By S. Marius. Monterey Institute of International Studies. 2018.
A more general issue is whether head injuries may have broken what is called the blood–brain barrier so that some parts of the CNS may themselves become contaminated and thus be damaged by the various blood products that are released cheap cyklokapron 500mg mastercard medicine for runny nose. However purchase cyklokapron 500mg overnight delivery medicine xanax, the relationship of any breach of the blood–brain barrier and the onset of MS is disputed. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS EXPLAINED 11 Diet There has also been extensive scientific research on MS and diet which may have some bearing in the medium and longer term on health in general. There is substantial research indicating that what are called ‘unsaturated fatty acids’ – essential building blocks of the brain and nervous system – may be deficient in people with MS, which is why supplements containing these fatty acids have become popular. However, there is little evidence that taking supplements with the fatty acids has any major effect on MS. More generally, there is also little evidence that any particular diet has major effects on the course of MS, although some evidence suggests that a low-saturated fat diet may be beneficial as regards relapses. Finally, there is little or no evidence that poor diet in itself causes MS – if this were so, the geographic and social distribution of MS would be very different. Diagnosing MS The diagnosis of MS has previously been a long, slow and complicated process, since there was no definitive laboratory test for MS. The newer and sophisticated brain scanning techniques that are now used, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can locate lesions or patchy scarring (scleroses) in the nervous system, but require very careful interpretation by a skilled doctor. Although many people in the early stages of MS do not exhibit the ‘classic’ symptoms considered to be the ‘textbook’ features of the disease, MRI can be the definitive test as it shows lesions in the white matter which contains myelinated fibres. Finally, many other conditions may produce symptoms almost indistinguishable from MS symptoms. Thus the difficulty in diagnosing MS lies in establishing sufficient evidence to exclude other possibilities. There is more about diagnosing MS in Multiple Sclerosis – the ‘at your fingertips’ guide (see Appendix 2). In addition to the possibility of influencing the onset of attacks, lessening their effects and increasing the length of remissions, the possibilities of longer term disease modification are now being actively considered. This chapter discusses the issues of treatment rather than cure, what medical therapies there are at present, and rehabilitation. Treatment rather than cure Repairing the damage One of the reasons why MS is such a difficult disease to cure is that, once the CNS has been damaged, it would involve major repair of the often severe structural damage. Any further process of damage would have to be prevented as well as the previous structural damage being repaired. However, despite these difficulties, there is considerable interest in experimental work on drugs that may be able to ‘remyelinate’ damaged nerves, and drugs that may slow down or halt the process of further damage. Symptom remission Most claims for a cure for MS have been made on the basis that the symptoms seem to have disappeared, temporarily at least, but not that the structural damage of MS has been repaired. The problem is that symptoms of MS can be dormant for many years, or dramatic remissions in symptoms have occurred, but the damage to the CNS has not neces- sarily been repaired. Symptoms can reappear, and there is a significant 12 MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF MS 13 possibility that they will do so, but without evidence that the underlying demyelination has been repaired, the disappearance of symptoms appears to be a temporary, although happy, coincidence; it is probably due to the absorption of fluid caused by the inflammatory response to demyelination. A number of newer drugs, particularly the beta-interfer- ons and glatiramer acetate, may have some effects on modifying the disease process. At present therefore, treatment mainly consists of: • ameliorating a symptom or its effects; • preventing or lessening the degree or length of time of a ‘relapse’; • encouraging the early arrival of a ‘remission’; • changing various aspects of your lifestyle that will make life with the symptoms of MS easier to manage; • seeking to slow down the rate of progression of the disease. In many cases, up until recently, the treatment of MS has been on the basis of symptoms as they occur. Now, in addition to attempts to reduce the number of relapses in MS, there are increasingly promising efforts to alter the course of MS itself. There are some drugs that offer the promise of lower rates of disease progression for some people, although for how many people and for how long is a subject of major controversy. Indeed the acronym DMT is now being used quite widely in discussions of MS, but we are still not talking about a cure, just a possibility of slower pro- gression of the MS. Approaches to treatment There are now two basic approaches to treating MS medically.
Outside the park cheap cyklokapron 500 mg otc symptoms hiv, Blaine bought a piece of petrified wood to put in a rock chimney that he later built at home buy cheap cyklokapron 500mg online medicine doctor. By writing about our travels, I’m trying to portray some of the great times Blaine and I have had since my diagnosis. When you find out that you have a debilitating disease like Parkinson’s, it isn’t the end of the world. In- between, we enjoyed the beautiful California coast, and afterward, we wouldn’t have wanted to miss following the Oregon Trail eastward. Quite a bit of our traveling has combined our vacations with attending Parkinson’s conferences and speaking to Parkinson’s groups. When we get a request to speak somewhere, Blaine figures out whether we can combine it with a vacation and see some of the country at the same time. I’ve received notes and letters from people who have read my book and invited us to stop and visit them. Our Christmas card list now includes new friends whom we have met all over the United States. Once when we were visiting some friends with Parkinson’s in Sacramento, the weather was very hot and humid. After leaving our friends and heading back to the campground, I decided to use the bathroom in the motor home while Blaine drove. It took a few minutes before he found a place to pull over to the curb, and by then, I had come to. He decided that in the future, whenever I needed to use the bath- room, I would do it only when he could pull over and be available if I needed him. We spent one night on a mountain, looking out over the lights of Las Cruces, New Mexico. We felt really small and unimportant walking among the giant redwoods and sequoias, knowing that these trees had been alive here before Christ’s time on earth. Seeing Old Faithful and other magnificent sights and animals of Yellowstone National Park. Or sitting by a lake, absorbing the beauty of the Grand Tetons and their reflections in the water. I had one of Blaine’s slides made into a large photograph that now hangs over his dresser. One spring we were asked to speak to a Parkinson’s group in Charleston, South Carolina. We met a young pre-med stu- dent whose Parkinson’s had first manifested before she became a teenager, but it wasn’t properly diagnosed until her first year of college. She was the second young woman I’d met who hadn’t been diagnosed for several years after her symptoms began. We had talked about this with our friends Ervin and Marge Lenentine for quite sometime. I was beginning to notice progression in my Parkinson’s, so we decided to take the trip rather than put it off any longer. Feldman found it necessary to add Permax to my medicine, causing my low blood pressure to drop even more. Before the Florinef was added to help stabilize it, I was passing out as often as five or six times a day. Feldman before our trip, and he said jokingly, "Stand her on her head and she will come around in a minute. We left Maine and drove south to meet the Lenentines at their place in Connecticut. The next day, the two motor homes headed 184 living well with parkinson’s for Alaska. On our way across the northern part of the United States, we visited Mount Rushmore and Bear Country.
Hallmarks are reports of sitting intolerance with tem- porary relief when walking 500mg cyklokapron for sale treatment advocacy center. The pain may be aching or stabbing order 500mg cyklokapron mastercard treatment 1st line, and there may be some discomfort radiating into the legs, although back pain is typically the more significant complaint. The diagnosis of disco- genic pain is based on classic clinical history (including a pain diagram showing the patient’s pain distribution) and pain-provocative discog- raphy with provocation of typical concordant pain symptoms on disc distention. Theories for the exact pathophysiology of the pain mechanism abound, but most revolve around pathological tears of the posterior annulus of the disc and mechanical or chemical stimulation of noci- ceptive fibers located in and around the posterior annulus fibrosus and relayed through the sinuvertebral nerve. The present therapy for per- sistent axial back pain begins with conservative pain management regimens including elements such as rest, physical therapy, anti- inflammatory agents and analgesics, epidural steroids, chiropractic, and acupuncture. Patients who report persistent and debilitating pain after a 6-month course of conservative measures would be considered to have chronic pain and would be candidates for more aggressive intervention. The choice of surgical intervention may vary depending on local preferences and geographic location. All these factors have resulted in increased in- terest in developing other options to treat discogenic back pain. Historical Perspective Developed in the 1990s as a minimally invasive treatment for chronic discogenic low back pain refractory to conservative measures,3 the IDET technique involves intradiscal delivery of thermal energy to the internal structure of the disc annulus by way of a catheter placed within 124 Chapter 7 Intradiscal Electrothermal Annuloplasty FIGURE 7. This flexible conductive catheter has an exposed resistive heating element on the terminal 2 inches. The catheter has a hockey stick curve to facilitate navigation along the inner aspect of the annulus. Delivery of thermal energy is a common technique used in pain management, surgery, and tissue ablation. Extensive in vivo studies have demonstrated the IDET method to be a safe technique for application of thermal energy to the disc annulus for the purpose of shrinking disc substance, promoting annular healing, and coagulating nervous tissue in the annulus in the course of treating discogenic pain. Indications and Technique IDET is indicated in the treatment of chronic, activity-limiting disco- genic low back pain that has been refractory to conservative measures and is generally characterized by: 1. Failure to improve significantly with a comprehensive nonoperative back care program including Progressive exercise (physical therapy) At least one fluoroscopic epidural injection A course of anti-inflammatory medication Activity modification 4. No extruded disc fragments and no neural impingement revealed by magnetic resonance imaging 5. Pain-provocative discogram with concordant pain reproduction on low-pressure injection at one or more disc levels Images should be carefully reviewed to detect any annular tears and to exclude any free or extraligamentous herniation of nuclear material. The critical aspect of diagnosis and patient selection relies on a con- cordant pain response elicited on discography by an experienced Historical Perspective 125 discographer. Contraindications include nerve root compression (ra- dicular pain distribution or motor findings on exam), extruded disc fragment, active infection and/or discitis, and bleeding disorder. Se- vere degenerative disc disease with greater than 50% decrease in disc height is a relative contraindication, since disc narrowing may preclude catheter navigation or placement of the catheter within the disc. The procedure is generally performed in a fluoroscopy suite,21 us- ing an intravenous conscious sedation protocol, typically with mi- dazolam and fentanyl. The sedation level should be such that the pa- tient is comfortable and sleepy but can be roused easily for question- ing about radicular symptoms during needle placement and catheter heating. As with all spinal procedures, the indications for the proce- dure, risks, and appropriate expectations should be discussed with the patient prior to beginning, and informed consent should be obtained. If performed carefully by a skilled operator, IDET is very safe, and complications are very rare ( 2% in our experience). Having given informed consent, the patient is placed prone on a flu- oroscopy table and midazolam sedation is initiated, while the low back is prepared and sterile drapes arranged. The disc to be treated is visualized fluoroscopically, and the fluoroscope is angled parallel to the disc, such that the endplates above and below are seen en face (Fig- ure 7. The imaging orientation is typically craniocaudal angulation for L4-5 and L5-S1 and caudocranial for L1-2 and L2-3 (Figure 7. Then, to permit visualization and selection of the appropriate site for disc entry, the fluoroscope is obliqued laterally without changing the craniocaudal angulation. The site of entry is nearly the same as that used for discography and is chosen to allow access to the anterior as- pect of the disc nucleus while minimizing the chance of encountering the traversing nerve root from the level above. From the level above the disc to be treated, the lumbar nerve root descends obliquely across the lateral aspect of the disc. Appropriate obliquity is generally achieved when the superior articular facet has traversed between one third and one half of the disc (Figure 7.
Is the high incidence of coronary heart disease in certain ethnic Asian groups attributable to differences in insulin levels? The hypothesis linking vitam in C with cure of the com m on cold is discount 500 mg cyklokapron amex medications gerd, apparently discount 500 mg cyklokapron fast delivery medications that cause constipation, som ething to do with its role as an antioxidant. M ake sure you practise finding the M eSH term for each subject, using the asterisk to restrict to focus, and using the slash to denote what you know is a M eSH term. W e don’t have a particular paper in m ind or a very specific question to ask and we aren’t aim ing for an exhaustive 25 H OW TO READ A PAPER overview of the literature. W e just want to know, say, what’s the latest expert advice on drug treatm ent for asthm a or whether anything new has been written on m alaria vaccines. One m ethod of accom plishing this is to search using M eSH term s and then, if we unearth a large num ber of articles but not otherwise, to use index subheadings. Subheadings are the fine tuning of the M edline indexing system and classify articles on a particular M eSH topic into aetiology, prevention, therapy, and so on. I try not to use subheadings m yself, since m y librarian colleagues tell m e that an estim ated 50% of articles in M edline are inadequately or incorrectly classified by subheading. The subheading /px is used with non-psychiatric diseases as in this exam ple – diabetes/px = psychology of diabetes. It gives you a num ber of options, including diagnosis, econom ics, ethnology, and so on. You could have typed the single line com m and: 2 *asthma/dt where * denotes a m ajor focus of the article, / denotes a M eSH term , and dt m eans drug therapy. You now need to limit the set, so start with the frequently used options for lim iting a set which are listed as tick boxes below the table on your screen ("hum an", "reviews", and so on). This will restrict your set to journals that are held in the particular library through which you are accessing M edline. If you dial M edline at the BM A library via a com puter m odem , "local holdings" m eans journals held at the BM A library, not the library where you are dialling from! N ote that options such as "local holdings" reduce your article count in a non-system atic way; there are probably m any excellent and relevant articles published in journals that your local library does not take. If after choosing any relevant options from the frequently used "lim it set" boxes, you still have too m any articles, now select the "lim it set" button at the top of the screen. You m ust now choose additional options for cutting the set down to a num ber that you can browse com fortably. It is better to do this than to rely on the software to give you the best of the bunch. You can get the latest review by selecting first "review articles" and then "latest update". H owever, given that the very latest update m ay not be the best overview written in the past year or so, you m ay be better selecting "publication year" as the current year and trawling through. Rem em ber that only a systematic review will have involved, and will include details of, a thorough search of the relevant literature (see Chapter 8). Alternatively, if you want articles relating to nursing rather than m edical care, you could lim it the set to "N ursing journals". This is often a better way of lim iting a large set than asking for local holdings. If you are not interested in seeing anything in a foreign language (even though the abstract m ay be in English), select this option, again bearing in m ind that it is a non-system atic (indeed, a very biased) way of excluding articles from your set. Is horm one replacem ent therapy ever indicated in wom en who have had breast cancer in the past? The N orth Am erican m edical literature often m entions health m aintenance organisations. Im agine that you are a m edical journalist who has been asked to write an article on screening for prostate cancer. You want two fairly short review articles, from the m ainstream m edical literature, to use as your sources. I recently undertook a search to identify articles on surrogate endpoints in clinical pharm acology research. I searched M edline by M eSH term s but I also wanted to search by textwords to pick up articles that the M eSH indexing system had m issed (see section 2.
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