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When it comes to the problem of multiple PEF morning PG 40–45 10–20 4–20 treatment comparisons generic 250 mg erythromycin overnight delivery antibiotic resistance presentation, the study logic should be (L/min) Symptom score PG 0 buy generic erythromycin 500 mg virus 7 characteristics of life. With precisely formulated questions the 20 multiplicity problem here should at least diminish substantially. This approach will be illustrated in Here the range is not a range – the lower number what follows. Similarly, for inevitably presents itself, as in so many areas of the range is more of a typical range for which medical statistics. It is however no more sensible to dimensionalise, not a range on what can be to do such analysis on data on lung function obtained. For the crossover measurements of the table, In airways diseases, asthma in particular, the we just note that the AUC refers to AUC-based disease severity varies among patients. Thus average over the full period and that for that the magnitude of the response attainable will variable the pre-dose FEV1 value is used as vary between patients. For PEF morning a baseline numerical effects than patients with large lung is obtained as the mean value over a number volumes, like tall men. This does not mean of measurements, typically 1–2 weeks, and then that the actual benefit to the patient is less, the effect variable as the mean of 1–3 months only that the outcome variable suffers from of data. Similarly, for by measuring lung function in percent of pre- FEV1 the table refers to a measurement both at baseline and end of treatment, but the treatment dicted normal, which tries to capture size dif- value could well be a mean of a number of ferences, instead. Moreover, the FEV data refers to remedy to a larger problem – that there is a 1 the situation when visits to the clinic are spread large heterogeneity in response sizes for some out over the morning, the European style, as outcome variables, which does not necessarily discussed earlier. Changes is not a problem for the proper conclusions of in symptom scores are often small in studies in a clinical trial. Consider a randomised parallel asthmatics with mild–moderate severity, since group study in which treatments A and B they do not have many symptoms on entry. If properly conducted observed rhinitis studies a combination of symptom scores treatment differences should be explained by is often done. If we use the TNS discussed earlier different treatment effects alone, and any claim we typically have a standard deviation of about from the study should relate to the relative 1. Typically, therefore, rhinitis studies can be that the effects differ, say, between men and smaller than asthma studies. A rate of one exac- that the sex distribution is similar in the two erbation per year can be used in sample size groups. Differences in effect sizes could well be explained not only SUBGROUP ANALYSIS by different patient populations, including gender When doing statistics on trials in respiratory distribution, but also by different compliance to medicine, the question of subgroup analysis study procedures in the trials. It is often EFFICACY STUDIES much better to try to transform the information In terms of efficacy, not much can be done in on the effect scale to a dose scale, as will be a phase I trial. These trials, mainly concerned extensively discussed in sections to come. Note that in general a respiratory drug an asthma trial we can expect to find different must be very well tolerated to be useful, since responses. One such example is the multi-centre there are so many efficacious and safe drugs on trial, in which we have many centres, often the market. Different effective in asthma or not and to estimate clini- effect sizes should not come as a surprise, cally relevant doses, the approach differs between and do not necessarily indicate interpretational the drugs that have more or less immediate problems in terms of overall effects. We would effect on lung function, typically bronchodila- also expect that if we compare the effects in a tors, and the ones that work more indirectly on subgroup of mild asthmatics to a subgroup of lung function, via the inflammatory process, as more severe asthmatics within the trial, they will glucocorticosteroids. As a consequence, subgroup analysis is not To establish efficiency is conceptually simple: a sensible thing to do in a single trial, unless all we need to do is to show that a given well specified in advance, and then the study dose of the drug is superior to placebo. There size should be large enough for this subgroup is however no true placebo treatment in long- analysis. If not specified in advance, the risk of term asthma or COPD trials – at a minimum the patients need to be provided a short-acting a fluke significance because of the ever-present β2-agonist to be used as rescue medication. All multiplicity problem is too large, leading to false new drugs are therefore studied on top of some conclusions. It response differs between men and women, as an potentially becomes a problem when you want example, the proper approach is not to analyse to introduce a new rescue treatment, which is to the subgroup of men and the subgroup of women be taken when needed, and you need to document separately. If The next question, possibly posed in the same this interaction test is statistically significant, we study, is which is the relevant dose-span for fur- know that there is a difference in the response for ther investigation? We can even quantify it, if we (including the simple one with only placebo and so choose.
The Drugs used as immunosuppressants are diverse agents with antibodies bind to the graft and induce intense inflammation often overlapping mechanisms of actions and effects purchase erythromycin 250mg on-line antibiotic joint pain. Older with extensive infiltration of neutrophils into the grafted tis- drugs generally depress the immune system (ie generic erythromycin 250 mg on-line viruswin32pariteb, suppress the sue. The inflammatory reaction causes massive blood clots immune response to all antigens). This greatly increases risks within the capillaries and prevents vascularization and func- of serious infections with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa, tion of the graft. Acute reactions, which may occur from at any time during the immunosuppressed state. In addition, 10 days to a few months after transplantation, mainly involve many immunosuppressant drugs slow the proliferation of ac- a cellular response with the proliferation of T lymphocytes. As a result, serious or life-threatening complica- Treatment with immunosuppressant drugs is usually effec- tions can occur. For example, patients on long-term immuno- tive in ensuring short-term survival of the transplant, but does suppressant drug therapy (eg, with autoimmune disorders and not prevent chronic rejection. Chronic reactions, which may organ transplantation) are at increased risk of cancer (espe- occur after months or years of normal function, are caused by cially lymphoma), hypertension, and metabolic bone disease. Characteristics in- and the efforts to develop more effective agents, extensive re- clude fibrosis of blood vessels and progressive failure of the search has been done to develop drugs that modify the immune transplanted organ. As a result, several drugs with more specific im- flammation and specific manifestations depending on the munosuppressive actions have been approved in recent years. With renal transplantation, for example, acute Most are used in combination with older immunosuppressants rejection reactions produce fever, flank tenderness over the for synergistic effects. Chronic rejection reactions are characterized agents, antibody preparations, and miscellaneous drugs. This by a gradual increase in serum creatinine levels over approx- grouping is rather arbitrary because most of the drugs could imately 4 to 6 months. It is hoped that the chosen groupings will assist the reader in differentiating drug sources, effects, and With bone marrow transplantation, the donor bone marrow clinical uses. Tissue damage is produced directly by the action of Corticosteroids cytotoxic T cells or indirectly through the release of inflam- matory mediators such as complement and cytokines such as Corticosteroids are potent anti-inflammatory drugs that act to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukins. In many dis- Acute GVHD occurs in 30% to 50% of clients, usually orders, they relieve signs and symptoms by decreasing the within 6 weeks. Signs and symptoms include delayed recovery accumulation of lymphocytes and macrophages and the pro- of blood cell production in the bone marrow, skin rash, liver duction of cell-damaging cytokines at sites of inflammatory dysfunction (indicated by increased alkaline phosphatase, reactions. Because inflammation is a common response to aminotransferases, and bilirubin), and diarrhea. The skin reac- chemical mediators or antigens that cause tissue injury, the tion is usually a pruritic maculopapular rash that begins on the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions of corti- palms and soles and may extend over the entire body. It is characterized by suppress growth of all lymphoid tissue and therefore decrease abnormal humoral and cellular immunity, severe skin dis- formation and function of antibodies and T cells. Chronic GVHD appears to be an with transplanted tissues, a corticosteroid is usually given with 676 SECTION 7 DRUGS AFFECTING HEMATOPOIESIS AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM other agents (eg, azathioprine) to prevent acute episodes of Azathioprine is well absorbed after oral administration, graft rejection. Specific effects include the following: with peak serum concentrations in 1 to 2 hours and a half-life • Increased numbers of circulating neutrophils (more are of less than 5 hours. The mercaptopurine resulting from ini- released from bone marrow and fewer leave the circu- tial biotransformation is inactivated mainly by the enzyme lation to enter inflammatory exudates). Impaired liver function may decrease me- trophil functions, corticosteroids increase chemotaxis tabolism of azathioprine to its active metabolite and therefore and release of lysosomal enzymes. The reduced availability of monocytes has little effect on acute rejection reactions. It is also used to is considered a major factor in the anti-inflammatory treat severe rheumatoid arthritis not responsive to conventional activity of corticosteroids. When used to prevent graft rejection, azathioprine macrophages are also impaired. Dosage varies among transplantation centers phagocytosis and initial antigen processing (necessary and types of transplants, but depends largely on white blood to initiate an immune response), impair migration to cell (WBC) and platelet counts. The resultant DNA impairment inhibits of deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA], ribonucleic acid [RNA], production and function of immune cells, especially T cells.
Some authors have reported perioperative complication rates up to 60% [8 erythromycin 500 mg without a prescription antibiotic gonorrhea, 15 purchase erythromycin 250 mg without prescription antibiotic cipro, 53, 58, 68, 71, 78, Internal fixation after decompression and fusion of the 94, 106]. Most of these are due to inadequate soft tissue cervical spine provides high intrinsic stability of the con- exposure and careless handling of vessels, nerves, and struct, maintains alignment, and allows early functional esophagus. However, there is no substantial evidence to volve the relatively short C5 nerve roots. Complica- 109 tions related to bone grafting after multiple corpectomies phasizes the challenging nature of this kind of surgery [64, are very common [7, 13, 24, 39]. In an independent matched-cohort analysis reported in 5–20%, even when internal fixation is used comparing corpectomy vs. There are even reports of increased complication vical myelopathy Edwards et al. In instrumented clinical outcome in the two cohorts, with fewer complica- multilevel corpectomies the construct failure that is ob- tions in the laminoplasty group. This occurs because benefits are maintained but functional capacity deterio- rigid anterior plating reverses graft-loading mechanics rates. This is age related and may be an expression of a and excessively loads the graft in retroflexion. The surgical is higher then the resistive strength of the endplates, and outcome from anterior decompression of the myelopathic therefore the strut graft subsides [4, 5, 28, 61, 101]. In the multilevel segmental fusion the pseudarthro- all complication rate of 33%. Preliminary experience in our clinic with anatomically shaped cages suggests a significant de- Outcome crease in pseudarthrosis rate in multisegmental decom- pression and fusion. After solving the early complications Since there are no reliable data on the natural history of with strut grafts in multilevel corpectomies the surgical CSM, its treatment remains controversial. In different series fusion anterior decompression and stabilization of the stenotic rates above 90% have been reported without respect to cervical spine reliably arrests myelopathy progression, plating as well [25, 23, 43, 72, 106]. Other authors report even a cure rate cervical spine is a logical answer to a specific pathological in excess of 50% and a regression rate of 5%. It is a challenging and rewarding surgery, which mean morbidity rate of 31% has been reported, which em- must be tailored to the individual patient. Boni M, Cherubino P, Denaro V, et al Indications and trends in use in cervi- (1987) Cervical spondylotic myelopa- (1984) Multiple subtotal somatec- cal spinal fusions. Technique and evaluation of a Am 29:731–744 decompression and stabilization with series of 39 cases. In: An H, Simp- thop 221:149–160 (1952) The neurological manifesta- son J (eds) Spinal instrumentation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 5:119–127 Greenblatt SH, Jackson WT (1988) tween allograft plus demineralised 9. Bernhardt M, Hynes RA, Blume HW, Cervical stabilization by plate and bone matrix versus autograft in ante- White AA (1993) Cervical spondy- bone fusion. Spine 13:236–240 rior cervical fusion: a prospective lotic myelopathy: current concepts re- 16. Anderson PA, Budorick TE, Easton 128 technique in cervical spine injuries. Bohlman HH (1995) Cervical spondy- In: Kehr P, Weidnner A (eds) Cervi- (1991) Failure of halo vest to prevent losis and myelopathy. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg in vivo motion in patients with in- Lect 44:81–98 New York, pp 198–204 jured cervical spines. Askins V, Eismont FJ (1997) Efficacy rior cervical discectomy and arthrode- sion. Spine 15:1023–1025 of five cervical orthoses in restricting sis for cervical radiculopathy. Joint Surg Am 75:1298–1307 (1996) Anterior cervical fusion: out- Spine 22:1193–1198 12.
One clinical trial now under way involves stimulation of the middle deltoid and supraspinatus muscles of stroke patients to prevent chronically painful subluxation of the flaccid shoulder erythromycin 250 mg overnight delivery bacteria growth experiment. Another involves strengthening the quadriceps muscles to protect an osteoarthritic knee from further stress and deterioration buy generic erythromycin 250 mg line antimicrobial quiz. Other applications in the planning phase include pre- vention of venous stasis and osteoporosis in patients with spinal cord injuries, rever- sal of equinus contractures of the ankle in cerebral palsy patients, and correction of footdrop in stroke patients. Still other clinical problems that may be candidates for such intramuscular stimulation include sleep apnea, disorders of gastrointestinal motility, and fecal and urinary incontinence. For most of these applications, clinical utility is as yet uncertain, morbidity would be unacceptable, and cost will be para- mount. The generic, modular, minimally invasive and unobtrusive nature of BIONs makes them feasible to apply first to relatively simple clinical problems that might not justify the expense and morbidity of surgically implanted multichannel systems. The BION technology is suitable for more ambitious FES to reanimate paralyzed limbs, but first the present microstimulator technology must be enhanced to include sensing and outgoing telemetry of the signals required for command and control. Work is under way to accommodate bioelectrical signals such as electromyo- graphy (EMG), motion and inclination as sensed by microelectromechanical system (MEMS) accelerometers, and relative position between implants, which can be used as a form of electronic muscle spindle to compute joint angles. These will be com- bined in progressively more ambitious ways to address various deficits of grasping and reaching in quadruplegic patients who have partial control of their arms. Such applications are less likely than locomotion to run afoul of our still-primitive understanding of sensorimotor control because speed, energy e‰ciency, and safety are much less critical. Conclusions The clinical and commercial success of cochlear implants has greatly increased the credibility of the field of neural prosthetics in general and the levels of technology and funding available to pursue new applications. That this success was achieved despite knowledgeable naysayers should not be cause for hubris. The laws of physics apply equally to bioelectricity and to conventional electronics, so they cannot be ignored. They represent the first and most easily predictable of many scientific, med- ical, and logistical hurdles that must be overcome to produce any useful neural prosthesis. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, pp. Taylor During the 1990s a number of research groups began exploring the feasibility of an intraocular retinal prosthesis (IRP). The hope of providing vision for the blind has attracted a great deal of attention in the scientific and technological world. Re- cent advances in the fields of microelectronics, neurophysiology, and retinal surgery have advanced to the point where an implantable visual prosthetic system, based on electrical stimulation, is considered feasible. Another type of neural prosthesis, the cochlear prosthesis for deaf patients, has been successfully developed and commercialized (Agnew and McCreery, 1990; Hei- duschka and Thanos, 1998). Development of a retinal prosthesis is generally follow- ing in the footsteps of the cochlear prosthesis, but is a number of years behind at this point. Although there are other approaches to a visual prosthesis, this chapter focuses primarily on the development of an intraocular electronic stimulator array. Many issues need to be resolved before successful implants become practical for long-term human use. This chapter describes the scientific and technical issues related to development of an intraocular retinal prosthetic device. It is important to note that the retina is a true extension of the brain, and in that regard, there are many similarities between the design of an IRP and a device for direct stimulation of the brain or other sensory areas of the central nervous system (CNS). The first section of this chapter gives a brief description of the retina and some background on work in visual prosthetics. The fourth section discusses the development of a curved-surface electrode array fabricated using channel glass. E¤orts to design and fabricate a microelectronic stimulator array for an advanced IRP are described in the fifth section. The Retina and Prosthetic Devices The retina is the innermost layer of the eye. It is basically composed of two layers, the outer retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the inner neural (sensory) retina 16 Dean Scribner and colleagues Figure 2. The sensory retina is a delicate sheet of transparent tissue varying in thickness from 0. The anatomical site for detailed fine vision, called the fovea, is in the center of the macula. The outermost layer of the sensory retina consists of photoreceptors (figure 2.
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