

By J. Einar. Shawnee State University. 2018.

These models had the disadvantage that the effects of the immune systems of the host animals on the tumors could not be assessed order 0.5 mg dostinex menopause when does it start. Further experiments investigated inoculation of G207 into immunocompetent mice and yielded very interesting results purchase dostinex 0.25mg overnight delivery contemporary women's health issues for today and the future pdf. The injection of G207 induced a systemic immunity to the tumor that resulted in regression of distant tumors and resistance to rechallenge with tumor cells in inoculated animals. HSV-1 mutants have been engineered to utilize gene promoters or enhancer sequences to specifically express an essential viral gene in tumor cells but not in normal brain. Such HSV-1 and © 2005 by CRC Press LLC adenovirus vectors have been created using tissue- or tumor-specific promoters such as α-fetoprotein, kallikrein, L-plastin, midkine, prostate-specific antigen, tyrosinase, and calponin; however, more work must be done to identify specific glioma pro- moter/enhancer sequences before this concept can be applied to brain tumors. Data from a Phase I trial using G207 showed encouraging results in patients with recurrent HGGs refractory to chemotherapy and radiation. G207 is now in a Phase Ib trial and is being inoculated into the tumor bed, followed by tumor resection 2 days later and subsequent inoculation in the resection cavity. However, one disadvantage is that the size of the potential gene insert is less than the size of the HSV vector. A significant drawback to the use of Ad vectors for gene therapy is that they induce potent inflammatory and specific immune responses that may damage infected tissues and limit repeated use. As with HSV, two basic strategies have been employed to attempt to develop Ad mutants that can selectively replicate in and lyse tumor cells. The first example of such a mutant was the E1b 55-kDa deleted Ad dl1520 (also known as Onyx-015) © 2005 by CRC Press LLC designed to replicate better in p53 negative cells — a common mutation in tumors. Unfortunately, further studies found a lack of correlation between p53 expression in the host cell and replication of dl1520. As mentioned above and as with HSV vectors, a second strategy has been tested for development of oncolytic Ad mutants. It employs tumor-specific promoter or enhancer gene sequences to drive expression of an essential viral gene product in tumor cells but not normal tissues. Typically this work has used putative tumor- specific promoter sequences such as α-fetoprotein, prostate specific antigen, and others to drive expression of E1a, an Ad gene product essential for replication of the virus. Neither HSV-1 nor Ad vectors designed with this strategy have reached clinical trials to date, and further work is needed to create a truly tumor-specific virus by this method. The neurotoxicity of poliovirus can be greatly attenuated by replacement of the internal ribosome entry site element with that of a human rhinovirus. One potential strategy for improved targeting of tumor cells may be © 2005 by CRC Press LLC through the use of cell surface molecular markers unique to tumors that may be exploited to create virus mutants able only to infect tumor cells. Modification of viral knob, fiber, or coat proteins can alter viral tropism and enhance tumor trans- duction in Ad vectors. Another potential strategy to increase the effectiveness of oncolytic viruses is to combine the use of replication-competent vectors with gene therapy strategies. In this scenario, an oncolytic virus has a gene inserted in its genome that directly or indirectly enhances tumor cell killing. An example of this strategy proved effi- cacious when the antiviral drug sensitizing gene TK was inserted in the E1b mutant Ad virus dl1520. Another example of the potential of combining gene therapy with oncolytic viral therapy is through addition of immunomodulatory gene products in the oncolytic virus. For example, HSV-1 vectors have been engineered to express immunostimu- latory cytokines such as interleukin-2, interleukin-12, or soluble B7. Suboptimal viral spread within tumors has been a challenge because of many physical and antiviral immune barriers. Extracellular matrix proteins, tight gap junctions, fibrosis, necrosis, neutralizing antibodies, and cell-mediated immunity are all significant impediments to the spread of even replication-competent viruses within a tumor. Viruses that spread via cell-to-cell transmission may prove less affected by neutralizing antibody and other extracellular factors. To date, oncolytic viruses have been primarily delivered locally via injection into the tumor or tumor resection cavity. Other routes of delivery, such as intravenous, intra-arterial, lymphatic, intraperitoneal, and local vascular perfusion, have proven successful in animal models with oncolytic HSV-1 vectors and may proceed to clinical trials in the near future. It is possible that armored vectors able to avoid clearance by the reticuloendothelial and immune systems could be tested systemically.

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The biological strength of phytosterols buy dostinex 0.25mg mastercard weaknesses of women's health issues, howev- pygeum is also being studied for use with other treat- er buy 0.25mg dostinex mastercard menopause the musical atlanta, is similar to that of hormones; therefore, a very small ments for hepatitis C and HIV. Pygeum also reduces According to one source, in a double blind placebo edema (the swelling caused by an excess of fluids), re- controlled study involving 263 men on a dose of 100 mg duces levels of the hormone prolactin, lowers and in- per day of African pygeum extract for 60 days, the fol- hibits cholesterol activity within the prostate. Prolactin, lowing improvements versus controls were observed: whose levels are increased by drinking beer, stimulates • 31% decrease in “nocturia,” or night-time frequency testosterone uptake by the prostate, reportedly increasing • 24. BPH imlies two prostate changes: increased • 50% increase in overall relief and feeling of wellbeing. These changes cause Two-thirds of the group using Pygeum reported symptoms of frequent urge to urinate small volumes, re- feeling satisfaction. This was twice the improvement re- duced prostatic secretions, reduced bladder emptying. Incomplete bladder emptying increases risk of bladder infections, edema and inflammation, and possibly, pro- In a study on chronic prostatitis, 60% of men with static cancer. Blood sugar levels and immune function urinary tract infections and nearly 80% of men without have also been found to improve. The few small and relatively short clinical trials of • reducing edema of the prostate pygeum in the treatment of Hepatitis C and HIV+ infec- • inhibit cellular increase tions have been statistically significant; further trials are • improving the natural flow of prostatic secretions under way in South Africa. Standardization is the process rope since the 1700s, and is still used today as a major whereby the targeted active ingredients are quantified and GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 25 concentrated to a consistent therapeutic dose. The widely modern use of the extract form of African pygeum in- KEY TERMS stead of the whole plant may derive from the discovery. In some preparations, synergistic in- Beta-sitosterol—A plant lipid with considerable gredients such as amino acids, other herbs, and vitamins biological activity; even in very amounts it is or minerals, may be included. Studies cited used dosages found to be anti-inflammatory and to have posi- of 100 mg daily; however, one study compared and found tive effects in treating BPH. Precautions Double blind placebo controlled study—A study Precautions noted include recommendations to seek in which neither the patient nor the drug adminis- the guidance of a healthcare professional, and not to self trator knows who is receiving the trial drug and treat. Also noted: pygeum may require Metabolite—A by product of the physical and several weeks to months to make a noticeable difference; chemical change process known as metabolism. Another study specifi- Prostatic secretions—Normal secretions of the cally stated that the active components of pygeum have prostate gland intended to nourish and protect symptom reversal and prevention characteristics. Standardized herbal extract—An herbal product Side effects created by using water or alcohol to dissolve and concentrate the active ingredients, which are then Pygeum appears to be relatively safe and non-toxic. One report noted rare occurrences of diarrhea, dizziness, disturbed vision, gastric pain and constipation. One Synergistic—Describes an association which im- study reported satisfactory safety profiles after 12 months proves the effectiveness of members of the associ- of using 100 mg daily in 174 subjects. Uptake into prostatic tissues is stimulat- adverse effects, and amounts equivalent to 50 times the ed by prolactin; its DHT metabolite stimulates therapeutic dose had no effect on fertility. The National Institute of Health (NIH), in 2002, es- sources of Omega 3s, including the cold water fishes tablished a grant for a randomized controlled clinical salmon, sardines, and mackerel; taking antioxidants and study involving 3,100 men, in order to learn more about a good multiple vitamin; and the synergistic herb saw the medical potential of this alternative therapy, due to in- palmetto (Serenoa repens), said to be more effective creased BPH diagnoses as the population ages. Vitamins E (400 IU) Interactions and B6 (50–100mg) were suggested to synergistically re- Synergistic supplements may facilitate benefits. It was also noted that 200 mcg of report advised dietary adjustments to enhance beneficial selenium daily reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Dietary recommendations to improve prostatic health included avoiding the irritants of coffee and to- No unfavorable interactions were noted. Common bacco; eating pumpkin seeds for their zinc and Omega 3 sense might suggest that any lifestyle habit that aggra- anti-inflammatory content; increasing other dietary vates prostate health, for example, a high cholesterol, 26 GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 high fat, high red meat, low fiber diet, frequent and high cultivated in backyard gardens. The highly aromatic intake of beer, and lack of exercise may decrease the ef- leaves and purple or red flowers are used for healing. Many species of agastache also are grown commercially in the United Resources States for landscaping. In southern China and Taiwan, BOOKS Pogostemon cablin, a relative of Pogostemon patchouli, Chevallier, Andrew. Traditionally, agastache has been associated the OTHER treatment of several different sets of symptoms. Other cultures independently have discovered simi- lar uses for other species of agastache. Description Although rigorous scientific testing of the healing claims made for agastache is scarce, one 1999 study Agastache is a genus of plants found almost world- done at Seoul National University in Korea has shown wide. Different species are used in several native cul- that in test tube experiments an extract of the root of A.

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Strict inclusion criteria for each diagnosis and treatment group that you wish to study should be defined prior to data collection buy cheap dostinex 0.5 mg on-line menstruation kits for girls. Figure 78a is the SST questionnaire to be given the patient at each appropriate interval buy 0.5 mg dostinex women's health magazine issues 2013. The top portion includes important demographic information to facilitate follow-up assessments. If desired, the hand dominance can be associated with questions 9 and 10, which regard throwing. Next are the 12 functional questions; patients should be reminded to answer each by checking ªyesº or ªnoº only. The eight common shoulder diagnoses the authors defined are abbreviated, but the SST may be used for any diagnostic group desired. The follow-up interval is calculated either from the initial SST date if nonsurgical treatment was prescribed or from the surgery date if a procedure was performed. The response to the 12 ques- tions for patients that meet specific circumstances (for example, SST=one year follow-up, diagnosis=DJD, and treatment=total shoulder arthroplasty) should be recorded on the same sheet. Simple Shoulder Test patient tabulation for diagnosis and treatment 232 19 Scores Fig. Simple Shoulder Test follow-up graph for diagnosis and treatment to questions may be recorded as ª1º and negative answers as ª0º to aid in the statistical summation at the bottom. The total number of yes an- swers for a given question divided by total number of patients provides the percent of patients in that group who can perform that function. A separate SST tabulation sheet should be labelled for the initial visit and each follow-up period so that changes in function may be compared at intervals for the treatment group. Figure 78c is the SST Graph Template, which allows graphic com- parison of functional outcome. Percentage results from two respective SST tabulation sheets, for example, initial visit DJD versus six months after arthroplasty, may be compared in the form of bar graphs. It yields an 8-scale profile of functional health and well-being scores as well as psychometrically-based physical and mental health summary measures and a preference-based health utility index. It is a generic measure, as opposed to one that targets a specific age, disease, or treatment group. Accordingly, the SF-36 has proven use- ful in surveys of general and specific populations, comparing the rela- tive burden of diseases, and in differentiating the health benefits pro- duced by a wide range of different treatments. This book chapter sum- marizes the steps in the construction of the SF-36; how it led to the de- velopment of an even shorter (1-page, 2-minute) survey form ±the SF- 12; the improvements reflected in Version 2. SF-36 Literature The experience to date with the SF-36 has been documented in nearly 4,000 publications; citations for those published in 1988 through 2000 are documented in a bibliography covering the SF-36 and other instru- ments in the ªSFº family of tools (Turner-Bowker et al. This information was also summarized in the first two peer-reviewed articles about the SF-36 (Ware and Sherbourne 1992; McHorney et al. A second manual documents the development and validation of the SF-36 physical and mental component summary measures and presents norms for those measures (Ware et al. One of the most complete independent accounts of the development of the SF-36 along with a critical commentary is offered by McDowell and Newell (1996). More recently, the SF-36 was judged to be the most widely evaluated generic patient assessed health outcome measure in a bibliographic study of the growth of ªquality of lifeº measures published in the British Medical Journal (Garratt et al. Additional informa- tion about the SF-36 literature and a community forum for discussing old and new publications and the interpretation of results are available on the SF-36 web page (http:// The usefulness of the SF-36 in estimating disease burden and compar- ing disease-specific benchmarks with general population norms is illu- strated in articles describing more than 200 diseases and conditions. Among the most frequently studied diseases and conditions, with 50 or more SF-36 publications each, are: arthritis, back pain, cancer, cardio- vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, diabetes, gastro-intestinal disease, migraine headache, HIV/aids, hyper- tension, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney disease, low back pain, multi- ple sclerosis, musculoskeletal conditions, neuromuscular conditions, os- teoarthritis, psychiatric diagnoses, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep disorders, spinal injuries, stroke, substance abuse, surgical procedures, transplanta- tion, and trauma (Turner-Bowker et al. Translations of the SF-36 have been the subject of more than 500 publi- cations involving investigators in 22 countries. Construction of the SF-36 The SF-36 was constructed to satisfy minimum psychometric standards necessary for group comparisons. The eight health concepts were se- lected from 40 included in the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) (Stewart and Ware 1992). Those chosen represent the most frequently measured concepts in widely-used health surveys and those most affected by dis- ease and treatment (Ware et al.

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It should also not be taken with Definition MAO inhibitors dostinex 0.25 mg without prescription women's health clinic gold coast, as it may produce a toxic reaction cheap dostinex 0.5mg amex women's health clinic kentville. Accommoda- ually lessens to the point that the eye may have a smaller tion, or the adjustment of the eye for distance, is affect- (constricted) pupil almost all the time. It is considered to be a benign condi- drome; Psuedotabes, Papillotonic Psuedotabes, and tion with no known cure. These many names derive from the lengthy history of study of this condition, beginning in 1813, when James Ware, a Description London ophthalmologist, or medical doctor specializing The eyes are a complex anatomical and neurological in the eyes, described some of these symptoms. The outer surface of each eye is protected by a added to an already long list of doctors who had studied cornea—a normally clear cover that initiates the bending it, when in 1931 he described the condition as self-gen- of light rays into the eye. From the visual cortex, in- lieved that the damaged or cut nerve fails to regrow with all struction based on whether the object of vision is near or fibers running in the same direction for proper reattach- far, and whether the surrounding light is bright or dim, ment to the ciliary body. The propensity to affect women goes back to the muscles of the eye—the ciliary body— between 20 and 40 years of age more than men of all ages through the ciliary ganglion, and results in a re-shaping promoted one doctor to speculate that it may be, or related of the lens (accommodation) and an opening or closing of to, an autoimmune disorder, especially when the individual the pupil (pupillary reaction), as needed, in order to focus lives a stressful lifestyle and other related family members more sharply. Under normal circumstances, brightness have suffered neurological diseases or disorders. Caffeine, and accommodation for near vision will result in contrac- a high sugar diet, or an imbalance in essential fatty acids ture of the ciliary body and the pupil, whereas darkness that are important in maintaining nerve health may also be and accommodation for distance normally results in a re- factors, but no studies have been identified supporting this laxation of the ciliary body and dilation of the pupil. This unusual pupillary reflex, also known as “tonic ation of the ciliary ganglion or the ciliary body. The af- pupil,” because it is slow to change, may also be associated fected eye muscle is unable to contract, dilate, or focus with diabetes, alcoholism, a herpes viral infection, or a with the same strength and speed as the unaffected eye. Relative to the opposite, unaffected eye, in normal day- Symptoms, in addition to the slow-to-respond, differently light the pupil of the affected eye will be larger whereas, sized pupil of the affected eye, may include headache, as a in a quickly darkened room, the affected eye will be result of the strain on the vision, a sensitivity to bright smaller. Furthermore, the nerve from the ciliary ganglion lights, and loss of some reflexes, especially the knee-jerk. Some research Diagnosis is made on the basis of a thorough history suggests that as the person ages, the ability to dilate grad- and physical examination, followed by tests to rule out GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 23 other suspected causes according to the persons history. An examination of the eye using a “slit lamp”—an in- KEY TERMS tensely bright lamp shielded by a shade with a slit it it—. A positive (hypersensitive) reaction to pilo- Aqueous humor—A clear fluid in the posterior carpine drops, an alkaloid substance from the jaborandi and anterior chambers of the eye that moves from tree that causes the otherwise slow-to-constrict pupil to back to front and exits the eye through a small constrict intensely, is considered diagnostically additive. Knee and ankle jerk reflexes—Normal reflexes Treatment elicited usually by testing with a reflex hammer No specific treatments were noted; however, treat- and demonstrating, by being present, a healthy ments that strengthen or protect the nervous system and intact nervous system. Manual of Ocular Diagnosis & reductions in caffeine and sugar, including sugar substi- Therapy, 4th ed. Human Physiology, Mechanics ic use of dilute pilocarpine drops to constrict the tonic of Body Function, 5th ed. Partial recovery of function is more likely if the initi- OTHER ating damage was to the ciliary body rather than to the Enersen, Ole Daniel. It continues to be a widely popular in Description Europe as a remedy for BPH, especially in France where African pygeum (Prunus africana), also known as the use of African pygeum for BPH is reported to be pygeum africanum, pygeum, and African plum tree, is an about 80%. A 150 ft (46 m) tall member of the Rose family General use (Rosacea), pygeum has been found to be useful in treat- ing prostate problems, particularly benign prostatic hy- Pygeum is Primarily used to treat benign prostatic pertrophy (BPH), a condition affecting many men. Phyto (plant) sterols are structurally similar to, but to reduced prostatic secretions. Due to actions as an im- much less efficiently absorbed from the diet than, cho- mune system “up regulator” and anti-inflammatory, lesterol. The biological strength of phytosterols, howev- pygeum is also being studied for use with other treat- er, is similar to that of hormones; therefore, a very small ments for hepatitis C and HIV. Pygeum also reduces According to one source, in a double blind placebo edema (the swelling caused by an excess of fluids), re- controlled study involving 263 men on a dose of 100 mg duces levels of the hormone prolactin, lowers and in- per day of African pygeum extract for 60 days, the fol- hibits cholesterol activity within the prostate. Prolactin, lowing improvements versus controls were observed: whose levels are increased by drinking beer, stimulates • 31% decrease in “nocturia,” or night-time frequency testosterone uptake by the prostate, reportedly increasing • 24. BPH imlies two prostate changes: increased • 50% increase in overall relief and feeling of wellbeing. These changes cause Two-thirds of the group using Pygeum reported symptoms of frequent urge to urinate small volumes, re- feeling satisfaction. This was twice the improvement re- duced prostatic secretions, reduced bladder emptying.

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