By D. Murat. Hamline University.
The mean of two non-fasting measurements of serum cholesterol by dry chemistry generic 75mg triamterene fast delivery arteria circunfleja, or one non- fasting laboratory measurement buy generic triamterene 75 mg on-line arrhythmia icd 9 2013, is sufficient for assessing risk. The strength of the various recommendations, and the level of evidence supporting them, are indicated as follows (13) in Table 5. High quality risk of confounding, bias or chance and a case control or cohort studies with a very significant risk that the relationship is not low risk of confounding or bias and a high causal probability that the relationship is causal 2+ Well conducted case control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding or bias and a moderate probability that the relationship is causal 2− Case control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a signifi- cant risk that the relationship is not causal 3 Non-analytical studies e. A body of evidence, including studies rated as 2++, is directly applicable to the target population and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+. A body of evidence, including studies rated as 2+, directly applicable to the target popu- lation and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2++. Low risk does nonfatal vascular nonfatal vascular fatal or nonfatal not mean “no” risk. Conservative Monitor risk profile Monitor risk profile Monitor risk profile management every 3–6 months every 3–6 months every 6–12 months focusing on lifestyle interventions is suggestedb. When resources are limited, individual counselling and provision of care may have to be prioritized according to cardiovascular risk. All smokers should be strongly encouraged to quit smoking by a health professional and supported in their efforts to do so. For individuals in low risk categories, they can have a health impact at lower cost, compared to individual counselling and therapeutic approaches. Total fat intake should be reduced to about 30% of calories, saturated fat intake should be limited to less than 10% of calories and trans-fatty acids eliminated. Most dietary fat should be polyunsaturated (up to 10% of calories) or monounsaturated (10–15% of calories). However, applying this recommendation will lead to a large proportion of the adult population receiving antihypertensive drugs. Even in some high-resource settings, current practice is to recommend drugs for this group only if the blood pressure is at or above 160/100 mmHg. Individuals in this Adults over the age Should be advised risk category should of 40 years with to follow a lipid be advised to follow persistently high lowering dietg a lipid-lowering diet serum cholesterol and given a statin. Even in some high-resource settings, current practice is to recommend drugs for this group only if serum cholesterol is above 8mmol/l (320 mg/dl). Modification of behaviour There is little controversy over the benefits to cardiovascular health of not smoking, eating a well balanced diet, maintaining mental well-being, taking regular exercise and keeping active, as demonstrated in large cohort studies. These health behaviours also play an etiological role in other noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer, respiratory disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and liver disease (86), which makes interventions to promote them potentially very cost-effective. Reducing cigarette smoking, body weight, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood glucose all have a beneficial impact on major biological cardiovascular risk factors (83–88). Behaviours such as stopping smoking, taking regular physical activity and eating a healthy diet promote health and have no known harmful effects. They also improve the sense of well-being and are usually less expensive to the health care system than drug treatments, which may also have adverse effects. Further, while effects of drug therapy cease within a short period of discontinuation of treatment the impact of life style modification if it is maintained are longer standing. A variety of lifestyle modifications have been shown, in clinical trials, to lower blood pressure (89, 90). These include weight loss in the overweight (91, 92), physical activity (93, 94), modera- tion of alcohol intake (95), increased fresh fruit and vegetables and reduced saturated fat in the diet (96), reduction of dietary sodium intake (96–98), and increased potassium intake (99). It is important to recognize, however, that most of the trials of lifestyle modification have been of short duration and have tested intensive interventions, which are unlikely to be feasible in routine primary care in many countries. Still, the evidence supports the notion that it is possible to modify health behaviours and reduce blood pressure. More encouragingly, randomized trials, involving a programme of weight reduction, dietary manipulation and physical activity, reduced the incidence of type 2 diabetes among people at high risk of developing it (100–102). Also, trials of reduction of saturated fat and its partial replacement by unsaturated fats have improved dyslipidaemia and lowered risk of cardiovascular events (103–105).
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Black and Hispanic defendants are significantly more likely to be prosecuted as habitual offenders than white defendants buy triamterene 75mg line blood pressure veins, and the odds were greatest for black and Hispanic drug defendants (Crow and Johnson 2008 generic triamterene 75mg amex heart attack gun, p. More research is needed to understand the effects of prior criminal records on drug offender sentencing. Black drug arrestees in New York are more likely than whites to have prior convictions, given that blacks are far more likely to be arrested on drug charges. Frase (2009) points out that the emphasis given to prior criminal records in sentencing is a policy choice and one that appears due for reconsideration. Although there is widespread support for imposing longer sentences on repeat offenders (Roberts 1997), there is scant evidence that habitual offender sentencing enhances public safety or reduces crime. Crow and Johnson (2008) conclude, “given the findings of over a decade of habitual-offender research that demonstrates racial and ethnic discrimination (unwarranted disparity), it may be time to reconsider the utility of habitual-offender statutes” (p. Rehavi and Starr (2012), make the same point, “the heavy weight placed on criminal history in [federal] sentencing law is also a subjective policy choice with racially disparate consequences. Legislators and the Sentencing Commission members who are concerned about incarceration rates among black men may wish to consider these distributional consequences when assessing the costs and benefits of these aspects of the sentencing scheme” (p. Drug laws typically prescribe higher sentences for sales and manufacturing than for possession. Defendants convicted of sale are more likely to go to prison than are those convicted of possession, and the sentences are typically longer (Cohen and Kyckelhahn 2010). Blacks are disproportionately likely to be arrested for sales offenses, so it is likely that harsher sentencing for sales contributes to the disparities in sentencing outcomes. Racial disparities in the incarceration of drug offenders also reflect legislative priorities. Because black Americans are more likely to be sentenced for federal crack offenses, they are disproportionately burdened by the higher crack sentences. Subscriber: Univ of Minnesota - Twin Cities; date: 23 October 2013 Race and Drugs Sentencing Commission 2011, p. Race, Crime, and Punishment There are racial disparities at every stage of drug case processing in state and federal criminal justice systems. As the Seattle research illustrates, race influences perceptions of the danger posed by the different people who use and sell illicit drugs, the choice of drugs that warrant the most public concern, and the choice of neighborhoods in which to concentrate drug law enforcement resources. Yet race is a powerful lens that colors what we see and what we think about what we see. In the United States, images of crime, danger, drug offenders, and criminals are deeply racialized. Tonry (2011) and Provine (2007) summarize studies on the effects of racial attributions and stereotypes on people’s perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs and the ways race correlates with policy choices. Whites may no longer consciously believe in the inherent racial inferiority of blacks, but they nonetheless harbor unconscious racial biases (Rachlinski et al. In one typical study, police officers shown black and white photographs of male university students and employees thought more of the black than white faces looked criminal; the more stereotypically black the face was, the more likely the officers thought the person looked criminal (Eberhardt et al. Unconscious notions and attitudes are most likely to influence criminal justice decisions that have to be made in the face of uncertainty and inadequate information or in ambiguous or borderline cases. To recognize the influence of race on social psychology, unconscious cognitive habits, and “perceptual shorthand” (Hawkins 1981, p. Race helps explain the development and persistence of harsh drug laws and policies. White Americans tend to support harsher punishments more than do blacks, a predilection that has strong roots in racial hostilities, tensions, and resentments (Tonry 2011, p. Researchers have found that whites with racial resentments toward blacks are far more likely to support punitive anticrime policies and that whites are twice as likely as blacks to prefer punishment over social welfare programs to reduce crime (Unnever, Cullen, and Johnson 2008). Even assuming public officials who championed the war on drugs decades ago operated from the best of motives or were simply remarkably ignorant about the likely effects of their decisions, good intentions or ignorance can be no excuse today. No reasonable public official can believe it is a good thing for black America to have in its midst a large caste of second-class citizens—banished into prisons and then branded for life with a criminal record. The persistence of drug policies that disproportionately burden black Americans reflects factors similar to those that led to the adoption of harsh penal policies initially: punitive attitudes toward crime, fear of “the other,” misinformation about drugs and their effects, the belief that using drugs is immoral and wrong, and the lack of instinctive sympathy for members of poor minority communities. At a structural level, the drug war—as part of the criminal justice system—retains its historic function of perpetuating and reinforcing racial inequalities in the distribution of political, social, and economic power and privileges in the United States. White Americans have long used the criminal justice system to advance their interests over those of blacks; the difference today is that they may no longer be doing so consciously. Over a decade ago, observers of drug criminalization in the United States began labeling its impact on black Americans as the “new Jim Crow,” recognizing that drug law enforcement has the effect of maintaining racial hierarchies that benefit whites and disadvantage blacks.
Year 4 Module Examinations The details of module examination and allocation for Year 4 consist of Continuos Assessment and End-of-Module Examination 75mg triamterene with amex pulse pressure 82. Year 5 Module Examinations The details of module examination and allocation for Year 5 consist of Continuos Assessment and End-of-Module Examination purchase triamterene 75mg on line fetal arrhythmia 37 weeks. Within theory and clinical components, the students are not required to pass individual paper/cases, instead they are added up. Candidates will be called for a viva-voce to determine the eligibility to pass with distinction. Special awards The awards falls into the following categories : (a) Special Award for Leadership (3 recipients) Awarded to final year students who have exhibited prominent leadership qualities and have achieved, satisfactory academic performance throughout the course of study. E Moreira Memorial Award, is given by the Malaysian Medical Association on for the best individual student. Elective Award The Awards fall into 2 categories : (a) The best elective group according to the criteria of the Elective Committee for the Phase 2 Medical Doctor Course Elective Programme. Departmental Award Awarded to the best students as decided by the respective departments. Deans Certificate Award Awarded in two categories to final year students on the medical course. One is awarded to the student who achieves Grade A with Distinction, and the other to the student who achieves Grade A. Inpatient Services Ophtalmology, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Psychiatry, Surgery, Paediatrics Newborn, Paediatrics Surgery, Paediatrics Medical, Medical, Obstetric & Gynaecology, Dental and Neuroscience, Reconstructive, Cardiothorasic. The 2-storey block consists of :- Level 1 (i) Reception counter (ii) Meeting room (iii) Briefing rooms (iv) Tutorial rooms 66 (v) Students’on-call room (vi) Students’ Resource Centre/ Quarantine room (vii) Prayer rooms (viii) Dinning area & pantry (ix) Main office Level 2 (i) 108 bed examination wards (ii) Children play area (iii) Examiner rooms (iv) Secretariat rooms (v) Document examination rooms (vi) Communication room with one-way mirror (vii) Dark-rooms for ophtalmology examination (viii) Rest examiners’ room (ix) Work station (x) Medical doctors’ counter (xi) Nurses’ counter (xii) Student counter (xiii) Resource block (xiv) Resuscitation room (xv) Students’ waiting area (xvi) Patients’ waiting area (xvii) Prayer rooms (xviii) Equipment examination room 1. The library was officially operational in February 1980 at the Main Campus in Penang. A large number of the collection and staff were transferred from the Penang Campus to the University’s branch in Kubang Kerian in 1982 and was temporarily located at level 8 of the Hospital building. In November 1985, the collection and staff were subsequently shifted to its permanent building which houses the current Library. In 1990, the remaining collections as well as staff of the Medical Library were completely moved from the main campus to Kubang Kerian. The Kubang Kerian Campus was appropriately renamed as the Health Campus in 2001, thus bringing about the change of the Library’s name to the Health Campus Library. Thesis and Dissertation 2, 011 (2, 277) Services The services provided by the library are divided into two major activities : 1. Technical Services The activities include the process of selection and purchase of library materials. The selection process focuses on materials to fulfill the teaching, learning and research requirements of the Health Campus. Technical processing of library materials includes the cataloguing and classification of library materials : 1. The Laboratory has 17 packages of learning programmes and 5 packages of multimedia programmes. It is also equipped with 85 computers which consist of 12 Apple Macintosh’s and 71 Acer Veriton. The undergraduate learning activity follows an organ-based system that complements topics covered in an Integrated Problem Based Learning Sessions. The focus of the teaching at the center is to bridge the acquisitions of the real clinical and procedural experience. This is done in a controlled environment to introduce and familiarize the student on skills before practicing on the real patients. The supervisor holds a B 41 grade post, 1 -B32, 3-B27 and the rest hold the B17 grade. The services provided by the Graphics Unit are computer- aided designs and graphic works including designing posters, booklets, brochures, artwork, certificates and backdrops. Besides design services, the Unit also offers advisory services pertaining to graphic designs.
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