staff. However, the capability for organizations to share knowledge requires that healthcare organizations need to develop a capacity to recognize and use knowledge for patients and staff as well as organizationally. Organizational knowledge exists by virtue of the individuals associated with it, and there is a need to recognize that knowledge creation and sharing involves processes of knowledge migration, where knowledge transmitted in a communication from one individual to another also may not be the knowledge that is assembled. There is a difference in the way knowledge creation is structured, whether one adopts a positivist or another epistemology. The ideas of Nonaka and Takeuchi would appear quite influential in the development of a theory of knowledge creation. While they are constructivist in their perception of each phase process, they are overall structurally positivist. It is not uncommon to have this type of usually benign methodological schizophrenia, though it may well be more aesthetic not to. An alternative approach that is fundamentally critical (even though it entertains the notion of control) and that does not suffer from the above problem derives from viable systems theory. This does not see knowledge creation as a set of sequential steps, but rather as a set of phases that are constantly tested and examined through possibly complex feedback. Shifts from one phase to another may occur according to the control phenomena that drive particular perspectives. There are parallels between our proposed knowledge cycle (Figure 4) and that of Nonaka and Takeuchi (Figure 3). In the former knowledge can be created spontaneously within a migration process, and any socialization process that occurs is through communication that may be seen to act as a trigger for new knowledge. Unlike that of Nonaka and Takeuchi, our cycle is not required to be sequential continuous relative to a conditioning process. Rather, the process of continuity is transferred to the communication process, and knowledge creation is cybernetic, passing through feedback processes that can change the very nature of the patterns of meanings that were initiated through the semantic communications. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Telemedicine and its role in improving communication in healthcare, Logistics Information Management, 15(4), 309-319. Knowledge management, organizational learning and HR strategy: A model and case studies. Total quality management in the national health service: Final report of an evaluation. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. The cult of information: A Neo-Ludite treatise on high-tech, artificial intelligence, and the true art of thinking. Do we practise what we preach: Are knowledge management systems in practice truly reflective of knowledge management systems in theory? Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Thus, it can be argued that issues such as Data Management, Data Modeling, and Knowledge Management have a long way to go before reaching the maturity level that other technologies have achieved in the medical sector. This chapter proposes to explore trends and best practices regarding knowledge management from the viewpoint of Copyright © 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Key Performance Indicators and Information Flow 117 performance management, based upon the use of Key Performance Indicators in healthcare systems. By assessing both balanced scorecards and quality assurance techniques in healthcare, it is possible to foresee an electronic healthcare record centered approach which drives information flow at all levels of the day-to-day process of delivering effective and managed care, and which finally moves towards information assessment and knowledge discovery.
By classifying these athletes by their particular pathologic processes super viagra 160 mg low price impotence icd 10, a more rational treatment program can be instituted discount 160mg super viagra free shipping erectile dysfunction treatment injection therapy. The exact location of labral detachment was ABCDE (1%), ABCDEF (3%), ABCEF (2%) (Fig. In that case, there was either a thin capsule, a distension of capsular tears (Fig. Four types of ligamentous lesions Were distinguished according to the possible extension of capsulo-liga- mentous lesions (Fig. This combined labral and lig- amentous lesion was considered to be a ªdouble lesionº (Fig. In that case, the lesion labelled with the letters ªG+L+Hº (glenoid + ligament + humerus). This combined labral and ligamentous lesion extended to the humeral side was considered to be a ªtriple lesionº (Fig. All the lesions seen can thus be classified: a lesion labelled as BCD/GL, for example, corresponds to a detachment of the labrum in the antero- inferior part, with a ligamentary detachment at the glenoid and a liga- mentary distension or tear, etc. This is readily noted if the clavicle is observed with the sternoclavicular and the acromiocla- vicular joints intact and if the sternum is placed in a vertical position (Fig. Sixty-six such specimens obtained from cadavers were stud- ies; the clavicles fell into one of three types, each of which exhibited specific features (Fig. The plane of the acromiocla- vicular joint is directed downward and inward; the angle ranges from 10 to 228, with the average angle being 168. At the sternal end of the clavicle the plane of the sternoclavicular joint is not far from the ver- tical and is directed downward and outward. The plane of the acromioclavi- cular joint forms a greater angle with the vertical than that noted in Type 1; the average angle is 26. Of interest is the configuration of the lateral curve of the clavicle, which describes an arc of a circle smaller than the circle of the arc of the lateral curve in Type 1. The angle of the plane of the sternoclavicular joint is slightly greater, with the average angle measuring 10. Its acromial end is stout and rounded, presenting almost a complete circular articular surface. The plane of the acromioclavicular joint is not for from the horizontal, the average angle being 36. It is clear that from type 1 to type 3 the angles of the planes of both the acromioclavicular and the sternoclavicular joints increase progres- sively, whereas the size of the circles of the arcs of the lateral curves di- minishes. Of the 66 specimens studied 27 (41%) were type 1, 32 (48%) were type 2, and 7 (11%) were type 3. That these observations have sig- nificant clinical application was shown in a clinical study of the rela- tionship between painful acromioclavicular joints due to degenerative changes and the three aforementioned types of clavicles; it was found that the great majority of the patients possessed clavicles classified as type 1. If appears that in type 1 the plane of the joint is such that during motion more shearing forces act on the articular surfaces of the other two types of clavicles. Moreover, the articular surfaces of the joints in type 1 are smaller than those of the other two types, which may be another factor that predisposes the articular cartilage to degenerative alterations. The injury is classified into three grades based on the degree of in- jury to the ligaments. There is no gross deformity and no more than a suggestion of separation as seen in roentgenogram. Roentgenograms taken by the recommended technique (zanca-view) show the acromioclavicular joint to be sepa- rated approximately one half; that is, the clavicle is displace cephalad about one half the normal superior-inferior depth of the joint as compared with the normal side. In addition, the distance between the inferior cortex of the clavicle and the superior tip of the coracoid process is increase (again, compared with the normal side). We measure both bony relationships, but the more significant for estab- lishing the grade of injury is the coracoclavicular one. Roentgenograms show de- finite separation of the acromioclavicular joint, greater than one half its normal depth; but more important, there is wide separation of the coracoclavicular relationship. This indicates that the conoid and the trapezoid ligaments have been completely torn. Pain is minimum, although point tenderness usually can be elicited over the acromioclavicular joint. The roentgenogram is negative ini- tially, but later it may show subperiosteal calcification about the dis- tal end of the clavicle. Roentgenograms reveal the clavicle riding higher than the acromion, but to an extent that is usually less than the width of the clavicle, even while downward stress is applied to the arm.
These agents have been used sporadically in CAS and the rationale for their use is derived from anecdotal experience or small published case series cheap 160mg super viagra with amex erectile dysfunction rings for pump. The area of adjunctive medical therapy in CAS is still in its early stages: defining the role of periprocedural medications to prevent neurological complications and stent restenosis purchase super viagra 160mg mastercard erectile dysfunction natural treatment reviews. Another potential adjunctive medical therapy is the use of neuro- protective agents to halt ischemic cascades in acute stroke patients. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved intravenous (IV) therapy of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) for use in acute ischemic stroke patients within 180 minutes of symptom onset. Questions remain about the effectiveness of IV therapy and how the proportion of treated patients can be increased. Moreover, IV rtPA efficacy may be marginal because of low-drug concentration delivered to the clot, given the stagnation and slow blood flow surrounding the blocked artery. Although this is better than placebo results, 60% retained different degrees of disabilities at 90 days. The ideal goal of future intervention would be to improve the proportion of patients with better outcomes and have fewer patients with ICHs. Hence, endovas- cular, local administration of thrombolytics or mechanical clot retrieval devices is appealing. In acute ischemic stroke, the marginal benefit of thrombolytic agents more than 6 hours after symptom onset is outweighed by the incremental risk of ICH as time passes. An additional obstacle is the efficacy of clot lysis following administration of currently available thrombolytic agents. Intra-arterial therapy may provide a higher recanal- ization rate, but at the expense of increased risk of bleeding. To try to improve the © 2005 by CRC Press LLC rate of recanalization, a combination strategy of administering IV followed by intra- arterial thrombolytics has been implemented in many tertiary care centers. To improve patency rates after administration of thrombolytics, second, third, and fourth generations of rtPA have been introduced. The newer generations were developed by altering the terminal N units of rtPA and include tenecteplase (TNK), reteplase, alteplase, monteplase, lanoteplase, and pamiteplase. TNK is a mutant rtPA with higher fibrin specificity and longer plasma half-life due to slower clearance. Staphylokinase, a non-rtPA derivative produced by Staphylococcus aureus, has extreme fibrin specificity and a 6-minute plasma half- life, in comparison to 3 to 4 minutes for rtPA. Specificity to fibrin is thought to correspond to drug efficacy and lower incidence of hemorrhagic complications. The recanalization rate using IV rtPA is less than intra-arterial therapy, and the latter seems to be less with combined therapy. Even with the best strategy, the current pharmacological agents provide modest vessel patency rates and are time consuming to administer. Increasing the doses of therapeutic agents or combining different anti- platelet and fibrinolytic drugs may only lead to increased risk of ICH in stroke patients. This leads us to contemporary microendovascular device designs and innovative techniques that may provide significant advantages over pharmacological approaches. The Microsnare is a simple primitive design reported to capture or disrupt blood clots, but it can be associated with vessel dissection, perforation, or distal clot migra- tion. The © 2005 by CRC Press LLC nitinol corkscrew-like tip on the microwire can be pulled back to an inflated balloon at the tip of a microcatheter when the clot is captured. Ideally, the blood clot, the tips of the microwire, and the microcatheter should be engulfed by the end balloon and should be pulled out as one unit. Initial studies of nine vessels in swine models showed good retrieval and no dissection or perforation. A European trial known as the Neuronet evaluation in embolic stroke disease (NEED) is currently being conducted. The X-ciser uses a dual lumen microcatheter with rotating blades within a central hollow core and vacuum simultaneously to aspirate the debris of a clot. A total of 14 ischemic stroke patients were treated in the North American EKOS trial without any complications and with a 57% recanalization rate using the thrombolysis-in-myo- cardial infarction (TIMI 2–3) scale. A total of 31 vessels were treated with 48% recanalization rate (TIMI 2–3), although 2 vessels were perforated during microcatheter placement and before laser therapy.
Always measure the length of the catheter and check prior documentation to ensure that the PICC line has been removed in its 13 Bedside Procedures 295 entirety buy super viagra 160mg with visa erectile dysfunction cures over the counter. If a piece of a catheter is left behind super viagra 160mg mastercard impotence jokes, an emergency interventional radiology consult is in order. Complications Site bleeding, clotted catheter, subclavian thrombosis, infection, broken catheter (leakage or embolization), arrhythmia (catheter inserted too far) PERITONEAL LAVAGE Indications • Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) is used in the evaluation of intraabdominal trauma (bleeding, perforation) (Note: Spiral CT of the abdomen has largely replaced this as an initial screening for intraabdominal trauma in the emergency setting. Relative contraindications include multiple abdominal proce- dures, pregnancy, known retroperitoneal injury (high false-positive rates) cirrhosis, morbid obesity and any coagulopathy. Materials • Prepackaged diagnostic peritoneal lavage or peritoneal dialysis tray Procedure 1. If a subumbilical scar or pelvic fracture is present, a supraumbilical approach is recommended. Either pick up the fascia and incise it, or puncture it with the trocar and peritoneal catheter. Use one hand to hold the catheter near the skin and to control the insertion while using the other hand to apply pressure to the end of the catheter. After entering the peritoneal cavity, remove the tro- car and direct the catheter inferiorly into the pelvis. Gently agitate the abdomen to distribute the fluid and after 5 min, drain off as much fluid as possible into a bag on the floor. If the catheter is inserted for pancreatitis or peritoneal dialysis, suture it in place. A false-positive DPL can be caused by a pelvic fracture or bleeding induced by the procedure (eg, laceration of an omental vessel). Complications Infection/peritonitis or superficial wound infection, bleeding, perforated viscus (bladder, bowel) PERITONEAL (ABDOMINAL) PARACENTESIS Indications • To determine the cause of ascites • To determine if intraabdominal bleeding is present or if a viscus has ruptured (Diag- nostic peritoneal lavage is considered a more accurate test. Ascites is indicated by abdominal distention, shifting dullness, and a palpable fluid wave. Have the patient empty the bladder, or place a Foley catheter if voiding is impossible or if signif- icant mental status changes are present. With the catheter mounted on the syringe, go through the anesthetized area carefully at an oblique angle while gently aspirating. When you get free return of fluid, leave the catheter in place, remove the needle, and begin to aspirate. Quickly remove the needle, apply a sterile 4 × 4 gauze square, and apply pressure with tape. Depending on the clinical picture of the patient, send samples for total protein, specific gravity, LDH, amylase, cytology, culture, stains, or CBC. Complications Peritonitis, perforated viscus, hemorrhage, precipitation of hepatic coma if patient has se- vere liver disease, oliguria, hypotension Diagnosis of Ascitic Fluid A complete listing is found in Chapter 3, page 43. Exudative ascites is found with tumors, peritonitis (TB, perfo- rated viscus), hypoalbuminemia. Pleural fluid glucose is much lower than serum glucose in effusions due to rheumatoid arthritis (0–16 mg/100 mL); low 40 mg/100 mL in empyema. Abbreviations: LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; WBC = white blood cells; RBC = red blood cells; PMNs = polymorphonuclear neutrophils; TB = tuberculosis. Background Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggeration of the normal inspiratory drop in arterial pressure. The result is increased right atrial and right ventricu- lar filling with an increase in right ventricular output. Because the pulmonary vascular bed also distends, these changes lead to a delay in left ventricular filling and subsequently a de- creased left ventricular output. In the case of cardiac compression (eg, acute asthma or pericardial tamponade), the right side of the heart fills more with inspiration and decreases the left ventricular volume to even greater degree as a result of compression of the pericardial sac. A simple, qualitative method involves palpating the radial pulse, which “disappears” on normal inspiration. A more precise quantitative method requiring that the patient take a breath, let it out, and hold it.
Total coronary blood flow is reduced by the Carteolol (Cartrol) is a long-acting -blocker that is -blockers generic super viagra 160mg otc erectile dysfunction drugs nz. It is almost completely posed -receptor–mediated vasoconstriction that fol- absorbed and exhibits about 30% binding to plasma lows -receptor blockade in the coronary arteries trusted 160 mg super viagra erectile dysfunction treatment australia. Unlike many -blockers, carteolol is not ex- Additional contributing factors to the decrease in coro- tensively metabolized. Up to 70% of an administered nary blood flow are the negative chronotropic and in- dose is excreted unchanged. It is subject to hydrolysis by cytosolic es- blood pressure may also contribute to the reduced coro- terases in red blood cells to yield methanol and an acid nary blood flow. Only 2% of the administered esmolol is agents on coronary blood flow, it seems paradoxical that excreted unchanged. Because of its rapid onset and these drugs are useful for the prophylactic treatment of 11 Adrenoceptor Antagonists 115 angina pectoris, a condition characterized by inade- pathetic nerve activity to maintain sufficient cardiac quate myocardial perfusion. The chief benefit of the - output, the -blockers have been shown to be quite use- blockers in this condition derives from their ability to ful in the long-term management of patients with mild decrease cardiac work and oxygen demand. For this purpose, it is best if oxygen demand may also be responsible for the favor- -blocker therapy is instituted soon after the MI and able effects of these agents in the long-term manage- continued for the long term. The release of renin from the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney is believed to be regulated in part by - Hyperthyroidism receptors; most -blockers decrease renin release. The -blockers significantly reduce the peripheral man- While the drug-induced decrease in renin release may ifestations of hyperthyroidism, particularly elevated contribute to their hypotensive actions, it is probably heart rate, increased cardiac output, and muscle tremors. Nevertheless, - Although the -blockers can improve the clinical status blockers are useful and logical agents to use when treat- of the hyperthyroid patient, the patient remains bio- ing hypertension that is accompanied by high plasma chemically hyperthyroid. The -blockers should not be renin activity, although angiotensin converting enzyme used as the sole form of therapy in hyperthyroidism. They are most logically employed in the management of The glycogenolytic and lipolytic actions of endoge- hyperthyroid crisis, in the preoperative preparation for nous catecholamines are mediated by -receptors and thyroidectomy, and during the initial period of adminis- are subject to blockade by -blockers. Other physiological changes induced by hy- -Blockers can be used topically to reduce intraocular poglycemia, such as tachycardia, may be blunted by - pressure in patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma blockers. Timolol has a sponses to catecholamines are mediated by 2-receptors somewhat greater ocular hypotensive effect than do the and possibly by 3-receptors, 1-selective antagonists available cholinomimetic or adrenomimetic drugs. The such as metoprolol and atenolol may be better choices -blockers also are beneficial in the treatment of acute whenever -blocker therapy is indicated for a patient angle-closure glaucoma. Propranolol increases airway resistance by antago- Anxiety States nizing 2-receptor–mediated bronchodilation. Although the resulting bronchoconstriction is not a great concern Patients with anxiety have a variety of psychic and so- in patients with normal lung function, it can be quite se- matic symptoms. The -blocking agents may -Blockers can reduce intraocular pressure in glau- offer some benefit in the treatment of anxiety. The -blockers may offer some value in the prophylaxis of migraine headache, possibly because a blockade of Clinical Uses craniovascular -receptors results in reduced vasodila- tion. The painful phase of a migraine attack is believed The -receptor blocking agents have widespread and to be produced by vasodilation. Their uses in Adverse Effects and Contraindications these conditions are reviewed in Chapters 16, 17, and 20, respectively. Even though acute administration of The most prominent side effects associated with the ad- -blockers can precipitate congestive heart failure in ministration of the -blockers are those directly attrib- patients who are largely dependent on enhanced sym- utable to their ability to block -receptors. Although 116 II DRUGS AFFECTING THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM -blockers prevent an increase in heart rate and cardiac Mechanism of Action output resulting from an activation of the autonomic Labetalol produces equilibrium-competitive antagonism nervous system, these effects may not be troublesome at -receptors but does not exhibit selectivity for 1- or in patients with adequate or marginal cardiac reserve. This intrinsic activity, or partial ago- impulses in the heart may be slowed by -blockers, pa- nism, especially at 2-receptors in the vasculature, has tients with conduction disturbances, particularly been suggested to contribute to the vasodilator effect through the atrioventricular node, should not be treated of the drug. Cardioselective -blockers The -blockade produced by labetalol is also of the have less propensity to aggravate bronchoconstriction equilibrium-competitive type. The use of -blockers in hypoglycemic patients is trinsic activity at -receptors, although this action is less therefore dangerous and must be undertaken with cau- than its intrinsic -receptor–stimulating effects.
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