By P. Irmak. University of Guam. 2018.
Advocates of less-inva- sive procedures suggest that the marriage of the technologies of MIS and computer- assisted surgery may be the future aristocort 10 mg amex allergy forecast little rock ar. This is a reasonable hypothesis purchase aristocort 40mg amex allergy testing vancouver wa, but computer navigation adds an additional complexity and cost to the operative procedure. Careful review of component positioning following minimally/less-invasive tech- niques shows greater acetabular cup retroversion and femoral stem placement in 190 C. Clinical photograph of right hip scar following MIS posterior approach varus (Figs. Several authors have reported increased implant malposition when a minimally invasive technique was undertaken. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) is an independent British organization responsible for providing national guidance on promotion of good health and prevention and treatment of ill health. It has published guidance on mini- mally invasive hip arthroplasty, which recommends that “there is insufficient evi- dence on the safety and efficacy of the two-incision technique for it to be performed without special arrangement for consent, audit or research”. Guidance on single mini-incision hip replacement recommends that “there may be benefits to this pro- cedure but it should only be used in appropriately selected patients by clinicians with adequate training in the technique”. Bourne Despite its purported popularity among surgeons, a minimally invasive approach for total hip arthroplasty surgery is performed by less than 10% of surgeons in Canada. The initial enthusiasm for minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty seems to be waning due to less-precise component positioning and the greater risk of complica- tions associated with this technique. Berry DJ, Berger RA, Callaghan JJ, et al (2003) Minimally invasive total hip arthro- plasty. Wright JM, Crockett HC, Delgado S, et al (2004) Mini-incision for total hip arthro- plasty: a prospective, controlled investigation with 5-year follow-up evaluation. Berger RA (2003) Total hip arthroplasty using the minimally invasive two-incision approach. Inaba Y, Dorr LD, Wan Z, et al (2005) Operative and patient care techniques for pos- terior mini-incision total hip arthroplasty. Ogonda L, Wilson R, Archbold P, et al (2005) A minimal-incision technique in total hip arthroplasty does not improve early postoperative outcomes. Berger RA (2004) The technique of minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty using the two-incision approach. Mardones R, Pagnano MW, Nemanich JP, et al (2005) The Frank Stinchfield Award: muscle damage after total hip arthroplasty done with the two-incision and mini- posterior techniques. Archibeck MJ, White RE Jr (2004) Learning curve for the two-incision total hip replace- ment. Berger RA, Duwelius PJ (2004) The two-incision minimally invasive total hip arthro- plasty: technique and results. Wenz JF, Gurkan I, Jibodh SR (2002) Mini-incision total hip arthroplasty: a compara- tive assessment of perioperative outcomes. Waldman BJ (2002) Minimally invasive total hip replacement and perioperative man- agement: early experience. DiGioia AM III, Plakseychuk AY, Levison TJ, et al (2003) Mini-incision technique for total hip arthroplasty with navigation. Sculco TP, Jordan LC (2004) The mini-incision approach to total hip arthroplasty. Fehring TK, Mason JB (2005) Catastrophic complications of minimally invasive hip surgery. Bal BS, Haltom D, Aleto T, et al (2005) Early complications of primary total hip replacement performed with a two-incision minimally invasive technique. Woolson ST, Mow CS, Syquia JF, et al (2004) Comparison of primary total hip replace- ments performed with a standard incision or a mini-incision. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 86A(7):1353–1358 Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery 193 19. Minimally Invasive Two-Incision Surgery for Total Hip Replacement (2005) National Institute for Clinical Excellence Interventional Procedure Guidance 112, London. Single Mini-Incision Hip Replacement (2006) National Institute for Health and Clini- cal Excellence Interventional Procedure Guidance 152, London.
From the home page and its name 15 mg aristocort fast delivery allergy forecast nc, it appears to be a place to locate experts of all kinds aristocort 15 mg with amex allergy symptoms of cats, including medical. The owners of this site very specifically say that “[b]y using this service you understand that our volunteers have varying levels of expertise and haven’t been certified as ‘experts’ (or anything else) by us in any professional way. Knowing this, you can make a better decision about evaluating the information on the site and/or deciding to verify the information yourself. Reading disclaimer statements can help you compare sites and make an intelligent choice about which you consider more reliable and want to discuss with your doctor. Second Opinions After finding information on one website, you might want to get a “second opinion” from another site. This is like getting a second opinion from 78 Becoming Your Own Medical Detective Case Study: Erica After doing the first two steps of the Eight Steps to Self-Diagnosis, twenty-eight- year-old medical student Erica believed there was a link between her consumption of diet soft drinks containing aspartame and her frequent and severe headaches. After she found no such evidence in her medical textbooks or from her professors, she went to the Internet and first checked the Food and Drug Administration site (fda. According to the FDA, aspartame’s approval status was investigated again in 1987 and that investigation supported the agency’s previous conclusions. Although the site acknowledged that complaints are still forthcoming and investigation contin- ues, as of the date of her search, no safety problems with aspartame had been iden- tified with any consistency. Some sites touted the fact that the manufacturers attested to the safety of their product while other sites seemed to blame aspartame for every disease and condition on the planet. Her first site was a “neutral” government site that had done its own studies, so Erica sought a comparable site. She didn’t want to use the aspartame manufac- turer’s site since it obviously would be biased. Nor did she believe that a commer- cial site designed to sell a product, someone’s personal Web page, or a chat room would be a good parallel source of information. She was looking for another neu- tral, objective site that would provide access to its own studies and would have no vested interest in the outcome of those studies. Erica located the website for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (ninds. She checked the “About Us” page and found that NINDS was “the leading supporter of biomedical research on disorders of the brain and nervous system. It said “some people are sensitive to aspar- tame and may suffer headaches or fatigue. So she stopped drinking diet soft drinks containing aspartame and her headaches resolved. Surfing the Web actually gives you the ability to secure numerous opinions from any number of authoritative sites. If you can’t find the answer you need in one place, you can go elsewhere—just make sure you are comparing apples to apples; you have to make certain the sites have an equivalent number of references or qualifications. Erica’s case demonstrates two things: more than one opinion is always beneficial, and comparing one research site with another site containing a neutral mission statement can give the scientific support needed to diagnose a condition. Define Your Search You may become overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of sites you bring up when searching a given topic. In order to avoid this feeling and maximize time efficiency, make your initial search as specific as possible. Outdated articles may recommend a medicine, treatment, or supple- ment that over time has been shown to be ineffective or even hazardous to your health. When this twenty-two-year-old was told by her primary care physician that her hair loss and the new rash she developed weeks later were unrelated, she suspected differ- ently. She had a great aunt who had been diagnosed with lupus—an autoimmune disorder—and even though her aunt’s symptoms were different, she wanted to check it out. Before scheduling an appointment with another doctor for a second opinion, Ayeesha went on the Internet and, using Google as her search engine, typed in the word lupus. By connecting the condition and specifics she was looking for with the word AND (for example, lupus AND rash, lupus AND etiology, lupus AND birth control pills), more relevant sites came up.
Retrograde memory may be assessed with a structured Autobiographical Memory Interview and with the Famous Faces Test buy generic aristocort 15mg quinoa allergy treatment. Poor spontaneous recall generic 40mg aristocort mastercard allergy levels austin, for example of a word list, despite an adequate learning curve, may be due to a defect in either storage or retrieval. This may be further probed with cues: if this improves recall, then a disorder of retrieval is responsible; if cueing leads to no improve- ment, or false-positive responses are equal or greater than true posi- tives, then a learning defect (true amnesia) is the cause. The neuroanatomical substrate of episodic memory is a distrib- uted system in the medial temporal lobe and diencephalon sur- rounding the third ventricle (the circuit of Papez) comprising the entorhinal area of the parahippocampal gyrus, perforant and alvear pathways, hippocampus, fimbria and fornix, mammillary bodies, mammillothalamic tract, anterior thalamic nuclei, internal capsule, cingulate gyrus, and cingulum. Basal forebrain structures (septal nucleus, diagonal band nucleus of Broca, nucleus basalis of Meynert) are also involved. Classification of amnesic syndromes into subtypes has been pro- posed, since lesions in different areas produce different deficits reflect- ing functional subdivision within the system; thus left temporal lesions produce problems in the verbal domain, right sided lesions affect non- verbal/visual memory. A frontal amnesia has also been suggested, although impaired attentional mechanisms may con- tribute. Functional imaging studies suggest medial temporal lobe acti- vation is required for encoding with additional prefrontal activation with “deep” processing; medial temporal and prefrontal activation are also seen with retrieval. Many causes of amnesia are recognized, including: ● Acute/transient: Closed head injury Drugs - 22 - Amusia A Transient global amnesia Transient epileptic amnesia Transient semantic amnesia (very rare) ● Chronic/persistent: Alzheimer’s disease (may show isolated amnesia in early disease) Sequela of herpes simplex encephalitis Limbic encephalitis (paraneoplastic or nonparaneoplastic) Hypoxic brain injury Temporal lobectomy (bilateral; or unilateral with previous contralateral injury, usually birth asphyxia) Bilateral posterior cerebral artery occlusion Korsakoff’s syndrome Bilateral thalamic infarction Third ventricle tumor, cyst Focal retrograde amnesia (rare) Few of the chronic persistent causes of amnesia are amenable to specific treatment. Plasma exchange or intravenous immunoglobulin therapy may be helpful in nonparaneoplastic limbic encephalitis associated with autoantibodies directed against voltage-gated potassium channels. Functional or psychogenic amnesia may involve failure to recall basic autobiographical details, such as name and address. Reversal of the usual temporal gradient of memory loss may be observed (but this may also be the case in the syndrome of focal retrograde amnesia). Practical Neurology 2003; 3: 292-299 Cross References Confabulation; Dementia Amusia Amusia is a loss of the ability to appreciate music despite normal intel- ligence, memory, and language function. Subtypes have been - 23 - A Amyotrophy described: receptive or sensory (loss of the ability to appreciate music) and expressive or motor (e. Clearly a premorbid appreciation of music is a sine qua non for the diagnosis (particularly of the former), and most reported cases of amusia have occurred in trained musicians. Others have estimated that amusia affects up to 4% of the population (presumably expressive). Amusia may occur in the context of more widespread cognitive dysfunction, such as aphasia and agnosia. It has been found in associ- ation with pure word deafness, presumably as part of a global auditory agnosia. Isolated amusia has been reported in the context of focal cere- bral atrophy affecting the nondominant temporal lobe. However, func- tional studies have failed to show strong hemispheric specificity for music perception, but suggest a cross-hemispheric distributed neural substrate. An impairment of pitch processing with preserved aware- ness of musical rhythm changes has been described in amusics. Psychological Science 2004; 15: 356-360 Schuppert M, Münte TF, Wieringa BM, Altenmüller E. Receptive amusia: evidence for cross-hemispheric neural networks underlying music processing strategies. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, 1969: 195-206 Cross References Agnosia; Auditory agnosia; Pure word deafness Amyotrophy Amyotrophy is a term used to describe thinning or wasting (atrophy) of musculature with attendant weakness. This may result from involve- ment of: ● Lower motor neurones (in which case fasciculations may also be present): Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Benign focal amyotrophy/monomelic amyotrophy Disinhibition-dementia-parkinsonism-amyotrophy complex (DDPAC) Amyotrophic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (obsolete term) “Asthmatic amyotrophy” (Hopkins’ syndrome) ● Nerve roots: Diabetic amyotrophy (polyradiculopathy, especially L2-L4) ● Plexus: Neuralgic amyotrophy (Parsonage-Turner syndrome) Hence although the term implies neurogenic (as opposed to myogenic) muscle wasting, its use is nonspecific with respect to neuroanatomical substrate. These negative sensory phenomena may occur as one component of total sensory loss (anesthesia) or in iso- lation. Consequences of analgesia include the development of neu- ropathic ulcers, burns, Charcot joints, even painless mutilation or amputation. Congenital syndromes of insensitivity to pain were once regarded as a central pain asymbolia (e.
X Information about the personal benefits to be gained by taking part in the project buy aristocort 40 mg allergy shots yahoo answers. This section is optional purchase aristocort 15mg overnight delivery allergy forecast, but I find it helps to show that people will gain person- ally in some way by taking part in the research. You might offer further informa- tion about something in which they are interested, or you might offer them a copy of the final report. Some consumer research companies offer entry into a prize draw or vouchers for local shops and restaurants. CODE OF ETHICS Once you have been open and honest about what you are doing and people have agreed to take part in the research, it is useful to provide them with a Code of Ethics. The best time to do this is just before they take part in a focus HOW TO BE AN ETHICAL RESEARCHER/ 151 group or interview, or just before they fill in your ques- tionnaire. The Code of Ethics supplies them with details about what you intend to do with the information they give and it shows that you intend to treat both them and the information with respect and honesty. It covers the following issues: X Anonymity: you need to show that you are taking steps to ensure that what participants have said cannot be traced back to them when the final report is produced. How are you going to make sure it is not easily accessible to anyone with unscrupulous intentions? If not, how will you ensure that what someone says cannot be used against them in the fu- ture? However, you must be careful not to make pro- mises that you cannot keep. X Confidentiality: you need to show that information sup- plied to you in confidence will not be disclosed directly to third parties. If the information is supplied in a group setting, issues of confidentiality should be rele- vant to the whole group who should also agree not to disclose information directly to third parties. You need to think about how you’re going to categorise and store the information so that it cannot fall into un- scrupulous hands. Again, you need to make sure that you do not make promises which you can’t keep. X Right to comment: this will depend on your personal methodological preferences and beliefs. Some re- searchers believe that willing participants should be 152 / PRACTICAL RESEARCH METHODS consulted throughout the research process and that if someone is unhappy with the emerging results and re- port, they have the right to comment and discuss al- terations. Other researchers believe that once the information has been supplied, it is up to them what they do with it. If you’re not willing to dis- cuss the final report or take on board comments from unhappy participants, you must make this clear from the outset. X The final report: it is useful for participants to know what is going to happen with the results. If the final report is very long you can produce a shorter, more succinct report which can be sent to in- terestedparticipants. X Data Protection: you need to show that you understand the Data Protection Act and that you intend to comply with its rules. It sets rules for processing per- sonal information and applies to paper records as well as those held on computers. It covers issues such as act- ing fairly and lawfully; not keeping the information longer than necessary; making sure that the data is ac- curate and kept secure. A copy of the Data Protection Act 1998 can be obtained from The Stationery Office Limited at a price of £10, or from www. This will help to ensure that what you have said during the discussion will not be traced back to you by third parties. Confidentiality I guarantee that I will not disclose directly any informa- tion provided in this group to third parties, unless per- missionhasbeengrantedtodoso. Assomeofthe comments made in this group may be of a personal or private nature, other participants should respect the confidentiality of individuals and also not disclose infor- mation directly to third parties. Your right to comment I agree to keep you informed about the progress of the research.
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