By S. Jaroll. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. 2018.
Jacobson H R: Ischem ic renal disease: an overlooked clinical entity? N ovick AC: Patient selection for intervention to preserve renal renal artery stenosis generic 10 mg celexa overnight delivery medications kosher for passover. London: W B Saunders; ovascular disease in hypertensive patients buy 20 mg celexa symptoms throat cancer. Nally JV, Olin JW , Lammert M D: Advances in noninvasive screening for 16. Schreiber M J, Pohl M A, N ovick AC: The natural history of athero- renovascular hypertension disease. M ann SJ, Pickering TG: Detection of renovascular hypertension: state 11:383–392. Ying CY, Tifft CP, Gavras H , Chobanian AV: Renal revascularization hypertension and renal insufficiency: trends in m edical com orbidity in the azotem ic hypertensive patient resistant to therapy. N ovick AC, Pohl M A: Atherosclerotic renal artery occlusion extend- 18. In ing into branches: successful revascularization in situ with a branched H ypertension. The production of persistent elevation of systolic blood causing end-stage renal disease, incidence, clinical correlates, and pressure by means of renal ischemia. Am J Kidney D is 1994, M orris GC Jr, DeBakey M E, Cooley M J: Surgical treatm ent of renal failure 24:622–639. Appel RG, Bleyer AJ, Reavis S, H ansen KJ: Renovascular disease in older N ovick AC, Ziegelbaum M , Vidt DG, et al. Page IH : The production of persistent arterial hypertension by cellophane J Am Soc N ephrol 1998, 9:252–256. Adv N ephrol N ecker H osp correlation of renal arterial disease. Pohl M A, Novick AC: Natural history of atherosclerotic and fibrous renal Novick AC, Straffon RA, Stewart BH, et al. Goncharenko V, Gerlock AJ Jr, Shaff M I, H ollifield JW : Progression of Novick AC, Stewart R: Use of the thoracic aorta for renal revascularization. Hollenberg NK: M edical therapy of renovascular hypertension: efficacy and Textor SC: Renovascular hypertension. Curr O pin N ephrol H yperten safety of captopril in 269 patients. Pohl M A: M edical m anagem ent of renovascular hypertension. In Renal W orking Group on Renovascular H ypertension: Detection, evaluation, and Vascular D isease. Arch Intern M ed London: W B Saunders; 1996, 339–349. H ypertension stenoses with vascular endoprostheses after unsuccessful balloon 1989, 14:247–257. H ypertension stenting on progression of renovascular renal failure. H ypertension 1989, Pickering TG, Herman L, Devereux RB, et al. Angioplastie (EM M A) Study Group: Blood pressure United States Renal Data System Coordinating Center: Incidence and causes outcom e of angioplasty in atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis: of treated ESRD. Bethesda: USRDS Coordinating Textor SC: Revascularization in atherosclerotic renal artery disease Center; 1994:43–54. W einberger he adrenal gland is involved in the production of a variety of steroid hormones and catecholamines that influence blood Tpressure. Thus, it is not surprising that several adrenal disorders may result in hypertension. M any of these disorders are potentially curable or responsive to specific therapies. Therefore, identifying adrenal disorders is an important consideration when elevated blood pressure occurs suddenly or in a young person, is severe or difficult to treat, or is associated with manifestations suggestive of a secondary form of hypertension. Because these occurrences are relatively rare, it is necessary to have a high index of suspicion and understand the pathophysiology on which the diagnosis and treatment of these problems is based.
DEMENTIA RESEARCH The brain does not metabolize this excess oxygen buy cheap celexa 10mg line symptoms queasy stomach, and this causes a greater concentration of oxygenated blood to cross Numerous variables influence the methodologic error intro- over to the venous side leading to a decrease in the magnetic duced into imaging studies of dementia buy cheap celexa 10 mg on line symptoms 12 dpo, including the sta- field gradient at the capillaries. The resultant greater mag- bility and resolution of imaging systems, the reliability of netic field homogeneity yields a higher MRI signal intensity. The brain activity produce a stronger MRI signal than do other particular method of image analysis provides different levels regions. By comparing perfusion in activated and nonacti- of image detail and sources of error. This approach has high interra- ter reliability (39), but better anatomic definition is possible with computer software that provides image overlay pro- grams merging structural and functional imaging data within the same subject for ROI analyses (40). Such algo- rithms also allow alignment of multiple PET images ob- tained from a single subject (41). Trinary segmentation (gray matter, white matter, CSF) was performed on the MRI image at the level mean global activity. The set of pooled data are then assessed of the temporal lobe. The MRI image was then registered and on a voxel-by-voxel basis, to identify the profile of voxels resliced to align with the PET image. The corrected left temporal that significantly change between conditions (e. The probability of finding by chance temporal lobe atrophy. The corrected and uncorrected glucose any region containing its voxel of maximal significance is metabolic raters for the right temporal lobe were nearly the assessed after adjusting for multiple comparisons. It is not same, consistent with the minimal atrophic changes in the right hemisphere. B: MRI scan surprising that results vary according to analytic method. C: Uncorrected PET image (white lines indicate size and shape of regions defined by structural criteria. If temporal region of interest) showing left-to-right temporal lobe asymmetry of glucose metabolic rate. D: Corrected PET image functionally relevant areas deviate from a priori assump- showing less striking asymmetry. Henry Huang, tions, an area not functionally involved will dilute the statis- Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA tical effect. By contrast, SPM analysis relies on pooled brain School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Minoshima and colleagues ap- in AD greater than white matter losses (46). In trinary cor- plied an automated image analysis method, wherein meta- rection methods, CSF, gray matter, and white matter seg- bolic reductions were standardized using three-dimensional mentation are included (47) (Fig. Computer simula- stereotactic surface projections from FDG PET scans of tion studies (47) have shown close to 100% recovery of patients with AD compared with controls (44). This ap- radiotracer concentration in neocortical gray matter and proach has been useful in studies of asymptomatic subjects hippocampus, and they indicate that errors in gray matter at riskof developing AD (45). Other workindicates that the neocortical deficits Atrophy Correction observed in AD reflect true metabolic reductions and are Decreased functional imaging signal intensity in patients not just the result of atrophy (48). Approaches to correcting for cerebral atrophy USE OF NEUROIMAGING FOR and partial volume effects include a binary method, wherein PRESYMPTOMATIC AD DETECTION AND cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain tissue are segmented PHARMACOLOGIC TREATMENT and the composite tissue images are convolved to the in- MONITORING plane resolution of the PET image. The binary method ignores averaging between gray matter and white matter, During the past decade, investigators have been focusing and pathologic and imaging data suggest gray matter losses their efforts on early detection of AD at clinical stages before Chapter 86: Structural and Functional Brain Imaging of Alzheimer Disease 1235 the time when a physician confirms a clinical diagnosis of tylcholinesterase fiber density (58). The aim is to begin preventive pharma- models also supports compromised hippocampal choliner- cologic treatments before extensive neuronal damage devel- gic transmission during aging (59). Brain imaging has become an important tool for the bolic rates using PET (45,60,61) indicate lower regional development of surrogate markers that will effectively iden- brain metabolism in middle-aged and older persons with a tify people with only mild cognitive losses who are likely genetic risk(apolipoprotein E-4 [APOE-4]), lending further to progress in their cognitive loss and who will eventually support to a prolonged presymptomatic AD stage. As novel, dis- ease-modifying agents emerge, these surrogate brain imag- ing markers will be critical in determining drug efficacy and Structural Imaging will facilitate drug development in both animal models and Computed Tomography and Magnetic human studies. Resonance Imaging Several diagnostic entities have been described in efforts to characterize age-related cognitive decline better. The Studies of early detection logically follow from initial work mildest form of age-related memory decline is known as demonstrating the differential diagnostic utility of a brain age-associated memory impairment (AAMI) (50), charac- imaging marker. For structural imaging, particularly MRI, terized by self-perception of memory loss and a standardized data have emerged on the use of regional atrophy patterns memory test score greater than or equal to 1 standard devia- for the positive diagnosis of AD and other neurodegenera- tion (SD) below the aged norms.
Systemic causes include inflammatory diseases discount 10 mg celexa amex symptoms zinc deficiency husky, hyperviscosity syndromes and embolic disorders buy celexa 40mg free shipping treatment centers for depression. Reduction in the prevalence of vascular dementia will require reduction in the rate of cerebrovascular disease. The following are indicated: • Treat hypertension effectively • Treat diabetes effectively • Control hyperlipidemia • Cease smoking and reduce alcohol intake • Prescribe anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation • Antiplatelet therapy for high risk patients • Carotid endarterectomy for severe carotid stenosis • Weight loss • Regular exercise • Reduce salt intake • Reduce stress • Intervene early for stroke and transient ischaemic attack • Intensive rehabilitation following stroke DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES (DLB) Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is incompletely understood. Frederick Lewy first described Lewy bodies, eosinophilic, round, cytoplasmic inclusions, in the cells of the substantia nigra in patients with PD in 1914. Autopsy studies indicate the DLB accounts for around 5% of all dementias in older patients (Hogan et al, 2016a). Similar rates have been observed in the US, Europe and Japan. Symptoms range from parkinsonian features, such as loss of spontaneous movement (bradykinesia), rigidity (muscle stiffness), tremor, and shuffling gait, to AD-type symptoms including memory loss, acute confusion, and fluctuating cognition. At the present time a 1 year rule is used to differentiate patients with DLB from PD with dementia. If PD has been present for 1 year or longer before cognitive impairment, the disorder is termed PD with dementia, otherwise it is designated DLB. In pathological studies of DLB, LBs are found in nonpyramidal cells in layers V and VI of the cortex. LBs are also found in both DLB and PD, in the substantia nigra (and often other structures including the locus ceruleus, substantia innominata and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus). Genetics: approximately 25% of cases carry a pathogenetic mutation or risk variant of APP, glucosylceramidase beta (GBA) or PSEN1 (Geiger et al, 2016). DLB is a slowly progressive disorder for which there is no cure. Antiparkinsonian medication which may help reduce tremor and improve movement may worsen hallucinations and delusions. Antipsychotic drugs which may reduce psychiatric symptoms may markedly worsen movement symptoms. There is evidence the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may decrease psychiatric symptoms, including apathy, anxiety, hallucinations and delusions. Depression may respond to SSRIs, which do not appear to introduce particular complications. FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA (FTD) FTD is a heterogeneous group of disorders, with some clinical features in common. It is quite rare, representing about 1% of post-mortem verified dementia – however, the prevalence is not clear, and FTD may be responsible for 2. The onset may be early (35 years), and is rarely after 70 years of age. The frontal and temporal lobes control personality and speech. Accordingly, early clinical presentation is characterized by changes of personality and behaviour, affective symptoms and progressive reduction of expressive speech. There is loss of personal and social awareness, with neglect of personal hygiene and grooming, tactlessness and antisocial behaviour. There may be inappropriate sexual advances, impulsive shopping and shoplifting. There is inattentive and carelessness and driving should cease. There may be a strong urge to explore the environment by touching and placing objects in the mouth. Spontaneous speech reduces, and there is frequent word finding difficulty. There is over use of particular phrases, and there may be echolalia.
If drug X is biotransformed in humans to The quantitative inhibitory potency of a series of drugs metabolite Y buy 10mg celexa free shipping symptoms anemia, two core questions occur: (a) What CYP iso- and their metabolites against specific index reactions can form or isoforms mediate the biotransformation of X to Y? The first of two general approaches uses fixed concen- or inhibit? The relation of component of currently utilized in vitro systems buy celexa 20mg with mastercard medicine to treat uti. These decrement in metabolite formation rate to inhibitor concen- preparations contain the various human CYPs in proportion tration is used to estimate a 50% inhibitory concentration to their abundance in human liver in vivo. This procedure is expeditious and relatively inexpen- tion of a specific substrate to its initial metabolite or metabo- sive, and the numbers can be used to compare the potency lites can be replicated in microsomal preparations (Fig. However, IC50 values depend on contribution of the corresponding cytochrome. Chemical substrate concentration when inhibition is competitive, and 38: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Disposition 517 though the relative rank order of inhibitory potency should be maintained. Limitations and drawbacks of in vitro systems should be recognized. In vitro studies generally utilize substrate con- centrations that are one or more orders of magnitude higher than those encountered clinically, even if extensive parti- tioning of lipophilic drugs from plasma into liver tissue is accounted for. If mathematical models and parameter estimates are valid, the outcome of studies of higher concen- trations can be extrapolated down to clinically relevant sub- strate concentrations. However, a clinically important 'high-affinity' metabolic reaction (i. The specificity of chemical inhibitor probes is of con- FIGURE 38. Example of an in vitro study of inhibition of cern for in vitro and in vivo studies, because all inhibitors CYP2D6 by two antipsychotic agents, perphenazine and clozap- ultimately become nonspecific at higher concentrations. A fixed concentration of the substrate dextromethorphan was incubated with liver microsomes, appropriate cofactors, and nally, data from cDNA-expressed human cytochromes can varying concentrations of perphenazine or clozapine. Rates of be misinterpreted unless they are considered in the correct formation of dextrorphan (mediated by CYP2D6) with inhibitor context. Pure cytochrome studies can yield quantitative data present were expressed as a ratio versus the control velocity with no inhibitor. The relation of the velocity ratio to inhibitor concen- on the activity of one or more particular cytochromes as a tration can be used to calculate a 50% inhibitory concentration mediator of a specific reaction. That is, the importance of a specific cytochrome depends on both activity and abundance. In- hibitory potency can also be estimated by determining the DRUG INTERACTIONS IN inhibition constant (Ki), a number that reflects inhibitory PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY activity in reciprocal fashion. Estimation of Ki requires the study of multiple substrate concentrations and multiple in- During the last two decades the general problem of pharma- hibitor concentrations and therefore involves more work, cokinetic drug interactions has received increased attention. The numerical value of Ki depends on New classes of medications introduced into clinical practice the specific biochemical mechanism of inhibition, which over this period include the selective serotonin reuptake may be unknown. Nonetheless, the inhibitor Ki, is indepen- inhibitor (SSRI) and related mixed mechanism antidepres- dent of substrate concentration and can be used under some sants, the azole antifungal agents, newer macrolide antimi- defined circumstances for quantitative in vitro–in vivo scal- crobial agents, and the highly active antiretroviral therapies ing of drug interactions. In general, Ki is always less than (HAARTs) used against HIV infection and AIDS (Table or equal to IC50; Ki will be essentially equal to IC50 if inhibi- 38. These and other classes of medications have had a tion is noncompetitive, or if inhibition is competitive and major beneficial impact on the therapy on some serious and the substrate concentration is far below the reaction Km. When the inhibition is pharmacokinetic drug interactions during multiple drug purely competitive, Ki values for a specific inhibitor should therapy. However, this principle is not is to generate data on drug interactions, so that treating supported by experimental data, probably because of in vitro physicians have the information necessary for safe clinical experimental artifacts, and because actual biochemical therapy involving multiple medications. However, the mechanisms of inhibition are not purely competitive. In any case, the theoretical assumption that unbound a new drug is marketed, and some studies may be bypassed plasma concentrations are equal to enzyme-available intra- altogether. As discussed above, in vitro data are becoming hepatic concentrations is incorrect in reality, and may yield increasingly important as a resource for identifying proba- underestimates of observed in vivo drug interactions by as ble, possible, or unlikely drug interactions, and thereby en- much as an order of magnitude or more (8,83,85).
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