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By D. Kaffu. Temple University.
Minor problems such as coughs and colds purchase extra super viagra 200 mg fast delivery impotence hypnosis, headaches or earache order extra super viagra 200 mg erectile dysfunction causes divorce, other- wise known as mate vayano, were just accidental occurrences that were thus responsive to physical treatments whereas mate ni vanua, ‘diseases of the land’ were due to spirit interference and as such could be treated only much more rigorously, usually with the assistance of sorcerers (dauvakatevoro) as well as those who had knowledge of the medicinal plants required. The cere- monies involved in treating such conditions, similar to many other ceremo- nial occasions in Fiji, usually included the use of infusions of yaqona, a drink prepared from the powdered root of the kava plant (Piper methysticum). This drink is a mild sedative which is said to be effective in the treatment of many different conditions, ranging from coughs and colds to filariasis10 (Figure 10. Leaves and bark were frequently used, generally by soaking in hot or boiling water. Sometimes, as above, the root and stem would be used as the medicine and might be crushed before extraction to provide a stronger preparation. Leaves could be chewed and their ‘juices’ swallowed or the saliva-softened product used as a poultice. Pastes and ointments were also prepared, by mixing powdered plant material with a little water or coconut oil, respectively. Vesi (Intsia bijuga) is a coastal tree that grows to a height of about 12 metres which has spreading branches that were used to make the traditional 280 | Traditional medicine Figure 10. It was considered to be a sacred tree so medicines prepared from it were thought to be very efficacious (against mate ni vanua as well as mate vayano illnesses). Decoctions of powdered bark or the juice expressed from the inner bark is used to treat the aches and pains of rheumatism whereas the steamed and thus softened bark is used to immobilise and heal bone frac- tures. Other parts of the plant are used to treat respiratory disorders such as asthma as well as milder colds (and a decoction of leaves was thought to drive out unwanted spirits). Its stems and leaves are used to treat diarrhoea and urinary problems (just as were water-related Aboriginal plants). Leaves and leaf buds are also used to treat eye problems, both injury and age related. Other problems for which the plant has been claimed to be effective are a range of skin conditions, including infected wounds, boils and infestation with scabies. It has also been used for contraception, irregular or painful periods, and infertility. Niu (Cocos nucifera) is familiar to us in imagination at least as the coconut palm that is the most common coastal tree of Fiji and other South Pacific islands. The nut itself is crushed for its oil and the liquid inside used as a ‘milk’ drink or the starting material for an alcoholic drink known as ‘palm toddy’. Coconut oil is used alone as a massage oil and is also incorporated into ointments with other ingredients. Used as massage oil, it is said to relieve the aches and pains of rheumatism, pregnancy and exercise-induced over- exertion of muscles. Its emollient properties, when used either alone or with other ingredients, are promoted in many different cosmetic preparations. Coconut milk is used to treat mothers whose breast milk is too yellow and is recommended to be drunk frequently and in large quantities by people with blackwater fever (other examples of similia similibus perhaps? Wabosucu (Mikania micrantha) is known colloquially as ‘mile a minute’ because of the speed at which this creeping plant can grow. The juice of the leaves is a popular remedy for cuts and bruises; crushed leaves relieve the pain of wasp and other insect stings, and a poultice of leaves is used to treat boils, especially those that are located in the armpits. Yaqona, kava (Piper methysticum), is cultivated as both a garden and commercial plant in Fiji. Its use as a mild, sedative narcotic in ceremonial occasions, including the treatment of mate ni vanua, has already been mentioned but it is also used medicinally for a wide range of everyday condi- tions such as coughs and colds, headaches and sore throats, as well as for more unpleasant conditions such as filariasis. Present day: kava – a case study Kava has been used in Fiji and other Pacific islands for generations and had not excited any controversy until its sedative and mild anxiolytic properties were recognised by westerners who began using kava products provided by herbal medicine companies. A number of spontaneously reported cases of liver damage associated with kava use were reported in several European countries from the late 1990s,11 the upshot being that the German Federal 282 | Traditional medicine Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices banned its use in that country. Regulatory authorities in other countries were less confident of a link between kava and liver disorders. New Zealand, for example, accepted the advice of its expert advisers and did not withdraw kava from general sale. Although the debate has not yet ended, the picture that is emerging is of a twofold problem with kava’s non-traditional compared with traditional use.
The sabedores realise that there are illnesses that are outside their social context order 200 mg extra super viagra overnight delivery impotence juice recipe. By recurring to the entheogens (see below) they are able to find the cause of the illness generic extra super viagra 200mg overnight delivery erectile dysfunction by age statistics. When the sabedores suspect that the cause of the illness is of viral or bacterial origin they say that these illnesses come from blancos or white people. In the same way serious injuries such as fractures are referred to western medical doctors. The payé The payé is a person who has achieved the ability to ‘see’ further than his or her own environment, e. The shaman The word shaman is derived from the Manchu–Tungus word sˇaman, Sha or Sa (knowledgeable person) and man (a being who is dedicated to knowl- edge). With respect to the indigenous tribes of the Amazon forest, the term is the one that westerners or incomers use – the tribes themselves use their own terminology depending on their respec- tive language and culture. They are the people who maintain the traditional knowledge and who have taken responsibility for the spiritual and material health of their pueblos. The knowledge held by these healers is based on ancestral wisdom as well as constant experimentation with plants and other healing materials, and is transmitted by the sabedores. The true shaman is created from birth or, as is the case for the Uitoto ethnic group, the parents and grandparents communicate with the future shaman before birth, caressing and relating the Historia to the unborn child. In addition to these ‘true’ shamans there are other types of shaman who are not formed from birth. These include, for example, individuals who have managed to survive a serious illness, an animal attack or a lightning bolt, and from that point Traditional medicine used in the Colombian Amazon forest | 69 have dedicated their lives to shamanic rituals. These rituals include learning with the aid of drums, maracas, chanting and body paint. Another variety of shaman is one known as the ‘chaman de agua’ (water shaman) whose illness has been converted into a piranha tooth, an animal bone or other object such as a plant seed. For all types of shaman, certain costumes and private or secret ‘energy protectors’ are used that are relevant to their formation. These may be made of a variety of natural materials such as feathers, seeds, bones or minerals. Approach to healing The relationship between the traditional healer and his or her patient is not limited to the treatment of an illness, x or y, but is immersed in a socio- cultural context within the environment. This includes the spiritual and phys- ical state of the patient’s health and how it relates to a specific environment. The latter is almost always associated with sacred spaces or locations such as the Maloca, where the transmission of knowledge of the environment and the surrounding forest is narrated. The traditional practitioner is expected to treat both physical and spiritual ailments. The diagnosis and treatment take the form of seeking possible causes of the pain or discomfort that the patient is experiencing – this may be a result of physical causes, illness or disease, or can be suspected because someone has ‘sent’ it. Diagnosis As already indicated, there is a vast difference between the medicine prac- tised by traditional medicine practitioners in the Amazon tropical forest and western medicine. In modern or western medicine the initial diagnosis is made by the practitioner listening to the patient’s description of symptoms, as well as a physical examination. The causes of the illness or discomfort felt by the patient are related directly to the function of the human body. In contrast, indigenous traditional medicine has other forms of diagnosis because the causes of the illness are variable: sometimes these coincide with modern medicine but in other cases they do not, e. The cure is based on conjuration, or methods such as ‘sucking’ the 70 | Traditional medicine bad energy or illness out of the body. The positive energy is restored to the body using water, massage, plants and other natural materials, or a mixture of these techniques. These can be the ordinary curative plants or those of ‘extreme’ knowledge, such as a diverse selection of entheogenic plants. Entheogen, derived from part of the Greek root en- theos or god, literally translated means ‘which generates the experience of god within us’. Within this traditional healing process numerous spirits and energies exercise their power. Equally, the sacred plants ambil (tobacco), ayahuasca, mambe (coca) and yajé (also known as yagé), to which other substances are added such as the various species of borrachero (e.
A bitemark buy 200mg extra super viagra fast delivery erectile dysfunction drugs, on the other hand cheap 200 mg extra super viagra with mastercard erectile dysfunction at age 30, is not accidentally or casually inficted and is an indication of intimate and violent interaction. If bitemark analysis can lead to the inclusion or exclusion of suspects, that is very powerful evidence indeed. For a bitemark to be useful for analysis it must contain abundant information and the teeth that made the mark must be very distinctive. Because of the high number of variables involved in bitemark evidence, the specifcity of associating a bitemark to a single suspect is low. For bitemarks these useful areas most ofen involve showing evidence of vio- lence. Bitemarks indicate violence, pain, a struggle, with the possibility of both ofensive and defensive bites. Additionally and importantly, bitemarks in skin may produce a profle of the biter. If the individual and specifc char- acteristics of the teeth are recorded in skin, forensic odontologists may be Bitemarks 361 able to determine tooth position, spacing between teeth, broken or missing teeth, and other individualizing features (Figures 14. With bites in other substrates, be they foodstufs such as cheese, cookies, bologna, or chewing gum, or nonfood items, like expanded polystyrene cups, pencils, or golf tees, with almost any item that can go into the mouth, forensic dentists may be able to isolate specifc individual tooth characteristics that are found in the teeth of the suspected biter. Although bites in material other than skin do not indicate violence, they may have the ability to show greater detail of both class and specifc individual dental characteristics. Te characterization of bites in human skin in relation to the time of death of victims is another area in which bitemark evidence may prove to be valuable. As in the 1975 Marx case with the bitemark on the nose, or in other cases where the three-dimensional nature of the marks, especially the retention of indentations from the teeth, played a prominent role, a forensic odontologist may be able to ofer an opinion related to when the wound was inficted in relation to the time of death. Forensic odontologists must be very careful to not overstate the signifcance or accuracy of this fnding, and limit the opinion, if and when indicated, to “around the time of death. Advances in science when applied to bitemark analysis and interpreta- tion are very likely to provide greater assistance to the examining and testify- ing expert and to enhance the value of evidence in specifc cases. It is the responsibility of attorneys to ask the appropriate questions to get the whole truth from expert witnesses. Experts for the prosecution in a criminal bitemark case may be pressured to provide a “positive link” between the putative biter and the bitemark. With the best evidence and a limited or closed population odontologists may be able to associate the two with rea- sonable medical or dental certainty, but never with absolute certainty. Y,” “only one person in X million or billion could make such a mark,” or “indeed and without doubt”) are inappropriate and scientifcally unsupportable. Te meanings of reasonable scientifc, medical, or dental certainty are consistent with the legal phrase “beyond reasonable doubt. Determinations with reasonable dental/medical/scientifc certainty, like determinations beyond reasonable doubt, should be logically derived from the evidence or absence of evidence. As we have seen from the tragic errors of the past, a misidentifcation of a bitemark can lead to the incarceration of an innocent person and, consequently, freedom for the guilty person, who can continue to kill. Te consequences to the expert who misidentifes a bite- mark or gives improper testimony can be terrible, legally, fnancially, emo- tionally, personally, and publicly. Te expert may be subject to legal action brought by the person wrongly accused/convicted. Accounts may be written in newspapers, weblogs, magazines, and books, generating public hostility. All this is in addition to how the expert must feel knowing he was even partly responsible for the incarceration of an innocent man. Te defense expert has just as much responsibil- ity to be truthful and objective as the expert for the prosecution, but errors by defense experts do not carry the same legal, fnancial, or public burden as the errors by a prosecution expert. Defense expert errors may contribute to a guilty suspect being freed, but the defense expert will rarely be publicly humiliated or sued. Defense expert errors are perceived to be less serious than those made by prosecution experts, partly because of the belief that it is better for many guilty persons to go free than to convict one innocent man. Supreme Court ruled that the highest standard of proof is grounded on “a fundamental value determination of our society that it is far worse to convict an innocent man than to let a guilty man go free. Te burden of proof is diferent, requiring only “preponderance of evidence,” not “beyond reasonable doubt.
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