By B. Denpok. Coastal Carolina University. 2018.
Keep your straight arms in front of you order 100 mg vantin with amex infection throughout body, the palms facing forward and the fingers clasped generic 100mg vantin amex antimicrobial lock solutions. Make sure not to bounce at the limit of your rotation; your spine would not care for it. To make it tougher, hold a towel in front of your hips and bring your knee over it, back and forth, without bending over. Then start increasing the width of your grip on the taut towel so it gets higher off the ground and makes the drill even more challenging. Pushups on the floor or with your hands resting on a piece of furniture. Place the weight near the bases of your palms rather than closer to the fingers. If the traditional technique hurts your wrists you have a couple of options. The yuppie choice is a set of pushup handles or a pair of hex-shaped dumbbells. The manly alternative is to do your pushups the karate way, on your knuckles. If you do not plan on kicking butt in the near future you may do your pushups on the full surfaces of the fist (shame on you). But the proper martial arts knuckle pushup calls for resting your weight only on two knuckles of each fist, those of the index and the middle fingers. You will find that this technique will strengthen your wrists in a hurry. In the Soviet Special Forces we knocked off knuckle pushups on concrete—you would be wiser to do yours on a surface that has some give, for instance linoleum. Make sure that the floor is clean; dirt particles can do a number on your baby soft skin. Keep your butt tucked under; this will make your pushups look crisp and protect your back from sagging and hurting. The range of motion will be slightly reduced, the pecs will be pre-stretched for more power, and you are less likely to hurt your shoulders that way. Tension in the neck extensor muscles facilitates a stronger contraction of the elbow extensors. Under the circumstances it is most natural to inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up. There is plenty of evidence that the choice of a breathing pattern has a profound effect on muscular tension. While Western specialists have been lamenting their dangers , Russians have been doing stretch situps—over a stool at home or over a pommel horse in the gym—for decades and are not about to stop. Hyperlordosis, or an exaggerated arch of the lower back, is rampant in the United States. These psoas muscles originate in the small of your back and run through your stomach to insert in front of your thighs. When they shorten, they pull the lower back forward, thus increasing the arch and tilting the pelvis forward. When a person with tight hip flexors, weak abs, and, typically, a bad back, tries to do a stretch situp, especially without proper instructions, there could indeed be problems. First, carefully study the Secrets of Safer Back Bending printed below and follow them to the letter. Second, employ paradoxical breathing: passively exhale on the way down and inhale as you fold back up, the opposite of what you would do in a yoga class. A passive exhalation will deepen muscle relaxation and easily increase your range of motion (ROM); I have explained how this works in Relax into Stretch. And inhaling as you are getting bent and constricted will increase the difficulty of the situp. You will score some training effect for the midsection and the respiratory muscles in the process of getting a flexible spine. Third, increase your depth very gradually, within a workout and as weeks go by. Fourth, start your ascent from the lowest point by tucking your chin in.
However vantin 100 mg otc antimicrobial innovation alliance, fruits and vegetables are natural sources of anti- oxidants and at least five servings daily are recommended buy vantin 200mg fast delivery treating dogs for dry skin. VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS It seems clear that vitamins are extremely important in promoting and maintaining health and in preventing illness. Vitamin supplements may be prescribed by health care pro- The primary focus of this chapter is to review selected vitamin- viders, but most are self-prescribed. Preparations may con- related aspects of normal nutrition and provide some guide- tain one or several vitamins. The only clear-cut indications lines for personal use of or client counseling about vitamin for these products are prevention and treatment of vitamin de- supplements. Because vitamins are essential nutrients, some CHAPTER 31 VITAMINS 455 TABLE 31–1 Vitamins as Nutrients Vitamin/Function Recommended Daily Intakes for Individuals Dietary Sources Fat-Soluble Vitamins Vitamin A (Retinol)/Required for normal vi- DRIs* Preformed vitamin A—meat, butter and sion, growth, bone development, skin, and Females: 14 y and older, 700 mcg; preg- fortified margarine, egg yolk, whole milk, mucous membrane nancy, 750–770 mcg; lactation, cheese made from whole milk 1200–1300 mcg Carotenoids—turnip and collard greens, Males: 14 y and older, 900 mcg carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, apricots, Infants (AIs): 0–6 mo, 400 mcg; 6–12 mo, peaches, cantaloupe 500 mcg Children: 1–3 y, 300 mcg; 4–8 y, 400 mcg; 9–13 y, 600 mcg Vitamin E/Antioxidant in preventing destruc- RDAs† Cereals, green leafy vegetables, egg yolk, tion of certain fats, including the lipid Females: 14 y and older, 15 mg; pregnancy, milk fat, butter, meat, vegetable oils portion of cell membranes; may increase 15 mg; lactation, 19 mg absorption, hepatic storage, and use of Males: 14 y and older, 15 mg vitamin A Children: 1–3 y, 6 mg; 4–8 y, 7 mg; 9–13 y, 11 mg Infants (AIs): 0–6 mo, 4 mg; 7–12 mo, 6 mg Vitamin K/Essential for normal blood clotting. Males: 14 y and older, 400 mcg Since 1998, the Food and Drug Adminis- Children: 1–3 y, 150 mcg; 4–8 y, 200 mcg; tration has required the addition of folic 9–13 y, 300 mcg acid to grain products. Infants (AIs): 0–6 mo, 65 mcg; 7–12 mo, 80 mcg Niacin (vitamin B3)/Essential for glycolysis, DRIs Meat, poultry, fish, peanuts fat synthesis, and tissue respiration. It Females: 14 y and older, 14 mg; pregnancy, functions as a coenzyme in many metabolic 18 mg; lactation, 17 mg processes (after conversion to nicotin- Males: 14 y and older, 16 mg amide, the physiologically active form). Children: 1–3 y, 6 mg; 4–8 y, 8 mg; 9–13 y, 12 mg Infants (AIs): 0–6 mo, 2 mg; 7–12 mo, 4 mg Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)/A component AIs Eggs, liver, salmon, yeast, cauliflower, broc- of coenzyme A and essential for cellular Females: 14 y and older, 5 mg; pregnancy, coli, lean beef, potatoes, tomatoes metabolism (intermediary metabolism of 6 mg; lactation, 7 mg carbohydrate, fat, and protein; release of Males: 14 y and older, 5 mg energy from carbohydrate; fatty acid metab- Children: 1–3 y, 2 mg; 4–8 y, 3 mg; 9–13 y, olism; synthesis of cholesterol, steroid hor- 4 mg mones, phospholipids, and porphyrin) Infants: 0–6 mo, 1. However, excessive intake 500% of the amounts recommended for daily intake in of vitamins causes harmful effects and megavitamins should normal circumstances. Additional characteristics include the than recommended amounts of vitamin D, folic acid, following: and vitamin A. Contrary to some claims, natural vitamins are no better • Vitamin products vary widely in number, type, and than synthetic vitamins and are more expensive. They cannot be used • Multivitamin preparations often contain minerals as interchangeably or indiscriminately with safety. Large doses of minerals are may contain 50% to 100% of the amounts recommended toxic (see Chap. In healthy people who eat a well-balanced • Vitamins are often marketed in combination products diet, nutrient needs may be exceeded. Congenital abnormalities may occur in newborns whose mothers took excessive vitamin A during pregnancy. Acute toxicity, with in- creased intracranial pressure, bulging fontanels, and vomit- ing, may occur in in- fants who are given vitamin A. Excessive intake of vita- Fatigue, nausea, head- min E, which is rare ache, blurred vision, with dietary intake but diarrhea can occur with overuse of vitamin E supple- ments Vitamin K Inadequate intake, ab- Abnormal bleeding Unlikely to occur from di- Clinical manifestations sorption, or use. However, caused by inadequate hematuria, epistaxis, when vitamin K is given when vitamin K is given intake after infancy. After infancy, deficiency usually results from diseases that interfere with absorption (biliary tract and GI disorders) or use (hepatic cirrho- sis and hepatitis). In alcoholics, deficiency commonly occurs and probably results from decreased intake and impaired use. Drug- induced deficiency oc- curs with oral coumarin (continued) 458 SECTION 5 NUTRIENTS, FLUIDS, AND ELECTROLYTES TABLE 31–2 Vitamin Imbalances (continued) Deficiency States Excess States Causes Signs and Symptoms Causes Signs and Symptoms anticoagulants and some other drugs that act as vitamin K antago- nists. Also, antibiotics reduce bacterial synthe- sis of vitamin K in the intestine, but this is a rare cause of deficiency. WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS Megadoses of pharma- Signs and symptoms ceutical vitamin of excess states not supplements established for most water-soluble vitamins Biotin Inadequate intake or Anorexia impaired absorption. Muscle pain Dermatitis Cyanocobalamin Usually impaired absorp- Megaloblastic or perni- (vitamin B12) tion from a lack of cious anemia: hydrochloric acid or Decreased numbers of intrinsic factor in the RBCs stomach Abnormally large, immature RBCs Fatigue Dyspnea With severe deficiency, leukopenia, thrombo- cytopenia, cardiac ar- rhythmias, heart failure, or infections may occur. Neurologic signs and symptoms: Paresthesias in hands and feet; unsteady gait Depressed deep-tendon reflexes With severe deficiency, loss of memory, con- fusion, delusions, hal- lucinations, and psychosis may occur. Folic acid Inadequate diet Megaloblastic anemia Impaired absorption that cannot be distin- (intestinal disorders) guished from the ane- Greatly increased mia produced by B12 requirements (preg- deficiency nancy, lactation, Impaired growth in children hemolytic anemias) Glossitis Ingestion of folate GI problems (folic acid antagonist drugs deficiency does not pro- (eg, methotrexate) duce neurologic signs Alcoholism is a common and symptoms as B12 cause. Niacin (vitamin B3) Inadequate diet or im- Pellagra: Large doses (2–6 g daily) Flushing, pruritus, hyper- paired absorption Erythematous skin used to treat hyperlipi- glycemia, hyper- lesions demia uricemia, increased liver enzymes CHAPTER 31 VITAMINS 459 TABLE 31–2 Vitamin Imbalances (continued) Deficiency States Excess States Causes Signs and Symptoms Causes Signs and Symptoms GI problems (stomatitis, glossitis, enteritis, diarrhea) Central nervous system problems (headache, dizziness, insomnia, depression, memory loss) With severe deficiency, delusions, hallucina- tions, and impair- ment of peripheral motor and sensory nerves may occur.
Diazepam has a short duration of action and normal vision generic vantin 200mg without prescription antibiotics for uti black and yellow, gingivitis generic vantin 200 mg amex virus removal software, and pruritus. In status epilepticus, it is subside spontaneously or with dosage reduction. Gabapentin followed with a long-acting anticonvulsant, such as phenytoin. Lorazepam has become the drug of choice for status epilepticus Because the drug is eliminated only by the kidneys, dosage because its effects last longer than those of diazepam. CHAPTER 11 ANTISEIZURE DRUGS 189 Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is used with other AEDs for treat- Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) is a newer drug that is struc- ment of partial seizures. It is thought to reduce the release of turally related to carbamazepine. It is approved for both glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, in the brain. It is monotherapy and adjunctive (with other AEDs) therapy in well absorbed after oral administration, with peak plasma lev- adults with partial seizures and for adjunctive therapy only in els reached in 1. For patients receiving carbamazepine or oxcar- bound to plasma proteins. It is metabolized in the liver to an bazepine, either drug may be substituted for the other with- inactive metabolite and eliminated mainly in the urine. However, the equivalent dose of oxcarbazepine ataxia, blurred or double vision, nausea and vomiting, and is 50% higher than the carbamazepine dosage. Because a serious skin rash may occur, especially the recommended equivalent oxcarbazepine dosage is 20% in children, lamotrigine should not be given to children higher than the carbamazepine dosage. Most effects are attrib- to occur with concomitant valproic acid therapy, high lamo- uted to an active metabolite produced during first-pass trigine starting dose, and rapid titration rate. It may resolve if metabolism in the liver; the metabolite is 40% protein lamotrigine is discontinued, but it progresses in some clients bound. The elimination half-life is 2 hours for oxcarbazepine to a more severe form, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Dosage must Phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital induce drug- be reduced in patients with severe renal impairment (ie, crea- metabolizing enzymes in the liver and accelerate lamotrig- tinine clearance < 30 mL/min). If lamotrigine is combined with other AEDs plus valproic or with other AEDs. They included cardiac dysrhythmias, acid, dosage must be substantially reduced. To discontinue, drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, skin dosage should be tapered over at least 2 weeks. Because of the risk of hyponatremia, Levetiracetam (Keppra) is a newer drug approved for oxcarbazepine should be used with caution in clients taking treatment of partial seizures, in combination with other other drugs that decrease serum sodium levels, and serum AEDs. It is chemically unrelated to other AEDs and its sodium levels should be monitored periodically during main- mechanism of action is unknown. Some studies indicate that skin reactions ronal firing but does not affect normal neuronal excitability occur less often with oxcarbazepine than with carbamazepine. Several drug–drug interactions may occur with oxcar- Levetiracetam is well and rapidly absorbed with oral ad- bazepine. The drug inhibits cytochrome P450 2C19 enzymes ministration; peak plasma levels occur in about one hour. This rapid attainment of thera- induce cytochrome P450 enzymes, including phenytoin, peutic effects is especially useful for patients with frequent may reduce plasma levels of the active metabolite by about or severe seizures. Dosage must be reduced with impaired renal oxcarbazepine or its metabolite. The drug is not metabolized by the liver and does Phenobarbital is a long-acting barbiturate that is used not affect the hepatic metabolism of other drugs. It was well tolerated in declined with the advent of other AEDs that cause less seda- clinical trials and the incidence of adverse events was similar tion and cognitive impairment. Common adverse effects include drowsi- verse effects associated with barbiturates may occur, but drug ness, dizziness, and fatigue; others include decreases in red dependence and barbiturate intoxication are unlikely with and white blood cell counts, double vision, amnesia, anxiety, usual antiepileptic doses. Because phenobarbital has a long ataxia, emotional lability, hostility, nervousness, paresthesia, half-life (50 to 140 hours), it takes 2 to 3 weeks to reach ther- pharyngitis, and rhinitis.
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