By B. Thorek. Southeastern University. 2018.
It can be acute (toxic event which occurs soon after acute or limited exposure) buy discount combivent 100mcg line symptoms 7, or chronic (apply to an event which occurs many weeks buy 100mcg combivent with visa medicine lodge kansas, months or years after exposure). B) Presence of mixtures Humans normally come in contact with several (or many) different chemicals concurrently or sequentially. The resulting biologic effect of combined exposure to several agents can be characterized as synergistic, additive, Potentiation & antagonistic Synergism-when the effect of two chemicals is greater than the effect of individual chemicals e. Antagonism -is the phenomenon of opposing actions of two chemicals on the same system e. Basic classification of toxicology Toxicology is broadly divided into different classes depending on research methodology, socio-medical & organ/specific effects. Descriptive toxicology Descriptive toxicology deals with toxicity tests on chemicals exposed to human beings and environment as a whole. Mechanistic toxicology Mechanistic toxicology deals with the mechanism of toxic effects of chemicals on living organisms. Instead of organophosphates, drugs which reversibly bind to cholinesterase would be preferable in therapeutics) 6 Toxicology C. Regulatory toxicology Regulatory toxicology studies whether the chemical substances has low risk to be used in living systems E. Predictive toxicology Predictive toxicology studies about the potential and actual risks of chemicals /drugs. Based on specific socio-medical issues A) Occupational toxicology Occupational toxicology Deals with chemical found in the workplace E. B) Environmental toxicology Environmental toxicology deals with the potentially deleterious impact of chemicals, present as pollutants of the environment, to living organisms. It is concerned with the toxic effects of chemical and physical agents on living organisms, especially in populations and communities with defined ecosystems. C) Clinical toxicology Clinical toxicology deals with diagnosis and treatment of the normal diseases or effects caused by toxic substances of exogenous origin i. D) Forensic toxicology Forensic toxicology closely related to clinical toxicology. It deals with the medical and legal aspects of the harmful effects of chemicals on man, often in post mortem material, for instance, where there is a suspicion of murder, attempted murder or suicide by poisoning. Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics - Toxicokinetics deals with absorption, distribution, biotransformation (biotransformation) and excretion of chemicals. Toxicokinetics i) Absorption Absorption is the process by which the chemical enters the body. It depends on the route of administration, dissociation (to become ionized), dissolution (ability of solid dosage form to become soluble), concentration, blood flow to the site, and the area of the absorptive site. Bioavailability is the fraction of unchanged drug reaching the systemic circulation following of non-vascular administration. Volume of distribution (Vd) is calculated from the dose taken and the resulting plasma concentration: Vd = dose /plasma concentration The importance of volume of distribution in toxicology is - Predicting peak blood concentration of the chemical taken - Calculating the amount of substance in the body to verify the quantity ingested - Deciding whether to apply systemic toxin elimination techniques Factors determining the rate of distribution of chemicals in the body are - Protein binding – chemicals highly bound to protein have small volume of distribution - Plasma concentration – when the volume of distribution of chemicals is small, most of the chemical remains in the plasma - Physiological barriers – chemicals will not uniformly distributed to the body due to specialized barriers e. It is a process by which the body transforms a chemical and makes it more water soluble so the chemical can be eliminated more rapidly via the kidney into the urine. Biotransformation can produce metabolites that are pharmacologically active and toxic E. Liver is the major site of biotransformation for many chemicals & other organs that are involved are lungs, kidneys, skin &so on. Interactions during biotransformation includes There are two phases of biotransformation Phase I – the drug is converted into more polar compound e. Half life (t ½) –is the time required to reduce the blood concentration of the chemical to half. Excretion through the lungs is the major route for gaseous substances; and in the case of non-volatile water – soluble drugs, the kidneys are the most important routes of excretion. Additional routes include sweat, saliva, tears, nasal secretions, milk, bile and feces. It is a quantitative measure of the volume of blood cleared of drug per unit time, usually expressed in milliliter pe4r minute.
The bacillus has developed adaptive mechanisms for survival and persistence in these hostile environments generic combivent 100mcg with amex treatment laryngomalacia infant. The mechanisms governing this state are still not fully understood and the protein expression profile in models mimicking the dormant state is an issue of intense research buy 100mcg combivent medicine you can take during pregnancy. Different in vitro models have been developed, aimed at simulating the in vivo conditions in- ducing dormancy (Wayne 1996, Betts 2002, Voskuil 2003). Hypoxia is among the most conspicuous conditions encountered by the tubercle bacilli in the central part of the granuloma, where bacilli are considered to remain dormant. The comparison of the protein content between aerobic and anaerobic cultures identified up to seven proteins that were more abundant in hy- poxic conditions. The main proteins characterized were fructose biphosphate aldol- ase (in culture filtrate only), hypothetical protein Rv0569, and alpha-crystallin pro- tein, also known as HspX. Other proteins identified included hypothetical proteins Rv2623 and Rv2626c, L-alanine dehydrogenase (only in culture filtrates), and BfrB, a bacterioferritin involved in iron uptake and storage. Among the hypothetical proteins found were Rv2005c, with similarity to universal stress proteins, Rv0560c, Rv2185c, and Rv3866. In spite of the enormous advances in biochemical ana- lytical techniques, the purification and identification of proteins is not always an easy task. Proteomic studies seem to be a successful way to discover new virulence factors, drug target molecules and proteins involved in pathogenic mechanisms. Metabolomics state-of-the-art The term metabolomics was first coined in 1998 (Oliver 1998) to describe the “change in the relative concentrations of metabolites as the result of deletion or over-expression of a gene”. At the same time, the term metabolome analysis re- ferred to the analysis of metabolites in the phenotypic profile of E. Later on, metabolomics was considered the detection and measurement, under defined conditions, of cellular metabolites such as low molecular weight molecules present in an organism or biological sample. Metabolites are in gen- eral defined as those small molecules, usually intermediate and final products of metabolism, but the definition also applies to high molecular weight molecules such as lipids, peptides and carbohydrates (sometimes referred to as “lipidomics”, etc). Metabolomic approaches are now feasible due to the rapid improvements that have taken place during the last decade in two areas: analytical chemistry and bioinfor- matics. In the latter case, all the conditions required for an accurate quantification should be considered, such as the use of appropriate data standards, etc (Nielsen 2005). Metabolomics can also help to validate in silico pathways prepared on the basis of available genome sequences and established databases (Park 2005). Metabolomic analysis has mainly been used in studies on plants and human pathol- ogy; in this latter case, the attention was focused on searching for metabolites asso- ciated with disease, in other words, “metabolites as biomarkers of disease” (Weckwerth 2005). Microbial metabolomics has initially been devoted to explore bacterial or fungal strains carrying improved phenotypes with a certain biotechnol- ogy usefulness value (Wang 2006). Metabolomic approaches have also been di- rected to the development of new drugs addressed against novel microbial targets. From the beginning, a unique property of mycobacterial cells called the attention of scientists: the remarkably high lipid content of the cell envelope, which accounts for the most conspicuous mycobacterial features, including physiology and patho- genicity (Asselineau 1998, Barry 2001) (see Chapter 3). Many studies have been published on identification, characterization, and even practical applications (e. Older books refer in more depth to the structural and chemical characterization of the envelope, as well as to the bio- synthesis of lipids (Ratledge 1982, Kubica 1984); more recent books lay stress on the genetics and genes related to lipid metabolism (Cole 2005). Thus, the analysis of the lipid metabolic profiling cannot be regarded as a new field in mycobacteria, at least when considering all lipids as metabolites (Ortalo-Magne 1996). Most of them have a fatty acid backbone cova- lently linked to other kind of molecules, most frequently several types of saccha- rides (Asselineau 1998). These molecules are larger in mycobacteria, compared to those of other re- lated bacteria, such as Corynebacterium or Nocardia. Another impor- tant group of lipids also contains trehalose as the glycosyl radical molecules and their fatty acids chains are multi-methylated. Many lipids are unique to mycobacteria and therefore their metabolic analysis cannot be addressed by comparative lipidomic studies with other bacteria. Such specific metabolic pathways are viewed, in turn, as excellent targets for the design of new specific drugs (Draper 2000). Renewed efforts have been applied to the detection of metabolic routes and genes that participate in the biosynthesis and 4. This paper updates the knowledge on these complex topics, indicating that mycobacterial lipids share mechanisms in their metabolic routes, and that changes in a pathway could influ- ence another pathway; in fact, some small molecules, namely metabolites, could be precursors of the more complex synthesis of lipids, and also be synthesized them- selves during the lipids’ metabolic pathway, thus being by-products or secondary products of the lipid’s metabolism.
The treatment can take from 5-10 minutes after which the patient should be kept warm and comfortable for some time safe combivent 100 mcg symptoms 9 days after ovulation. The patient should be covered up to the waist with a balance from a canopy buy generic combivent 100 mcg on line treatment gout, or the mouth of the jug may be covered with a towel to make the opening small enough for the patient to put his nose and mouth (not eyes) on it. Care of Equipment after use • Pour out the water from the inhaler (not onto a sink) • Wash the inhaler with hot water • Boil the mouth piece Basic Nursing Art 133 Emergency tray and Trolley List of Emergency Drugs. List of Emergency Equipment • O 2 -Tourniquet 2 • Morphine sulfate - O mask or nasal catheter • Aramine - plaster • Adrenalin( Epinephrin. Dressing of a Clean Wound Purpose • To keep wound clean • To prevent the wound from injury and contamination • To keep in position drugs applied locally • To keep edges of the wound together by immobilization • To apply pressure Equipment • Pick up forceps in a container • Sterile bowl or kidney dish • Sterile cotton balls • Sterile galipot • Sterile gauze • Three sterile forceps • Rubber sheet with its cover • Antiseptic solution as ordered • Adhesive tape or bandages 138 • Scissors • Ointment or other types of drugs as needed • Receiver • Spatula if needed • Benzene or ether. Technique Aseptic technique to prevent infection Procedure Explain procedure to the patient • Clean trolley or tray; assemble sterile equipment on one side and clean items on the other side. Clean wound with cotton balls soaked in antiseptic solution, starting from inside to the outside. Method of Application • Ointment and paste must be smeared with spatula on gauze and then applied on the wound. The above-mentioned equipment can be prepared in a separate pack if central sterilization department is available. Dressing of Septic Wound The purpose is to • Absorb materials being discharge from the wound • Apply pressure to the area • Apply local medication • Prevent pain, swelling and injury Equipment • Sterile galipot • Sterile kidney dish • Sterile gauze • Sterile forceps 3 • Sterile test tube or slide • Sterile cotton- tipped application • Sterile pair of gloves, if needed, in case of gas gangrene rabies etc. Use, forceps to remove the inner layer of the dressing smoothly and discard there for caps. Scissors and other instrument in strong antiseptic solution before cleansing and discard soiled dressing properly. Dressing with Drainage Tube Purpose • Aids to prevent haematoma or collection of fluid in the affected area. Equipment • Sterile kidney dish • Sterile galipot • Sterile Scissors • 3 Sterile forceps • Sterile cotton balls • Sterile gauze • Anti Sterile solution as ordered • Sterile safety pins if needed • Cotton wool or absorbent • Receiver • Rubber sheet and its cover • Adhesive ape or bandage • Plastic scissors • Ointment paste or paraffin gauze 142 • Spatulas if needed • One pair sterile gloves if available. Procedure Explain procedure to the patient • Cleanse tray or trolley and organize the needed equipment and make sure it is covered. Pull it cup a short distance while using gentle rotation and cut off the tip of the drain with sterile scissors (the length to be cut, depends on the instruction. Equipment • Sterile galipot or kidney dish • Sterile cotton balls • Sterile gauze • 3 Sterile forceps • Sterile catheter • Sterile syringe 20 cc • 2 receiver • Rubber sheet and its cover • Rubber sheet and its cover • Solutions (H2O2 or normal sullen are commonly used) • Adhesive tape or bandage • Bandage scissors • Receiver for soiled dressings Procedure Explain the procedure to the patient and organize the needed items. Suturing Definition: The application of stitch on body tissues with the surgical needle & thread. Purpose • To approximate wound edges until healing occurs • To speed up healing of wound • To minimize the chance of infection • For esthetic purpose Equipment • Tray or trolley covered with a sterile towel • Sterile needle holder 145 • Sterile round needle (2) • Sterile cutting needle (2) • Sterile silk • Sterile cat- gut • Sterile tissue forceps • Sterile suture scissors • Sterile cotton swabs in a galipot • Sterile solution for cleaning • Sterile dressing forceps • Sterile receiver • Sterile gauze • Sterile plaster • Dressing scissors • Local anesthesia • Sterile needle & syringes • Sterile gloves • Sterile hole- towel (Fenestrated towel) Procedure • Explain procedure to patient • Adjust light • Wash your hands • Clean the wound thoroughly • Wash your hands again • Put on sterile gloves • Drape the Wound with the hold- sheet • Infiltrate the edges of the wound to be sutured with local anesthesia. How ever, such wounds have to be seen by a doctor since excision of all dead & devitalized tissue and eventual suturing may be required. Removal of the Stitch Technique: Use aseptic technique Principles • Sutures may be removed all at a time or may be removed alternatively. Remove – gum with benzene or ether and discard the forceps 147 • Place sterile gauze to receive pleases or sutures. Clips Definition: Metal suture used to stitch the skin Purpose Some as suturing with stitch Equipment • Michel clip applier • Tissue forceps (toothed dissecting forceps • Cleaning material- same as stuttering with stitch. Procedure The first part of procedure is the same as for suturing with stitch Except that instead of suturing the skin with thread and needle you would apply clips with the applier. Removal of Clips Technique Use aseptic technique 148 Equipment • Sterile gauze • Sterile cotton balls • Sterile kidney dish • Sterile forceps 3 • Sterile clip removal forceps • Antiseptic solution (Savalon 1% and iodine) • Receiver • Benzene or ether • Adhesive tape or bandage Procedure Explain procedure to the patient and organize the needed equipment • Drape and position patient • Protect bedding with rubber sheet and its cover • Remove old dressing and discard. Pre-operative Purpose • To prepare the patient emotionally, mentally and physically for surgery. Equipment As necessary • It is important that the patient be in a good state of physical health before he has surgery. Try to relieve his fears about the operation and any fear of death: explain to him what will be done and that every measure will be taken for his safety. If the surgery is on the face, neck, shoulders or upper chest, the hair should be the roughly washed, combed and tied up to keep it from touching the operative area.
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