X. Ugo. Southern Adventist University.
Treatment: A presumed episode of line sepsis is treated by determining whether the line is actually responsible purchase chloromycetin 500 mg amex symptoms 5dp5dt fet. Short-term cen- tral venous catheters that may be infected are best treated by removing the line buy chloromycetin 250 mg medications on airplanes. The catheter may be changed over a guidewire, but some centers do not advocate this practice. In the absence of florid sepsis, or if placement of a new line would jeopardize the ability to obtain vascular access, then quantitative cultures of blood from a peripheral site and the line may be obtained and treatment may be based on the results of these cultures, once avail- able. Using isolator tubes (Dupont), colony counts are performed 16–18 h after obtaining the culture. If the colony count from the catheter is equal to or greater than five times the count from the peripheral culture, the result is interpreted as probable catheter infection. Pulmonary Embolism PE is a major cause of death in the United States (approximately 150,000 deaths annually) and the world. Deep venous thrombosis is known to be responsible for a majority of PE in hospitalized patients. It is estimated that about 90% of all PE originate in the femoral–iliac–pelvic veins. DVT is caused by the classical causes of thromboses: vessel in- jury, hypercoagulability, or stasis. Prevention of DVT: Prevention is especially important in “high-risk” patients (those with malignancy, obesity, previous history, age >40 years, extensive abdominal/pelvic surgery, immobilization). For patients undergoing surgery, prevention should be initiated in the operating room. Intermittent compression stockings and the selected use of heparin have 20 greatly reduced the incidence of DVT in the postoperative patient. Remember that prophy- laxis against DVT is effective only when started preoperatively for those patients under- going surgery. These include leg elevation, intermittent compression devices, early postoperative ambulation. None is diagnostic, but may include dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, chest pain (usually pleuritic), PO2 <80 (compare with baseline). A normal scan effectively rules out PE, and a positive scan is sufficient evidence to treat the patient. An indeterminate scan in a symptomatic pa- tient with a high index of suspicion necessitates angiography. Prevents clot propagation, decreases inflammation, and al- lows intrinsic fibrinolysis to lyse the clot. Monitor the platelet count because some patients can manifest “heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Start oral warfarin (Coumadin) by day 7 of heparin therapy, to maintain a thera- peutic ratio. In cases of massive embolus, thrombolytic therapy (streptokinase) can be used in the absence of contraindications. Open embolectomy, using cardiopulmonary bypass, has been effective in some cases of massive PE. In patients who cannot undergo systemic anticoagulation (those with recent surgery, stroke, GI bleeding, etc) or patients with recurrent emboli despite adequate therapy, vena caval interruption may be indicated using an intracaval filter or a caval clip (placed transabdominally). QUICK REFERENCE TO CRITICAL CARE/ICU FORMULAS See Table 20–9 GUIDELINES FOR ADULT CRITICAL CARE DRUG INFUSIONS 20 See Table 20–10 T A B L E 2 0 – 9 Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e t o C o m m o n I C U E q u a t i o n s D e t e r m i n a t i o n D e r i v a t i o n N o r m a l R A P, C V P M e a s u r e d 2 – 1 0 m m H g R V P M e a s u r e d 1 5 – 3 0 / 0 – 5 m m H g P A S / P A D M e a s u r e d 1 5 – 3 0 / 8 – 1 5 m m H g P C W P M e a s u r e d 5 – 1 1 m m H g C O M e a s u r e d ( C O = S V × H R ) 3. T A B L E 2 0 – 1 0 G u i d e l i n e s f o r A d u l t C r i t i c a l C a r e D r u g I n f u s i o n s * ( F i n a l C o n c e n t r a t i o n ) D r u g D i l u t i o n F l o w R a t e = m L / h U s u a l D o s e R a n g e A m r i n o n e 5 0 0 m g ( 2 m g / m L ) ( I n o c o r ) 2 5 0 m L 1 5 0 0 µ g / m i n = 4 5 L D = 0. D 5 W o r P S S 3 0 0 0 µ g / m i n = 1 8 I n c r e a s e b y 5 0 µ / k g / m i n i n c r e m e n t s e v e r y 5 m i n u t e s ( c o n t i n u e d ) T A B L E 2 0 – 1 0 ( C o n t i n u e d ) ( F i n a l C o n c e n t r a t i o n ) D r u g D i l u t i o n F l o w R a t e = m L / h U s u a l D o s e R a n g e I s o p r o t e r e n o l 2 m g ( 8 µ g / m L ) I n i t i a l l y : 1 – 4 µ g / m i n ( I s u p r e l ) 5 0 0 m L 1 0 µ g / m i n = 7 5 6 µ g / m i n = 4 5 T i t r a t e u p t o 2 0 µ g / m i n D 5 W o r P S S 4 µ g / m i n = 3 0 2 µ g / m i n = 1 5 1 µ g / m i n = 7. S o u r c e : R e p r i n t e d, w i t h p e r m i s s i o n, f r o m T h o m a s J e f f e r s o n U n i v e r s i t y P h a r m a c y a n d T h e r a p e u t i c C o m m i t t e e, P h i la d e lp h i a, P A.
Most droxy acid products and other medications and sub- people who have AD die within eight years of their diag- stances when administered in recommended strengths buy chloromycetin 250mg amex medicine etymology. AD is the fourth leading cause of considered cosmetics and not pharmaceuticals chloromycetin 500 mg discount treatment jerawat di palembang, existing death in adults after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Between two and four million Americans have AD; Alpha-hydroxy products may enhance the effects of that number is expected to grow to as many as 14 million other products or medications with similar therapeutic by the middle of the twenty-first century as the popula- properties. While a small number of people in GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 65 What triggers the formation of plaques and tangles is unknown, although there are several possible candi- dates. Inflammation of the brain may play a role in their development, and use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) seems to reduce the risk of developing AD. Restriction of blood flow may be part of the prob- lem, perhaps accounting for the beneficial effects of es- trogen that increases blood flow in the brain, among its other effects. Highly reactive molecular fragments called free radicals damage cells of all kinds, especially brain cells, which have smaller supplies of protective antioxi- dants thought to protect against free radical damage. In 2001, scientists discovered a new rare mutation of the APP gene that might lead to their 40s and 50s develop the disease (called early-onset new understanding on how the disease develops and new AD), AD predominantly affects the elderly. Other cases of early-onset AD are about 3% of all people between ages 65 and 74, about caused by mutations in the gene for another protein, 19% of those between 75 and 84, and about 47% of called pre-senilin. Slightly more women than men are affect- with Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chro- ed with AD, but this may be because women tend to live mosome 21. Other mutations on other chromosomes longer, leaving a higher proportion of women in the most have been linked to other early-onset cases. Potentially the most important genetic link was dis- The cost of caring for a person with AD is consider- covered in the early 1990s on chromosome 19. A gene able, and has been estimated at approximately $174,000 on this chromosome, called apoE, codes for a protein in- per person over the course of the disease. ApoE occurs with AD are cared for at home; the cost of extended in at least three forms—apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4. Compared to those without ApoE4, people Causes & symptoms with one copy are about three times as likely to develop late-onset AD, and those with two copies are almost four The cause or causes of AD are unknown. Despite this important link, not strong leads have been found through recent research, everyone with apoE4 develops AD, and people without it and these have also given some theoretical support to can still have the disease. AD affects brain cells, mostly those in brain regions There are several risk factors that increase a per- responsible for learning, reasoning, and memory. The most significant sies of persons with AD show that these regions of the one is age; older people develop AD at much higher rates brain become clogged with two abnormal structures— than younger ones. Another risk factor is having a family neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. No parts of neurons surrounding a group of brain proteins other medical conditions have been linked to an in- called beta-amyloid deposits. To date, none of these factors has Diagnosis been shown to cause AD or increase its likelihood. Further Diagnosis of AD is complex, and may require office research may yet turn up links to other environmental cul- visits to several different specialists over several months prits, although no firm candidates have been identified. While a confident provi- The symptoms of AD begin gradually, usually with sional diagnosis may be made in most cases after thor- short-term memory loss. Occasional memory lapses are ough testing, AD cannot be definitively diagnosed until of course common to everyone, and do not by them- autopsy examination of the brain for senile plaques and selves signify any change in cognitive function. Since there are both lost or disoriented on a walk around the neighborhood prescription and over-the-counter drugs that can cause becomes more likely as the disease progresses. Some patients have propriate blood and urine tests, brain magnetic resonance trouble sleeping and may suffer from confusion or agita- imaging (MRI) or computed tomography scans (CT), tion in the evening (“sunsetting”). Some pa- In 2001, researchers demonstrated that postitron tients may exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviors. In the emission tomography (PET) scans could help predict who final stages of the disease, people may have severe prob- might develop memory impairment. Although PET scan- lems with eating, communicating, and controlling their ning is a relatively new and expensive technology, it is be- bladder and bowel functions. A person with several of these symp- low its progression, including tests of mental status, func- toms should see a physician for a thorough evaluation: tional abilities, memory, and concentration. Still, the neu- • memory loss that affects job skills rologic exam is normal in most patients in early stages. Depression can be treated with drugs, although some antidepressants can worsen dementia if it is pre- • changes in mood or behavior sent, further complicating both diagnosis and treatment.
These cells no longer require costimulation and express a different type of adhe- HLA-II-restricted TD antigen to the TH2 cell sionmolecule(VLA-4insteadofL-selectins)bywhich (! If the CD4-associated T-cell receptor theynowdockontotheendotheliumofinflamedtis- (TCR) of the TH2 cell recognizes the antigen order chloromycetin 250mg with mastercard symptoms 11 dpo, sues (rather than to lymphatic tissue like their naïve CD40 ligands are expressed on the TH2 surface precursors) buy 500mg chloromycetin amex medications 5 songs. The CD40 ligand and ing (CD8 )+ T cells after HLA-I-restricted an- IL-4 (later also IL-5 and IL-6) stimulate the B tigen presentation (! Endogenous an- cell to undergo clonal selection, IgM secretion, tigenpresentationoccurswhentheHLA-Ipro- and differentiation into plasma cells (! In this manner, IgM is con- I-restricted antigens on (virus) infected en- vertedintoIgA,IgGorIgE(! AllIgtypes dogenous cells and tumor cells as well as on arisingfromagivenB-cellcloneremainmono- cells of transplanted organs. The plasma cells drives the cells into apoptosis (programmed formed after class switching produce only a 98 single type of Ig. Binding of the Fas lig- Despopoulos, Color Atlas of Physiology © 2003 Thieme All rights reserved. Specific immunity: B-cell activation B lymphocytes Antigen binding B cell Activation IgD, IgM monomer Antibody “Naive” network B cell Internalization 1 TH2 cell Processing (see plateB3) HLAII Cooperation of TH2cell and B cell TH2cell B cell TD HLAII CD4 antigen T-cell receptor Presentation CD40 ligand CD40 IL-4 2 IL-5 IL-6 Proliferation Plasma cell 3 Differentiation According to class switching Immun- IgM globulins IgG IgA IgE Specific humoral immune response 99 (see plateA) Despopoulos, Color Atlas of Physiology © 2003 Thieme All rights reserved. This leads to the Hypersensitivity Reactions (Allergies) development of serum sickness (! B), the main Allergy is a specific, exaggerated immune re- symptoms of which are joint pain and fever. Small molecules toms peak 2 to 4 days after antigen contact, conjugated to endogenous proteins can also this is called delayed type hypersensitivity. Contact der- contact with an antigen induces sensitization matitis is also a type IV reaction caused by (allergization), and subsequent exposure leads various haptens (e. Thiscanalsoresultindamagetoendog- Blood Groups enous proteins and autoantibody production. In the AB0 system, the antigens are A Types of hypersensitivity reactions: Type I andB(! On first contact, the al- anti-B antibody (in serum) are present; in type B, B lergen internalized by B cells is presented to and anti-A are present; in type AB, A and B are pres- TH2cells. TheBcellthenproliferatesanddiffer- ent, no antibody; in type 0 (zero), no antigen but entiates into plasma cells (see p. The Fc fragment When giving a blood transfusion, it is important that the blood groups of donor and recipient match, ofIgEbindstomastcellsandbasophils. A)donotcomein sequent contact, the antigens bind to the al- contact with the respective antibodies (e. Donorandrecipientbloodtypesmustthere- (PAF), an immediate reaction (anaphylaxis) oc- fore be determined and cross-matched (! Since AB0 antibodies belong to the IgM class, they usually do not cross the type hypersensitivity. The va- tigens (C, D, E) on RBCs do not develop unless prior sodilatory effect of a generalized type I reac- sensitization has occurred. ApersonisRh-positive(Rh+)whenDispres- In type II reactions, the immune system ent on their RBCs (most people), and Rh-negative (Rh ) when D is absent. Rh– individuals the erythrocytes of the wrong blood group or can form anti-Rh+ (=anti-D) antibodies, e. Subsequent expo- platelets can, for example, result in throm- sure to the mismatched blood leads to a severe an- bocytopenia. If more antigen than antibody is availa- ble, soluble antigen-antibody complexes circulate in blood for a long time (! B) and settle mainly in the 100 capillaries,makingthecapillarywallsubjecttoattack Despopoulos, Color Atlas of Physiology © 2003 Thieme All rights reserved. Serum sickness Antigen lgE Antigen Symptoms Granules Antigen- antibody complexes Free antibodies lgE receptor Mast cell or basophil 5 10 15 20 Histamine, PAF, leukotrienes Days after first antigen exposure and other mediators (After Kownatzki) C. ABO blood group incompatibility Antibody in serum 1 2 Red blood cells O A B AB Antibodies O Compatible + A Incompatible Agglutination (agglutination) = B Anti-A Anti-B AB Hemolysis D. Rh sensitization of mother by child or by Rh-mismatched transfusion Father Mother Rh+red cells Rh+red cells Rh+ – – High Rh Anti-Rh+ Rh anti-Rh+titer Severe hemolysis in fetus Rh+ Rh+ Damage First Rh+ child Subsequent Rh+ children High anti-Rh+titer Blood Anti-Rh+antibody + Rh+ Rh Rh– Rh– Damage 101 First mismatched Rh+ transfusion Subsequent mismatched Rh+ transfusion Despopoulos, Color Atlas of Physiology © 2003 Thieme All rights reserved.
For many drugs cheap chloromycetin 500mg fast delivery symptoms of anxiety, teratogenic potency cannot be dem- onstrated; however buy discount chloromycetin 250mg line treatment pink eye, in the case of Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Adverse Drug Effects 75 Ovum 1 day Sperm cells ~3 days Endometrium Blastocyst Age of fetus 1 212 12 38 (weeks) Development Nidation Embryo: organ Fetus: growth stage develop- and ment maturation Fetal death Malformation Functional disturbances Artery Uterus wall Vein Sequelae of Transfer damage of Syncytio- by drug metabolites trophoblast Capillary Placental barrier Placental transfer of metabolites To umbilical cord A. Pregnancy: fetal damage due to drugs Drug Extent of Distribution transfer of of drug drug into in infant milk Infant dose Therapeutic effect in Rate of mother elimination of drug from infant? Drug concentration in infant´s blood Unwanted effect in child Sensitivity of Effect site of action B. Lactation: maternal intake of drug Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. A placebo is a dosage form devoid of an Homeopathy (B) is an alternative active ingredient, a dummy medication. In only by minimal doses of the medicinal the care of a physician who projects substance. Consider gravely wounded combatants A direct action or effect on body in war, oblivious to their injuries while functions cannot be demonstrated for fighting to survive, only to experience homeopathic medicines. Therapeutic severe pain in the safety of the field hos- success is due to the suggestive powers pital, or the patient with a peptic ulcer of the homeopath and the expectancy of caused by emotional stress. In the individual influenced by emotional (psychic) fac- case, it may be impossible to decide tors and cannot be treated well by allo- whether therapeutic success is attribu- pathic means, a case can be made in fa- table to the drug or to the therapeutic vor of exploiting suggestion as a thera- situation. Homeopathy is one of sever- comparison of the effects of a drug and al possible methods of doing so. A prospective trial is planned in advance, a retrospective (case-control) study fol- lows patients backwards in time. Pa- tients are randomly allotted to two groups, namely, the placebo and the ac- tive or test drug group. In a double-blind trial, neither the patients nor the treat- ing physicians know which patient is given drug and which placebo. Finally, a switch from drug to placebo and vice versa can be made in a successive phase of treatment, the cross-over trial. Drug-independent Effects 77 Conscious Conscious and and unconscious unconscious Mind signals: expectations language, facial expression, gestures Well-being complaints Placebo Effect: - wanted - unwanted Body Physician Patient A. Therapeutic effects resulting from physician´s power of suggestion “Similia similibus curentur” Homeopath Patient “Drug” Normal, allopathic dose symptom profile Dilution “effect reversal” Very low homeopathic dose elimination of disease symptoms corresponding to allopathic symptom “profile” “Potentiation” increase in efficacy with progressive dilution Profile of disease symptoms Symptom “profile” “Drug diagnosis” Homeopathic Stock- remedy (“Simile”) solution Dilution D9 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 11000000000 B. Homeopathy: concepts and procedure Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Systems Pharmacology Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. To ensure adequate supply of oxy- This regulatory system consists of the gen and nutrients, blood flow in skeletal CNS (brain plus spinal cord) and two muscle is increased; cardiac rate and separate pathways for two-way com- contractility are enhanced, resulting in a munication with peripheral organs, viz. The somatic nervous system blood vessels diverts blood into vascular comprising extero- and interoceptive beds in muscle. The auto- that peristalsis diminishes and sphinc- nomic (vegetative) nervous system teric tonus increases. However, in order (ANS), together with the endocrine to increase nutrient supply to heart and system, controls the milieu interieur. It musculature, glucose from the liver and adjusts internal organ functions to the free fatty acid from adipose tissue must changing needs of the organism. The bronchi control permits very quick adaptation, are dilated, enabling tidal volume and whereas the endocrine system provides alveolar oxygen uptake to be increased. The ANS operates largely beyond sympathetic fibers (wet palms due to voluntary control; it functions autono- excitement); however, these are excep- mously. Its central components reside tional as regards their neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus, brain stem, and (ACh, p. The ANS also participates in Although the life styles of modern the regulation of endocrine functions. In many organs innervated by both branches, re- spective activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic input evokes op- posing responses.
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