By H. Chris. Southern Wesleyan University.
Kapha generic pristiq 100mg with amex treatment xanthoma, composed of water and earth elements purchase pristiq 50mg otc abro oil treatment, governs anatomical structure and cohesion. The three doshas give rise to three types of physiological function, and anatomic structures that display the influence of each dosha. The main agni, jathar agni, is the digestive fire responsible for the initial digestion of food. The Kapha dosha, responsible for structure, acts through the principles which support the tissues of the body. They are sequentially developed in the order described above, with each step of transformation governed by a corresponding agni. In ayurvedic terms, health is characterized by fully functioning, balanced doshas, giving rise to unobstructed shrotas, and active, balanced agnis governing the sequential transformation of dhatus, so that all seven are fully expressed. In addition, when one dosha predominates, it is more likely to be found in excess at times, giving rise to disease. Individuals with a predominantly Vata constitution are of a light build, move quickly, are averse to cold weather, have irregular digestion and light sleep. Those with a Pitta predominance have a moderate build, are averse to hot weather, have a strong digestion, a sharp appetite and sound sleep. Individuals in whom Kapha predominates have a solid, heavier build, act more slowly and methodically, are averse to damp weather, have a slow 37 digestion and heavy, long sleep. As will be noted below under the discussion of prevention and treatment, dietary and other prescriptions are to some extent based on dosha predominance and imbalance. A more comprehensive understanding of the effects of the doshas in the physiology requires an appreciation of sub-doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are five named Ayurvedic medicine 179 subdivisions for each of the doshas, related to locations in the body where each dosha 37,38 exerts its influence. As will be discussed later, the first sub-dosha of Vata, prana vata, is responsible for the Vata influence on CNS function. PRAGYA APARADH AND THE BASIS OF ILLNESS The normal functioning of the physiology on the basis of balance of the doshas, the production of ojas, balanced dhatus and agnis and clear shrotas is, from a Vedic perspective, the normal state of the physiology. This is the state of human physiology that is able to reflect its infinite, unbounded source, the unified field underlying physiology, which we have previously identified as Consciousness. Less than perfect functioning of physiology is considered a result of less than perfect expression of Consciousness into matter or, more specifically, human anatomy and physiology. It is the intellect that loses sight of the unified field and identifies with the ever-changing relative values of physiology instead. These derangements involve the doshas, shrotas, agnis and dhatus, the lack of ojas—the finest product of Table 1 Characteristics of individuals in whom one of the doshas predominates Vata Pitta Kapha Light, thin build Moderate build Solid, heavier build Acts quickly Acts with medium speed Slow, methodical Averse to cold weather Averse to hot weather Averse to damp weather Irregular digestive power, Strong digestion, sharp appetite Slow digestion, mild irregular appetite Medium time to learn, medium appetite Quick to learn memory Slow to learn Quick to forget Tends to anger Slow to forget Tendency to worry Regular elimination Tranquil, steady Tendency to constipation Sometimes loose or frequent Regular elimination Vivacious, always moving stools Heavy, long sleep Stamina, Light, interrupted sleep, about 6h Sound sleep, medium length strength Tends to fatigue, less physical Enterprising, sharp Dark, full hair stamina Thin, fair hair Oily, smooth skin Curly hair more likely Reddish complexion, moles and Prominent joints, tendons and freckles veins Early graying or balding Dry skin Complementary therapies in neurology 180 Reproduced with permission from Elsevier from Sharma HM, Clark C. If pragya aparadh, the mistake of the intellect, allows the physiology to lose sight of the unified field at its basis, and thus entertain disease, then it is logical that a technique that allows for the direct experience of that unified field on the level of consciousness, the TM technique, should stand as the single most important therapeutic technique in Vedic medicine. Whether from an ayurvedic perspective an illness is due to weakened or excessive Vata, Pitta or Kapha, or a derangement of agni, dhatus or shrotas, experience of the unified field should enhance the re-establishment of homeostasis. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of the TM technique is intriguing from a neurological perspective. As described above, this process is associated with a different mode of cortical functioning, with a distinct EEG signature. It is on the basis of a change in cerebral cortical activity produced by a mental technique that the other physiological effects arise. This is reasonable, given the ability of cerebral cortical activity to govern the remainder of CNS function, including autonomic and neuroendocrine function via the hypothalamus. As discussed above, the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas govern aspects of normal physiological functioning. Their derangement can adversely affect those same corresponding aspects of physiological functioning. Vata, associated with motion and transport, can through its derangement be associated with diseases affecting transport. This may manifest as disorders of the respiratory or gastrointestinal systems for example, as motility is central to both. In a similar manner, diseases of the nervous system are often the result of Vata derangement, as movement and transport are 37 central functions of nervous system activity. Pitta in its role governing transformation, and Kapha, in its role governing structure and cohesion, may also be associated with nervous system dysfunction. However, Vata derangement is the most common dosha imbalance in patients with neurological illness.
Many chiropractors advise on therapeutic exercises as a regular part of their treatment regimen and increasingly incorporate full rehabilitation programs 50 mg pristiq with mastercard medications requiring aims testing. In addition purchase 100 mg pristiq mastercard symptoms definition, chiropractors often counsel their patients on nutrition and at times will provide vitamins and supplements as a regular part of their treatment regimen. THEORETICAL BASIS FOR MANIPULATION Early chiropractic theory suggested that misalignments of spinal vertebrae (which was the initial description of what came to be known as subluxation) interfered directly with nerve function through pressure, resulting in changes in physiological processes. Over the years, however, chiropractic theories have evolved in parallel with the growth in understanding of spinal pathology and spinal mechanics. Today, most chiropractors (and all chiropractic schools) have broadened the original concept to encompass current theories of spinal pathology including concepts of abnormal spinal biomechanics and neurophysiological theories of 25 pain and reflex function. These theories focus on the restoration of joint mobility, relaxation of muscle spasm, modulation of spinal reflexes and the soothing or psychosocial effects of manual therapy. There is a growing body of experimental studies demonstrating at least short-term effects Chiropractic 41 Figure 2 Several types of chiropractic manipulative procedure. The most widely accepted theories are based on the theory that immobility of spinal joints is one factor that may lead to joint inflammation, formation of adhesions and degenerative joint disease, and that manipulation may reverse 28 some of these changes. Spinal manipulation is felt to improve joint mobility and restore normal joint function, especially when associated with an exercise and rehabilitation 29,30 program. The most commonly invoked theory on the nature of the subluxation (manipulable lesion) suggests that a vertebral unit can have restricted mobility or be fixated within the normal, physiological range of motion of a joint or may display abnormal motion. Such fixation is proposed to result in pain and abnormal spinal reflex function, including 31 muscle hypertonicity and responses in the autonomic nervous system. Under this construct, SMT is proposed to have a direct effect on muscles and joints and, through receptors in these tissues, an effect on the nervous system. While this theoretical construct is far from proven, there is growing experimental support for it. Magnetic 32 resonance imaging (MRI) studies have indicated a direct effect on spinal joints that is consistent with reports describing increased spinal range of motion following spinal 28 manipulation. Reflex contraction of paraspinal musculature has been demon-strated to 33 accompany spinal manipulation. These observations, however, have not answered the question of the duration of the observed physiological changes or whether these changes are of therapeutic benefit. Recent neurophysiological research has focused on possible effects of SMT on the 31 central nervous system. Altered pain thresholds have been reported following SMT, 26 possibly related to activation of endogenous pain suppression mechanisms. In addition, abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials from the paraspinal musculature of patients with low back pain have been shown to normalize following manipulation. Activationofzygapophyseal joint receptors in rats is capable of markedly attenuating reflex responses in paraspinal muscles to noxious stimulation of nerves in the intervertebral disc, again indicating the interaction between 36 spinal proprioceptors and central pain processing mechanisms. The effect of SMT on the central nervous system has gained further support from the observations by Suter and 37 associates, who investigated the effect of manipulation of the sacroiliac joint on the degree of inhibition of quadriceps muscles produced by knee joint pathology. These authors showed that manipulation of the sacroiliac joint decreased this inhibitory effect, suggesting interaction between the manipulation and the inhibition of voluntary activity produced by pain. Despite many interesting experimental observations, the underlying mechanisms proposed to explain the therapeutic effects of SMT are poorly understood. Considerable further investigation will be required, better to characterize not only the neurophysiology of the spine, but also the processing systems involved in the perception of pain and the patterning of abnormal biomechanical responses to such conditions. Chiropractic 43 RESEARCH TRIALS ON CHIROPRACTIC AND MANIPULATION Detailed discussion of research trials of spinal manipulation is beyond the scope of this chapter and will be deferred to Chapter 15 on alternative approaches to back and neck pain. There are, however, more randomized clinical trials on spinal manipulation for spine symptoms than for virtually any other form of therapy. However, chiropractic treatment is more than spinal manipulation and it is recognized that the more tightly controlled studies of spinal manipulation deviate the most from normal clinical practice. Therefore, there is a body of pragmatic investigation that has compared patients randomized to treatment by chiropractors versus those treated by other methods. The success rates reported for manipulation in uncontrolled case series and in 38–40 comparative trials are between 60 and 100%. However, particularly in the case of spinal pain, the general tendency for many patients to improve spontaneously, the problem of different populations of patients and pathological conditions causing pain, coupled with the potentially potent placebo effect of treatment makes it difficult to compare these studies and determine success. Therefore, there has been a growing recognition of the role of randomized comparison trials whenever claims of efficacy are made.
Because of its immunosuppressive activity pristiq 100mg low price medicine 2015 song, been used successfully alone and in combination with azathioprine therapy can lead to serious infections purchase pristiq 100 mg otc symptoms 5 days after conception. It azathioprine and corticosteroids to prevent renal allo- has been shown to be mutagenic in animals and humans graft rejection. Mycophenolate Mofetil Antithymocyte globulin binds to circulating T lym- phocytes in the blood, which are subsequently removed Mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept), in conjunction with from the circulation by the reticuloendothelial system. The concomitant use of is almost completely absorbed from the GI tract, me- corticosteroids may alleviate this response. Muromonab-(CD3) Early clinical trials indicate that mycophenolate Muromonab-(CD3) (Orthoclone OKT3) is a mouse mofetil in conjunction with cyclosporine and cortico- monoclonal antibody that is a purified IgG. It is used steroids is a more effective regimen than azathioprine for the prevention of acute allograft rejection in kid- in preventing the acute rejection of transplanted organs. It is also used to deplete T cells in marrow from donors before bone marrow transplanta- Other Cytotoxic Drugs tion. Muromonab-(CD3) alters the cell-mediated im- Although azathioprine is the most popular cytotoxic mune response by binding to the CD3 (cluster of differ- drug used for immunosuppression, others have been entiation antigen, T3) glycoprotein on T lymphocytes. Among these is cyclophosphamide, a cycle- This binding inhibits lymphocyte activation so that af- specific agent that acts by cross-linking and alkylating fected T cells cannot recognize foreign antigen and can- DNA, thereby preventing correct duplication during not participate in rejecting an organ graft. Methotrexate is a phase-specific agent utes of the first muromonab-(CD3) injection, total that acts by inhibiting folate metabolism. In contrast, its ad- Adverse side effects include fever, pulmonary verse effects are fewer in that alopecia and GI intoler- edema, vomiting, headache, and anaphylaxis. See Chapter 56 for izing antibodies may develop over time and necessitate further details of these agents. Antibodies Antiserum can be raised against lymphocytes or thymo- Rho(D) Immune Globulin cytes by the repeated injection of human cells into an An Rh-negative mother can become sensitized to Rh appropriate recipient, usually a horse. This antiserum or the immune globulin fraction derived sensitization may lead to Rh hemolytic disease in future from it has been used to produce immunosuppression. Rho(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) is a Although antilymphocytic serum can suppress cellular preparation of human IgG that contains a high titer of and often humoral immunity against a variety of tissue antibodies against the Rh(D) red cell antigen. Rho(D) graft systems, the responses are variable, particularly immune globulin functions to prevent the mother from from one batch of serum to another. It is generally given at 28 weeks of pregnancy Antithymocyte globulin (Atgam) is purified immune and within 72 hours after delivery. Rh incompatibility globulin obtained from hyperimmune serum of horses can be identified with routine blood tests. Standard im- STIMULATE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM mune globulin solutions contain a distribution of all subclasses, with antibody titers for most major bacterial, A number of disorders can be treated with immuno- viral, and fungal pathogens. These conditions humoral immunodeficiency, congenital agammaglobu- include immunodeficiency diseases, cancer, some types linemias, common variable immunodeficiency, severe of viral and fungal infections, and certain autoimmune combined immunodeficiency, idiopathic thrombocy- disorders. Immunostimulating agents are nonspecific; they cause The principal side effects are possible anaphylactoid general stimulation of the immune system. In most cases, the pharmacol- Thymic factors are naturally occurring substances that ogy of these agents has not been well described. The most promote T-lymphocyte differentiation and differentia- commonly used agents are discussed next. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a viable attenuated By promoting the formation of T lymphocytes, strain of Mycobacterium bovis. Nonviable strains of the thymic factors are used to enhance T-lymphocytic func- bacterium also have been shown to augment the im- tions. Studies with thymodulin show appears to stimulate natural killer cells, which in turn promise in treating symptoms in asthmatics and pa- can kill malignant cells. It is instilled directly into Few major side effects have been reported, espe- the bladder, where it is held for 2 hours before urination. An exciting application of immunomodulating therapy Levamisole is in the use of cytokines (lymphokines, monokines). As mentioned earlier in this chapter, immune cell function Levamisole (Ergamisol) was originally developed as an is regulated by cytokines produced by leukocytes or antihelminthic drug (see Chapter 54). With the advent of genetic engi- stimulatory effects of antigens, mitogens, lymphokines, neering, cytokines can be produced in pure form and in and chemotactic factors on lymphocytes, granulocytes, large quantities. It also has been approved for use in IL-2 (Proleukin) is a cytokine that promotes the prolif- combination with fluorouracil in the treatment of col- eration, differentiation, and recruitment of T and B lym- orectal cancer.
Host cell Foscarnet is approved for the treatment of acyclovir- enzymes then perform two additional phosphorylations discount pristiq 100mg on-line medicine 101. Foscarnet has also ration into the growing DNA strand causes chain ter- been used for the treatment of acyclovir-resistant VZV mination in a manner similar to that of acyclovir safe 50mg pristiq symptoms 4dp5dt fet. However, mammalian bone marrow cells are and Drug Interactions sensitive to growth inhibition by ganciclovir. The most clinically significant adverse effect of foscarnet Resistance to ganciclovir has been found in individ- is renal impairment. Nephrotoxicity is most likely to oc- uals exposed to the drug for long periods and in people cur during the second week of induction therapy but may who have never been treated with this agent. The prin- occur at any time during induction or maintenance ther- cipal mechanism of resistance is mutation of the protein apy. Mutations in the DNA polymerase have to 50% of patients; this effect is usually reversible upon been seen more rarely. Dehydration, previous renal im- pairment, and concurrent administration of other Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion nephrotoxic drugs increase the risk of renal toxicity. Ganciclovir can be given orally or intravenously; how- Infusion of fluids along with foscarnet decreases the like- ever, its oral absorption is poor (6–9%). Dosage ad- is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is justment is required for patients with renal insufficiency. The bioavailability Foscarnet is also associated with adverse effects on of ganciclovir following valganciclovir administration is a variety of other organ systems. Following intravenous administra- in serum electrolytes, including hypocalcemia, hy- tion, ganciclovir is found in the vitreous humor at pophosphatemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypomagne- concentrations approximately equal to plasma levels. Neurological and cardiovascu- Ganciclovir is not metabolized appreciably and is elim- lar signs such as paresthesia, tetany, arrhythmias, and inated by glomerular filtration and active tubular secre- seizures may result from these mineral imbalances. Its rate of elimination is inversely proportional to Anemia and granulocytopenia occur fairly commonly creatinine clearance. The half-life of ganciclovir following oral valganci- due to high levels of ionized drug in the urine. The intracellular studies in rats indicate a lack of carcinogenicity, cell cul- half-life of ganciclovir triphosphate is over 24 hours. The safety of foscarnet during childhood, pregnancy, and lactation Clinical Uses has not been established. Foscarnet should not be used in combination with Intravenous ganciclovir is indicated for the treatment drugs that cause renal toxicity (e. Abnormal renal including those with AIDS, and for the prevention of function has been noted when foscarnet is used with ri- CMV infection in organ transplant recipients. Pentamidine may ciclovir is less effective than the intravenous prepara- increase the risk of nephrotoxicity, hypocalcemia, and tion but carries a lower risk of adverse effects. It is 574 VI CHEMOTHERAPY approved for the prevention of CMV disease in im- junctiva, and cornea. Ganciclovir is also available as an intravitreal implant (Vitrasert) for the treatment of Adverse Effects, Contraindications, CMV retinitis in AIDS patients. Neutropenia oside that has in vitro activity against HSV-1 and HSV- and anemia have been reported in 25 to 30% of pa- 2, vaccinia, and to a lesser extent, some adenoviruses. Trifluridine ganciclovir treatment, and dosage adjustment is re- monophosphate inhibits the conversion of deoxyuri- quired for patients with renal impairment. In animal dine monophosphate (dUMP) to deoxythymidine studies, ganciclovir causes decreased sperm production, monophosphate (dTMP) by thymidylate synthetase. Ganciclovir may cause severe neutropenia when been found to have alterations in thymidylate syn- used in combination with zidovudine. Idoxuridine Clinical Uses Idoxuridine (Herplex) is a water-soluble iodinated deriv- Trifluridine is administered as a topical ophthalmic solu- ative of deoxyuridine that inhibits several DNA viruses tion for the treatment of primary keratoconjunctivitis including HSV, VZV, vaccinia, and polyoma virus. It is not triphosphorylated metabolite of idoxuridine inhibits effective in the prophylaxis of these infections; however, both viral and cellular DNA synthesis and is also incor- it is effective in treating patients who were unresponsive porated into DNA. Because of its significant host cytotoxicity, idoxuri- Adverse Effects, Contraindications, dine cannot be used to treat systemic viral infections. The most frequent adverse reactions to trifluridine ad- Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion ministration are transient burning or stinging and palpebral edema. Other adverse reactions include su- Idoxuridine is marketed strictly for topical ophthalmic perficial punctate keratopathy, epithelial keratopathy, use, and systemic exposure is insignificant.
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