By B. Ugo. Manchester College. 2018.
It was considered to be a sacred tree so medicines prepared from it were thought to be very efficacious (against mate ni vanua as well as mate vayano illnesses) buy cheap elimite 30gm line skin care 77054. Decoctions of powdered bark or the juice expressed from the inner bark is used to treat the aches and pains of rheumatism whereas the steamed and thus softened bark is used to immobilise and heal bone frac- tures buy elimite 30 gm visa acne laser. Other parts of the plant are used to treat respiratory disorders such as asthma as well as milder colds (and a decoction of leaves was thought to drive out unwanted spirits). Its stems and leaves are used to treat diarrhoea and urinary problems (just as were water-related Aboriginal plants). Leaves and leaf buds are also used to treat eye problems, both injury and age related. Other problems for which the plant has been claimed to be effective are a range of skin conditions, including infected wounds, boils and infestation with scabies. It has also been used for contraception, irregular or painful periods, and infertility. Niu (Cocos nucifera) is familiar to us in imagination at least as the coconut palm that is the most common coastal tree of Fiji and other South Pacific islands. The nut itself is crushed for its oil and the liquid inside used as a ‘milk’ drink or the starting material for an alcoholic drink known as ‘palm toddy’. Coconut oil is used alone as a massage oil and is also incorporated into ointments with other ingredients. Used as massage oil, it is said to relieve the aches and pains of rheumatism, pregnancy and exercise-induced over- exertion of muscles. Its emollient properties, when used either alone or with other ingredients, are promoted in many different cosmetic preparations. Coconut milk is used to treat mothers whose breast milk is too yellow and is recommended to be drunk frequently and in large quantities by people with blackwater fever (other examples of similia similibus perhaps? Wabosucu (Mikania micrantha) is known colloquially as ‘mile a minute’ because of the speed at which this creeping plant can grow. The juice of the leaves is a popular remedy for cuts and bruises; crushed leaves relieve the pain of wasp and other insect stings, and a poultice of leaves is used to treat boils, especially those that are located in the armpits. Yaqona, kava (Piper methysticum), is cultivated as both a garden and commercial plant in Fiji. Its use as a mild, sedative narcotic in ceremonial occasions, including the treatment of mate ni vanua, has already been mentioned but it is also used medicinally for a wide range of everyday condi- tions such as coughs and colds, headaches and sore throats, as well as for more unpleasant conditions such as filariasis. Present day: kava – a case study Kava has been used in Fiji and other Pacific islands for generations and had not excited any controversy until its sedative and mild anxiolytic properties were recognised by westerners who began using kava products provided by herbal medicine companies. A number of spontaneously reported cases of liver damage associated with kava use were reported in several European countries from the late 1990s,11 the upshot being that the German Federal 282 | Traditional medicine Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices banned its use in that country. Regulatory authorities in other countries were less confident of a link between kava and liver disorders. New Zealand, for example, accepted the advice of its expert advisers and did not withdraw kava from general sale. Although the debate has not yet ended, the picture that is emerging is of a twofold problem with kava’s non-traditional compared with traditional use. Kava use in Pacific countries such as Fiji generally follows well-established procedures in which the root of the plant is powdered and extracted with water and the resulting beverage drunk. The kava products used in non-traditional societies were often prepared from the leaves and stem peelings of the kava plant,13 and the resulting extracts ingested by people who might also be using other medi- cines that were themselves potentially hepatotoxic. The sedative activity of kava appears to be related to its kavalactones, most of which are concentrated in its roots. The hepatotoxicity that has been demonstrated is confined to extracts prepared from the leaves and stem peelings of the plants, which contain the alkaloid, pipermethystine. The whole episode is a cautionary tale of what can go wrong when tradi- tional usage of a medicinally active plant is extrapolated (and exploited) beyond its boundaries by people who are unaware that, although some infor- mation may not be written down, the way in which certain products are used has not been arrived at by chance but by long-established observation and experience. Samoa The practice of medicine in Samoa, similar to that in the other countries discussed in this chapter, appears to have been little documented before the arrival of the European settlers in the nineteenth century. There were no written records from before that time and what was recorded by the very Traditional medicines in the Pacific | 283 earliest settlers makes little reference to medicinal plants. What does seem clear, however, is the fact that, before the arrival of these Europeans, the health of the Samoan population was reasonably good, and similar to that of Fijian, Aboriginal and Maori populations. The health problems that they did experi- ence were largely the result of the way in which they lived and the climate of Samoa, which is hot and humid – a breeding ground for fungal and other infections as well as numerous biting insects. Families lived in large units, in close proximity to each other, on a diet that, although quite varied, was defi- cient in many vitamins and other essential foodstuffs.
No matter how stressful your situation effective 30 gm elimite skin care 4u, you can take steps to promote your well-being buy cheap elimite 30 gm skin care guru. It helps you focus at work, overcome obstacles, get along with the people around you and even fight off illness. It has been used for several years outside the United States to treat cerebrovascular disorders (those that affect the blood in the brain), including stroke, and has been studied for use in cognitive impairment and dementia. A recent well-designed Italian study confirms its effectiveness in treating vascular dementia. The many years of use have caused an evolution in dosage, method of administration, and selection criteria. Choline is incorporated into the membrane phospholipid structure, improves mitochondrial metabolism and synthesis of phospholipids and elevates norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. The evidence of benefit from global impression was stronger, but is still 3 limited by the duration of the studies. Seven of the included studies observed the subjects for a period between 20 to 30 days, one study was of 6 weeks duration, four studies used periods extending over 2 and 3 months, one study observed continuous administration over 3 months and one study was prolonged, with 12 months of observation. The studies were heterogeneous in dose, modalities of administration, inclusion criteria for subjects and outcome measures. Results were reported for the domains of attention, memory testing, behavioral rating scales, global clinical impression and tolerability. The main outcomes were an improvement in Mini-Mental State Examination, Activities of Daily Living, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scores in the study group compared with the control group. Thus, Brown and Gerbarg recommend, "more long-term studies, particularly for vascular 5 cognitive impairment, vascular dementia, and age-related memory decline. Leading researchers (Lake and Spiegel) posit a therapeutic effect in other kinds of depression as well, but the studies are not yet adequate to fully credit this suggestion. Chromium is a widely used nutritional supplement marketed for a wide range of applications. Chromium is sold as a single-ingredient supplement as well as in combination formulas, particularly those marketed for weight loss and performance enhancement. Clinical studies have focused on chromium picolinate, but chromium is sold in many forms. A compound such as chromium that exerts a normalizing effect on insulin sensitivity and appetite while having antidepressant activity may be a promising therapeutic option in people with atypical depression, a subtype of depression typically associated with overeating and weight gain. The available evidence suggests that chromium supplementation can be used as a monotherapy [for depression and other mood 1 disorders] or as an adjunct therapy with conventional antidepressants. Ten persons received chromium picolinate (initial dose of 400 mcg per day, increased to 600 mcg per day after 2 weeks) and 5 persons received placebo for 8 weeks. As a result, the level of these drugs may be increased in the blood and may cause increased effects or adverse reactions. This concern seems more theoretical than real, at least with the use that has been made of chromium in clinical practice. Brown and Gerbarg and Iovieno have not observed any such interactions in extensive experience with chromium picolinate. The Natural Standard makes no reference to clinical evidence, and Brown and Gerbarg have never observed such an interaction. The Natural Standard urges caution to people with compromised immune systems, while acknowledging that, “the evidence thus far has not been conclusive. The principal side effects cited by the Natural Standard are stomach discomfort, nausea and vomiting. The Natural Standard says only that “it is possible” that chromium may lower blood sugar, and this concern is only relevant if the person is taking diabetes medicine. The Natural Standard details less likely side effects, including adverse effects on the heart, blood, kidneys, or liver, and cognitive, perceptual and motor effects. Trivalent chromium picolinate seems to be the best tolerated form and is easily absorbed by humans. Over the past three decades, there have been no reports of chromium toxicity in any chromium supplementation studies that used trivalent chromium picolinate. In particular, studies should examine the efficacy of chromium in treating other forms of depression. It is critical to consult with your prescribing physician if you are taking any psychotropic medication.
Combination recommendation: PascoeFemin by Pascoe Sprains/Strains Arnica montana: This is the most popular remedy in homeopathic literature and is best for recent traumatic injuries generic 30 gm elimite free shipping skin care collagen. Bellis perennis: This remedy is useful for deeper tissue injuries from falls cheap elimite 30gm mastercard acne 2016, car acci- dents, and major surgery. If Arnica has been given for an injury—especially a strain or bruise—but has not had much effect, try Bellis perennis next. Combination recommendation: Traumeel by Heel Urinary Tract Infections Berberis vulgaris: This remedy is for severe cutting or burning pain that extends to the urethral opening, which may also burn at times when there is no attempt at urina- tion. After emptying the bladder, the person feels as if some urine still remains inside. Cantharis: A strong urge to urinate accompanied by cutting pains that are felt before the urine passes is a sign that this remedy is appropriate. Some describe the cutting feeling as a scalding sensation when only a few drops of urine pass at a time. Combination recommendation: Pascosabal by Pascoe Varicose Veins Carbo vegetabilis: When varicose veins are accompanied by general poor circulation with icy coldness of the extremities, and a bruised or marbled look, use Carbo veg. Hamamelis: This remedy can help when varicose veins are large and sore, and very weak and easily damaged, with a tendency to bleed. Normally when you swallow, the lower esophageal sphincter, which is a circular band of muscle around the bottom of the esophagus, relaxes to allow food and liquid to flow down into your stomach. If this valve becomes weak- ened or relaxes when it shouldn’t, stomach acids can flow up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. When stomach acids continually reflux upward, it can cause irritation and in- flammation of the lining of the esophagus, which is known as esophagitis. This can cause chest pain after eating, difficulty swallowing, and breathing problems. The most commonly used classes of drugs in- clude the following: • Alginic acid forms a protective seal at the top of the stomach to prevent acid reflux. Examples include Losec (omeprazole), Pantoloc (pantoprazole), and Pre- vacid (lansoprazole). These products are well tolerated; side effects are rare and include headache and dizziness. A • High-fat foods worsen symptoms because they stay in the stomach longer and increase the time the esophagus is exposed to stomach acids. Avoid or minimize cream, butter, ice cream, gravy, oils, fried foods, sausage, and processed fatty meats and cream soups. Lifestyle Suggestions • Lose excess weight by eating healthy and exercising regularly. Wait two hours after eating to exercise and three hours after eating before lying down. It helps restore the mucous lining that protects the stomach from hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). Complementary Supplements Aloe vera juice: Helps reduce acid output and is soothing to the mucous membranes. Research is limited at this point, but it is widely used by naturopathic physicians. During puberty hormones called androgens trigger the sebaceous glands to grow and produce more sebum (oil). Irregular shedding of skin cells lining the hair follicle can lead to clumping and cause the pores to clog. A type of bacteria called Propi- onibacterium acnes, which normally lives in the skin, invades the clogged pore and begins to grow, creating inflammation and irritation. Most over-the-counter products contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or sulphur. All of these products may cause redness, burning, stinging, and scaling of the skin. Creams and gels containing tretinoin (vitamin A derivative) or tazarotene (syn- thetic vitamin A) are used to slough off dead skin, clear pores, and dry acne. Accutane is an oral medication derived from vitamin A; it reduces sebum production and swell- ing, and minimizes acne-causing bacteria.
Given the had the courage to come forward and report their thousands upon thousands of alternative practi- findings that support this concept include Dr elimite 30gm otc acne in children. Norman his book elimite 30 gm fast delivery skin care 90036, Radical Healing: Integrating the World’s Shealy, and hundreds of others. Finally, in the Great Therapeutic Traditions to Create a New Transfor- 21st century, mind-body ideas not only have mative Medicine, Rudolph Ballentine, M. By integrating Introduction xix them, superimposing one upon another in layer mat. If you come across an isolated term pertain- after layer of complementary perspectives and ing to alternative or complementary medicine, techniques, we can arrive at an amalgam that is you can look it up within these pages for identifi- far more potent and thorough than any one of cation and cross-reference. One of the most influential and beloved propo- • Sixty percent of physicians have referred nents of positive life change based on a better- patients to complementary care practitioners. In Self alternative therapies, including Blue Cross of Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out (Simon Washington and Alaska, Blue Cross of Califor- and Schuster Source, New York, 2001), McGraw nia, California Pacific, Catholic HealthCare gives the basis for a self-improvement strategy West, HealthNet, Kaiser Permanente, Mutual of that easily applies to choosing health care: “Trust Omaha, Oxford Health Plans, and Prudential. At the same time, be ruthless about test- Health Benefit Services, based in California, ing your thoughts. Verify that your own internal that is geared toward creating greater credibility responses and interpretations will stand up to the and access for less invasive, more natural test of authenticity. Give yourself permission health care, and to enable all Americans to to generate as many alternative responses as pos- select the type of medical care and physi- sible. Replace any group is also parent to Holistic Health Insurance response that causes you trouble and pain with & Financial Services, Alternative Health Insur- one that moves you toward what you want, need, ance Administrators, the National Marketing and deserve. Instead we turn to our medicine their health plans should cover alternative cabinets. But rently valued at more than $24 billion, with a at the same time, record numbers of Americans growth rate of close to 15 percent per year are spending record numbers of their health care (Rauber, Modern Healthcare, September 1998). While some studies show holistic recommendations over the next year; that patients are generally happy with their own because patient acceptance is greater for these doctors, managed care, with its provider lists and therapies, better compliance results (Health required numbers of patients a doctor must see Products Research, Inc. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies, pointed • Eight states have passed health freedom (prac- out that the physician’s role is to be a “triage offi- tice protection) bills for M. Triage is usually associated with victims of Holistic Veterinary Medical Association among accidents, war, or natural disaster and is geared to the 27 U. Stead advised that when life and Medicine of the National Institutes of Health to function are not at risk, as in the vast majority of determine by objective scientific evaluation the symptomatic illnesses, the patient should ‘go into efficacy and safety of practices and procedures of the department stores and choose that which unconventional medicine; and encourages its most appeals. These powerful responses won’t reverse treatment options; (2) search for underlying every incidence of disease or illness; otherwise, causes of disease, as is preferable to treating only we would live forever. But by beginning to recog- symptoms; (3) use the Hippocratic idea (including nize these powers, we are enhancing vital ele- that the life forces pervade all of nature) of find- ments of the recovery process. When in the 1970s he was afflicted with person; (6) establish a high-quality relationship ankylosing spondylitis, a life-threatening degen- with the patient and encourage the patient to take erative spinal disease, and given a dim prognosis, responsibility for his or her health; (7) consider he decided to take massive doses of vitamin C in the needs, desires, awareness, and insight of both addition to his physician’s treatments and intro- patient and physician; (8) influence patients by duced laughter as the best medicine of all. After shame, greed, and depression; (11) adopt an atti- each laugh session, his doctor tested Cousins’s tude of unconditional love for all; and (12) pursue blood sedimentation rate (an indicator of the the highest qualities of the physical, environmen- status of inflammation in the body) and found tal, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects that it dropped consistently, until, in 1976, of being human. The first The establishment of this and other organiza- published account of this experience appeared in tions promoting alternative and complementary the New England Journal of Medicine, and Cousins medicine would have likely been a source of per- received an honorary degree in medicine from xxii The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Yale University. Since then, laughter has actually and all the personal attraction that goes with been scientifically measured and shown to reduce them. People in general have given little attention stress and pain by creating changes in certain to health until it was destroyed. In addi- waited until they were ill before they thought of tion, increased antibody production in the upper the proper care of their bodies. Then they called respiratory tract; an increase of lymphocytes, in a doctor and there ended their responsibility, or cells that fight tumors and viruses; and the lung- at least so they thought. The idea that they alone expanding, heart rate–increasing exercise of might be responsible for their health or disease laughing all serve to encourage people to heed and that responsibility for their recovery rested on Proverbs 17:22: “A merry heart doeth good like a them and not on the doctor was foreign to their medicine. To them health and disease were largely Other respected figures in our society also con- matters of chance. All this has passed, or is rapidly tribute admirably to a more global view of healing. Health and disease are now known to be The Harvard-educated novelist and filmmaker subject to laws eternal and unchangeable, as are Michael Crichton, M. Individual responsibility for Power to Heal, wrote: one’s own health or disease is coming to be gen- erally recognized. With the generally growing Accompanying the use of more refined technol- recognition of this responsibility has come an ogy to prevent and treat illness, psychoimmunol- increasing interest in ways and means of preserv- ogy, the science that deals with the mind’s role in ing and restoring health.
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