By V. Merdarion. University of South Carolina, Aiken. 2018.
With alteplase order allegra 120 mg visa allergy treatment alternatives, another endoge- nous plasminogen activator (tissue plasminogen activator trusted 180mg allegra allergy symptoms 1 week before period, tPA) is available. With physiological concentrations this activator preferentially acts on plasmin- ogen bound to fibrin. In concentrations needed for therapeutic fibrinolysis this preference is lost and the risk of bleed- ing does not differ with alteplase and streptokinase. Alteplase is rather short- Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Antithrombotics 147 Fibrinogen Thrombin Ancrod Fibrin Plasmin-inhibitors Plasmin Antibody from prior infection e. Activators and inhibitors of fibrinolysis; ancrod Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Activa- production of NO˙ and prostacyclin plays tion entails an alteration in shape and an important role. Both substances in- secretion of a series of highly active sub- hibit the tendency of platelets to adhere stances, including serotonin, platelet ac- to the endothelial surface (platelet ad- tivating factor (PAF), ADP, and throm- hesiveness). Upon endothelial con- ma concentration of fibrinogen and the tact, the platelet is activated with a re- high density of integrins in the platelet sultant change in shape and affinity to membrane permit rapid cross-linking of fibrinogen. Platelets are linked to each platelets and formation of a platelet other via fibrinogen bridges: they plug. Platelet aggregation increases like an avalanche because, once activated, platelets can activate other platelets. On the injured endothelial cell, a platelet thrombus is formed, which obstructs blood flow. Ultimately, the vascular lu- men is occluded by the thrombus as the latter is solidified by a vasoconstriction produced by the release of serotonin and thromboxane A2 from the aggregat- ed platelets. When these events occur in a larger coronary artery, the conse- quence is a myocardial infarction; in- volvement of a cerebral artery leads to stroke. Lack of this factor causes thrombasthenia, a patho- logically decreased platelet aggregation. Relative deficiency of the von Wille- Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Thrombogenesis Megakaryocyte Contact with collagen Activation ADP Thrombin Thromboxane A2 Serotonin Platelet Activated platelet Glycoprotein Fibrinogen IIB/IIIA Fibrinogen binding: impossible possible B. Aggregation of platelets by the integrin GPIIB/IIIA Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Abciximab is a chimeric human-murine monoclo- Platelets can be activated by mechanical nal antibody directed against GPIIb/IIIa and diverse chemical stimuli, some of that blocks the fibrinogen-binding site which, e. These receptors fibatide and tirofiban block GPIIB/IIIA are coupled to Gq proteins that mediate competitively, more selectively and ha- activation of phospholipase C and hence ve a shorter effect than does abciximab. Among other responses, this rise in Ca2+ Presystemic Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid triggers a conformational change in (B) GPIIB/IIIA, which is thereby converted to its fbrinogen-binding form. In con- Inhibition of platelet aggregation by trast, ADP activates platelets by inhibit- ASA is due to a selective blockade of ing adenylyl cyclase, thus causing inter- platelet cyclooxygenase (B). High cAMP of this action results from acetylation of levels would stabilize the platelet in its this enzyme during the initial passage of inactive state. Formally, the two mes- the platelets through splanchnic blood senger substances, Ca2+ and cAMP, can vessels. ASA present in the systemic Platelet aggregation can be inhibit- circulation does not play a role in plate- ed by acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), which let inhibition. Since ASA undergoes ex- blocks thromboxane synthase, or by re- tensive presystemic elimination, cyclo- combinant hirudin (originally harvest- oxygenases outside platelets, e. With regular intake, selectivity is en- no drugs are available for blocking ag- hanced further because the anuclear gregation induced by serotonin or PAF. ADP-induced aggregation is de novo synthesis of the enzyme per- inhibited only in vivo but not in vitro in mits restoration of prostacyclin produc- stored blood; moreover, once induced, tion. A possible ex- planation is that both agents already Adverse Effects of Antiplatelet Drugs interfere with elements of ADP receptor signal transduction at the megakaryo- All antiplatelet drugs increase the risk of cytic stage. Even at the low ASA doses fect would then be transmitted to newly used to inhibit platelet function (100 formed platelets, which would be inca- mg/d), ulcerogenic and bronchocon- pable of reversing it. Ticlopidine frequently causes diar- can be stabilized by prostacyclin or its rhea and, more rarely, leukopenia, ne- analogues (e. The former activates adenyl cy- pidogrel reportedly does not cause he- clase via a G-protein-coupled receptor; matological problems.
If significant amounts of these drugs enter the circulation buy cheap allegra 120 mg on line allergy testing logan utah, nausea generic 180 mg allegra visa allergy symptoms after running, abdominal cramps, diar- Surgery of the Eye rhea, salivation, hypotension with reflex tachycardia, cu- Because ACh is rapidly inactivated by cholinesterases, taneous vasodilation, sweating, and bronchoconstric- its use is best suited for clinical applications requiring tion can result. Pilocarpine can cross the blood-brain only a brief duration of action, such as when it is em- barrier and affect cognitive function. ACh application of cholinomimetics to the eyes can present 126 II DRUGS AFFECTING THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM some risk, and the escape of cholinomimetics into sis of ACh, but they differ markedly in their pharmaco- the circulatory system following topical application to kinetic properties. Within the eye, cholinomimetics elicit both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors produced by miosis and spasm of accommodation, both of which dis- synaptically released ACh. Finally, although inhibition of when taken orally, but it is less selective when given sub- true AChE is most important for potentiating the cutaneously, and it is very dangerous when given intra- synaptic activity of ACh, several AChE inhibitors also muscularly or intravenously, having the potential to pro- inhibit the pseudo-ChE in plasma. Systemic plasma concentrations of ACh to rise markedly and ac- poisoning with cholinomimetics can be treated with the tivate endothelial muscarinic receptors. Bethanechol should not be used in patients with pos- Quaternary Ammonium Agents sible mechanical obstruction of the bladder or gastroin- testinal tract or when contraction of smooth muscles in Edrophonium (Enlon, Tensilon) and ambenonium these tissues may be harmful (e. Their positive charge al- bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease, coronary artery lows them to bind to the anionic site at the reactive cen- disease, gastrointestinal hypermotility or inflammatory ter, competitively displacing ACh from the active site disease, hypotension or marked bradycardia, hyperthy- without covalent modification of the site. Care should be exer- has a very short duration of action, lasting only 5 to 10 cised in administering pilocarpine to elderly patients be- minutes, whereas inhibition by ambenonium can last 4 cause it can enter the CNS and affect memory and to 8 hours. Carbamates CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS Carbamate anticholinesterase agents are carbamic acid Inhibition of AChE slows or prevents the degradation of esters that are hydrolyzed by AChE in a manner similar ACh released at synapses, and this can greatly prolong to that of ACh. Carbamates have this general structure: the activation of cholinoreceptors produced by synapti- R O 1 cally released ACh. In a functional sense, the indirect cholinomimetic effect of AChE inhibitors is more selec- R2 N C O R3 tive than the effect of directly acting cholinomimetics, because the inhibitors of AChE increase the activation The clinically useful carbamates generally contain a of cholinoreceptors only at active cholinergic synapses. The inhibi- synaptically activated cholinoreceptors rather than the tion of AChE by neostigmine (Prostigmin) illustrates persistent activation by directly acting cholinomimetics. The quaternary ammonium At therapeutic concentrations, inhibitors of AChE do group of neostigmine binds electrostatically to the an- not activate cholinoreceptors at sites that do not receive ionic site of the enzyme, thereby orienting the drug. The cholinergic synaptic input, such as endothelial mus- serine oxygen at the esteratic site of the enzyme then carinic receptors, and therefore do not present the same reacts with the carbonyl carbon of neostigmine, just as it risk of eliciting large vasodilator responses. However, a carbamylated in- Acetylcholinesterase can be inhibited by two gen- termediate is formed instead of an acetylated one, and eral mechanisms. In the first mechanism, positively this carbamylated enzyme undergoes hydrolysis much charged quaternary ammonium compounds bind to the more slowly. Whereas the acetylated enzyme is hy- anionic site and prevent ACh from binding—a simple drolyzed nearly instantly, the half-life for hydrolysis of competitive inhibition. In the second mechanism, the this particular carbamylated intermediate is about an agents act either as a false substrate for the cho- hour. The carbamates generally inhibit pseudo-ChE as linesterase or directly attack the esteratic site; in both well as true AChE, and their suicidal degradation by cases they covalently modify the esteratic site and non- cholinesterases contributes importantly to terminating competitively prevent further hydrolytic activity. Physostigmine (also called eser- mechanism can be effective in preventing the hydroly- ine) (Antilirium) is a tertiary amine that can inhibit 12 Directly and Indirectly Acting Cholinomimetics 127 AChE in the CNS, and it can be used in life-threatening Examples of X groups are fluorine in isoflurophate cases to treat antimuscarinic poisoning. Neostigmine and pyridostigmine also and malathion (insecticides) are thiophosphates have direct agonist activity at nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscle. The organophosphates, except for echothiophate, The organophosphate compounds also react at the es- are very lipid soluble. In general, however, In the interaction of isoflurophate with AChE, a they are much less selective than are the carbamates, in- phosphorylated intermediate is formed and fluoride is hibiting many enzymes that contain a serine molecule at released. The organophosphate compounds phate-induced inhibition is that the bond between the have this general structure: phosphate and the enzyme is very stable. While the re- O generation of most carbamylated enzymes occurs with a R1 half-life of minutes or hours, the recovery of a phospho- P rylated enzyme is generally measured in days. OH O OiC3H7 P HO OiC3H7 Isoflurophate H2O Spontaneous reactivation iC3H7O O P 2-PAM iC3H7O O iC3H7O F P F CH NOH OH iC3H7O O N OH CH3 Oxime reactivation Esteratic site H2O aging O O CH NO P OiC3H7 N iC3H7O P OH OiC H 3 7 CH3 O iC3H7OH FIGURE 12. This results in a stable phosphorylated enzyme intermediate, which undergoes dephosphorylation at a negligible rate (top). The original phosphorylated intermediate (center) will react with the nucleophilic oxygen of pralidoxime (2-PAM), resulting in dephosphorylation of the enzyme and formation of an oxime phosphonate (lower right).
Miscellaneous: Consider the possibility of a drug fever (eosinophil count on the CBC may be elevated) or NG tube fever buy 180 mg allegra allergy testing elisa. Do all this before you begin to investi- 13 gate the less common or less obvious causes of a fever 3 purchase 180 mg allegra otc allergy shots cancer. Basic: CBC with differential, urinalysis, cultures as indicated: urine, blood, spu- tum, wound, spinal fluid (especially in children less than 4–6 mo old) b. Other: Studies based on your evaluation: (i) Radiographic: Chest or abdominal films, CT or ultrasound exams (ii) Invasive: LP, thoracentesis, paracentesis are more aggressive procedures that may be indicated. Wind:Atelectasis secondary to intubation and anesthesia is the most common cause of a fever immediately after surgery. To treat, have the patient up and ambu- lating, getting incentive spirometry, P&PD, etc. Temperatures of 103–105°F: In adults, think of lung or kidney infections, or bac- teremia. Lethargy, Combativeness, Inappropriate Behavior: Strongly consider doing an LP to rule out meningitis. Elderly Patients: Can be extremely ill without many of the typical manifestations; they may be hypothermic or deny any tenderness. Infants and Children: Have normally elevated baseline temperatures (up to 3 mo 99. Levin:A tube with a single lumen, a perforated tip, and side holes for the aspira- 13 tion of gastric contents. Connect it to an intermittent suction device to prevent the stomach lining from obstructing the lumen. Sometimes it is necessary to cut off the tip to allow for the aspiration of larger pills or tablets. The size varies from 10 to 18 French (1 French unit = ¹ ₃ mm in diameter, see page 241). Salem-sump:A double-lumen tube, with the smaller tube acting as an air intake vent so that continuous suction can be applied. This is the best tube for irrigation and lavage because it will not collapse on itself. If a Salem-sump tube stops work- ing even after it is repositioned, often a “shot” of air from a catheter-tipped syringe in the air vent will clear the tube. The bal- loon is partially filled with mercury (5–7 mL using a tangentially directed 21- gauge needle, then the air is aspirated), which allows it to gravitate into the small bowel with the aid of peristalsis. After the tube is in the stomach, inflate the balloon with 5–10 mL of air, inject 2–3 mL of mer- cury into the balloon, and then aspirate the air. Feeding Tubes Virtually any NG tube can be used as a feeding tube, but it is preferable to place a spe- cially designed nasoduodenal feeding tube. These are of smaller diameter (usually 8 French) and are more pliable and comfortable for the patient. Weighted tips tend to travel into the duodenum, which helps prevent regurgitation and aspiration. Most are supplied with stylets that facilitate positioning, especially if fluoroscopic guidance is needed. Always verify the position of the feeding tube with an x-ray prior to starting tube feeding. Commonly used tubes include the mercury-weighted varieties (Keogh tube, Duo-Tube, Dobbhoff, Entriflex), the tungsten-weighted (Vivonex tube), and the unweighted pediatric feeding tubes. Sengstaken–Blakemore tube:A triple-lumen tube used exclusively for the con- trol of bleeding esophageal varices by tamponade. One lumen is for gastric aspira- tion, one is for the gastric balloon, and the third is for the esophageal balloon. Other types of tubes used to control esophageal bleeding include the Linton and Minnesota tubes.
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