By P. Kent. Warren Wilson College.
Such short-term synchrony is in human subjects by providing evidence for con- observed for the discharges of pairs of human motor vergence of different inputs (e buy cheap propranolol 40mg on line cardiovascular system key organs. The duration theresultsofsuchstudiesneedtobeinterpretedwith of the short-term synchrony is usually longer than caution cheap propranolol 80 mg otc blood vessels eyes,becausefalse-positiveresultscanoccurdue required to reject other mechanisms, but it is gener- to non-linear summation in the pool of motoneu- ally accepted that a common drive from last-order rones, and there may be problems even in a single neurones, is of major importance for its occurrence active motoneurone. Coherence analysis between Coherence techniques EMG/EMG or EEG/EMG signals It is also possible to demonstrate coupling of motor Traditional techniques for studying neural cir- unit activity in the frequency domain (Davey et al. Resume´ ´ Generally,coherenceisobservedinafrequencyband flawed measure of the excitability of the motoneu- between 15 and 30 Hz, although coherence peaks rone pool and has little place as a research tool. However, a the frequency content of the last-order input to the single stimulus can generate multiple corticospinal spinal motoneurones, and in the case of the coher- volleys and this complicates the interpretation of ence between 15 and 30 Hz, the evidence suggests the results. Spatial facilitation is an indirect tech- that it depends on intact transmission in the pyra- nique used to demonstrate the convergence of two midal tract (cf. Methods A number of methods have been developed to inves- Development tigatethechangesinexcitabilityofhumanmotoneu- rones after a conditioning volley. The simplest one is There has been considerable development of meth- the modulation of the on-going EMG, which pro- ods available to explore spinal pathways in human vides rapidly a full-time course of the changes in subjectssincethefirstinvestigationsperformedwith motoneuronal excitability. This is a distinct advan- the H reflex in the 1950s: PSTHs of single units, tage when investigating patients, but the temporal spatial facilitation techniques, cortical stimulation. Because the H These developments have resulted in considerable reflexenablesacomparisonoftheresultsobtainedat advances in motor control physiology and in new rest and during movement, it remains the only avail- diagnostic procedures. An important principle is able method with which it is possible to investigate that, in human experiments, conclusions are more how transmission in spinal pathways is changed by firmly based when supported by evidence using motor tasks in human subjects. The drawbacks related to the complexity of the so-called monosynaptic reflex Monosynaptic reflex pathway can usually be controlled by parallel inves- tigations on single motor units (using post-stimulus Initial studies time histograms for voluntarily activated units, or the unitary H reflex). Such studies should be per- The monosynaptic reflex was introduced in animal formed systematically when studying motor control studies in the early 1940s as a tool for investiga- physiology in human subjects, keeping in mind the tingexcitabilitychangesinthemotoneuronepool. In fact that the recordings provide data only for the humansubjects,thefirstmotoneuronesdischarging lowest-thresholdmotoneuronesinthepool,andthat in the soleus H reflex elicited by electrical stimula- the fractionation and focusing of voluntary drives tion of the posterior tibial nerve have been shown to necessary for PSTHs may result in an unnaturally do so at a latency consistent with a monosynaptic biased input to the pool. The best method involves placing the cathode Ia afferents have monosynaptic excitatory projec- over the nerve and the anode on the opposite tions onto homonymous motoneurones, and this side of the limb. However, in areas where there pathway is responsible for the tendon jerk. In are many nerves, bipolar stimulation should the control reflex, a group Ia volley causes some be used to avoid encroachment of the stimulus motoneurones to discharge and creates EPSPs in upon other nerves. Reflex attenuation due to other motoneurones which, though they do not dis- post-activation depression is sufficiently small charge,areslightlydepolarised. When IPSPs, the test Ia volley will no longer be able to the threshold of motor axons is exceeded, a discharge the motoneurones last recruited into the short-latency direct motor response (M wave) control reflex, and the size of the test reflex will be appears in the EMG. The test reflex should never be on this descending part of Basic methodology the recruitment curve. Finally, when the direct (i) Hreflexes can be recorded at rest from soleus, motor response is maximal (Mmax), the reflex quadriceps, semitendinosus, and FCR, and response is totally suppressed, because the fromvirtuallyalllimbmusclesduringweakvol- antidromic motor volley set up in motor axons untary contractions. Mmax provides an estimate of the electrodesplacedoverthecorrespondingmus- response of the entire motoneurone pool and cle belly. Reflex latency is measured to the first must always be measured, and the amplitudes deflection of the H wave from baseline, and of the reflexes should be expressed as a per- its amplitude usually assessed peak-to-peak. The constancy of a small M Contamination of the recording by the EMG of wave may be used to monitor the stability of another muscle may occur due to spread of the the stimulation conditions. Palpa- complications:themechanicaldelayduetothe tion of muscle tendons may help identify this tendon tap, and the possibility that changes in problem. Another simple way of ensuring that drive might alter the sensitivity of muscle the reflex response originates from the mus- spindle primary endings to percussion (how- cle over which it is recorded is to check that it ever, see Chapter 3). Resume´ ´ (vii) The H reflex technique underestimates the (ii) Changes in presynaptic inhibition of Ia ter- central delay: in individual motoneurones, minals must always be considered when there is a the rise time of the EPSP ensures that the change in the amplitude of the monosynaptic reflex. An (iii)Post-activationdepressionofthemonosynap- EPSP elicited by a conditioning volley enter- tic reflex is due to reduced transmitter release from ing the spinal cord after the test volley may previously activated Ia afferents, and is prominent summate with the test Ia EPSP and cause the at short intervals of 1–2 s or less (see Chapter 2).
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Newer charge order 80mg propranolol free shipping heart disease 26 years old, nurses can develop cues and rituals concepts related to neuroplasticity buy propranolol 80 mg without a prescription cardiovascular system penyakit jantung koroner, motor con- with the patient and caregiver that reinforce trol, and how motor skills are learned are merg- compliance. The Association of Rehabilitation from the dynamic interplay between multiple Nurses has excellent resources for continuing CNS, peripheral, and biomechanical systems education (www. Practices in Physical and Occupational Therapy Therapeutic exercise and reeducation Massed practice Neurofacilitation techniques Biofeedback Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation Virtual environment training Bobath Musculoskeletal techniques Brunnstrom Rood Electromyogram-triggered neuromuscular stimulation Motor skills learning Orthotics and assistive devices Task-oriented practice Forced use 220 Common Practices Across Disorders constrained by the environment. The schools of neurofacilitation generally Success in retraining during rehabilitation frown upon attempts to strengthen muscles depends on diverse variables that include the that are hypertonic (see next section). The con- characteristics of a task, changing contexts and cern is that this leads to heightened spasticity environments when performing a task, psy- and diminished motor control. Strengthening chological reinforcements, motivation, atten- exercises, however, may be underutilized by tion, memory for carry-over of what is taught, therapists who are aiming only for compensa- environmental distractions, anxiety, sleep dep- tory gains in function or for more precise mo- rivation, and family support. A variety of experimental stud- for rehabilitating patients with upper motor ies, however, suggest that hemiparetic subjects neuron syndromes. Traditional exercise pro- can increase force output when pushing against grams emphasize repetitive passive and active higher loads, such as when pedaling to gain joint-by-joint exercises and resistance exercises muscular force output, without any worsening in anatomical planes to optimize strength and of motor control. The acquisition of self-care and mo- muscles by pedaling against resistance even at bility skills often takes precedence over the only 20 cycles per minute or by walking on quality of movement, so long as patients are a treadmill also improves cardiovascular fit- safe. Upper and lower extremity orthotics and ness in patients who have at least fair motor assistive devices tend to be used early in ther- control. When needed, therapists also employ NEUROFACILITATION APPROACHES breathing and general conditioning exercises and energy conservation techniques, particu- Many schools have developed what their pro- larly to reduce the energy cost of a pathologi- ponents call neurophysiologic approaches. The approaches involve hands-on in- believes that a task-oriented therapy for am- teraction between the therapist and the pa- bulation is most likely to provide the sensory tient. The interventions utilize sensory stimuli feedback and learning stimuli that can modu- and reflexes to facilitate or inhibit muscle tone late neural assemblies and step generators at and patterns of movement. Therapists may try to activate or suppress a stretch reflex, the This empiric technique, initiated by Kabat and asymmmetric and symmetric tonic neck re- Knott, arose in part from observing smooth, co- flexes, the tonic labyrinthine reflex, and with- ordinated, diagonal and spiral movements in drawal and extensor reflexes. It is based on the belief that since anterior horn cells for synergistic muscles are near each other, an appropriate Neurodevelopmental Techniques level of resistance will bring about changes in Most schools have emphasized a progression in muscle tone by overflow to these motoneurons. Neurodevelop- desired movement and inhibit unwanted mental techniques (NDT) call for reproducing movements. For example, the therapist places the developmental sequence shown by infants the upper extremity in extension, abduction, as they evolve motor control. Specific techniques include repeated abnormal motor behaviors are compensatory, quick stretch, contraction, contraction-relax- and that the quality of motor experiences helps ation, and rhythmic stabilization in which the train subjects for normal movement. Practi- patient tries to hold the arm still as resistance tioners emphasize normal postural alignment is applied by the therapist in an opposite di- prior to any movement. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilita- ceed in a developmental pattern from rolling tion stretching techniques call for an isometric onto the side with arm and leg flexion on the contraction of the muscle under stretch, such same side, to extension of the neck and legs as the hamstrings, followed by a concentric while prone, to lying prone while supported by contraction of the opposing quadriceps muscle the elbows, and then to static and weight-shift- during stretch of the hamstrings, designated as ing movements while crawling on all four ex- contract-relax agonist-contract (CRAC). These mat activities are followed by sequence is thought to alter the responses of sitting, standing, and, finally, walking. Differ- muscle spindles in a way that increases the ent schools vary in their attempts to activate or maximum range of motion; stimulation may in- mimimize reflexive movements and to train crease in force produced by each muscle as functional movements during ordinary physi- well. Similar One of the potential problems with NDT is spiral and diagonal movement patterns are the delay of standing and walking until the pa- later used for functional activities and walking. These be- liefs, however, are not backed by data from Bobath clinical trials or by information drawn from cur- This NDT approach popularized by the Bo- rent theories regarding motor learning and baths aims to give patients control of abnormal practice-induced skills learning and associated patterns of posture and movement associated neuroplasticity. Abnormal movements provide abnormal sure across joints and allows weight bearing, sensory feedback, which reinforces limited, for example, on the arm through the extended nonselective, abnormal movement. They use pressure or support on key proximal limb or Brunnstrom trunk points to inhibit or facilitate movement. For example, the hemiplegic Specific techniques are recommended for each patient with flexor spasticity of an arm that of the 6 stages of recovery that emerge: (1) flac- rides up during walking is trained to bend for- cidity, (2) limb synergies with onset of spastic- ward in a chair with the arm hanging down. The subject slowly out of synergy, (5) selective over synergistic sits upright with the neck flexed while the arm movement, and (6) near normal control. When stages of recovery have been used as both de- the elbow starts to flex again, the patient re- scriptors and, inappropriately, as outcome peats these steps. During the early patients who have persistent hypotonia and stages of recovery, weight bearing, postural re- hemiplegia. Ankle-foot orthoses are discouraged, be- Rood cause braces are believed to facilitate abnormal tone.
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