

By C. Stejnar. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. 2018.

Students can be trained to perform rapid assessment and acute management for conditions that otherwise would be impossible to programme buy 60mg alli overnight delivery weight loss 80 pounds. Simulated patient instructors are widely used order alli 60mg on line weight loss pills that start with g, particularly in North America, to teach the pelvic examination. The main advantage of such an approach is that the instructor gives direct feedback on the students’ performance. The instructor is the only one who can say if the student has correctly palpated the ovaries and uterus or whether unnecessary discomfort has been created. The same approach has been used to teach rectal examinations in the male. Though not simulation, it is perhaps worthwhile remem- bering that self and peer examination is a valuable teaching technique for novice students. The learning of many basic manual skills is much better done in this way than using real patients. The use of instruments and basic equipment The student has to become competent with a variety of instruments and basic medical equipment other than the stethoscope. These include the opthalmoscope, the auroscope, the proctoscope, the laryngoscope, syringes, infusion apparatus, and endotracheal tubes. In most cases it is inappropriate for the first attempt to use them to be made on a patient, Students certainly appreciate the chance to practice their skills in a situation where they are not going to hurt a patient. TEACHING PRACTICAL AND LABORATORY CLASSES Practical and laboratory classes are often regarded as an essential component of science-based courses. However, they are becoming less prevalent in the medical curriculum as the pressures to free up time for other components in the course and decreasing resources force 84 a re-appraisal of their value. We have decided not to give detailed consideration to these important areas of teaching in this book but to refer those with responsibilities of this type to more specific resources. These are listed at the end of this chapter and include the non-medical version of our book entitled “A Handbook for Teachers in Universities and Colleges”. However, there is one particular type of practical teaching that we will mention, that is the research project, which is equally as likely to be managed by clinical teachers as by basic science teachers. Research projects Research projects have always held an important place in science-based courses. There is now a growing apprecia- tion of their value, albeit in a more limited and less technically demanding form, at various phases of the medical curriculum. Projects should provide the student with a real-life experience of research that is quite different to the more controlled laboratory exercises. They are strongly motivational to most students because of the high level of active participation, the close contact with super- visors and research staff, the lower emphasis on assess- ment and the greater degree of personal responsibility. Research projects can be undertaken individually, by groups, or by attachment to a research team in which the student accepts responsibility for certain aspects of an established project. It is recommended that departments using research projects should provide guidelines and training for supervisors. Several valuable publications are available that could be used or modified for this purpose (see Guided Reading at the end of this chapter). Alternative methods A combination of modern technology and interest in new teaching techniques has provided alternatives to the conventional approaches to practical work. Two that are now well established are computer-based methods and simulations. Computer-based methods The wide availability of computers and their everyday use in all areas of science and technology makes their integration into practical courses almost essential. Early in the curriculum, there may be a need to have practical classes to teach students how to use computers. In the laboratory setting, computers may be interfaced with other equipment or used to enhance or even replace conventional practical work. Learning the skills of data analysis and interpretation is often linked to laboratory teaching. With the computer, it is possible to provide students with a wide range of data sets on which they can practice these skills at varying levels of complexity and sophistication. Simulations Simulations are playing an increasingly important role in practical teaching for many reasons. Some reflect a need to provide repetitive practice of basic and advanced skills which might not otherwise be readily available, be too complex (e.

Margaret’s cheap alli 60 mg weight loss tracker, near Dover generic alli 60 mg without prescription weight loss pills of the stars, of Berlin considered that Stromeyer’s operation and at the age of 13 entered the celebrated Jesuit was based on sound anatomical and surgical prin- College of St. Thus encouraged, Little went to Hanover guished himself by winning, against native com- and placed himself under the care of Stromeyer, petitors, the prize for French composition. He who divided his tendo Achillis, gradually cor- afterwards spoke highly of the management of rected the deformity of the foot, and gained a the College, and of the instruction and kindness successful result. Little was more than pleased that he received; the Fathers made no attempt to with the treatment. For 2 years he was apprenticed to James through a one-inch incision on each side of the Sequeira, a surgeon apothecary of Aldgate, whose tendo Achillis, and it was therefore liable to infec- 202 Who’s Who in Orthopedics tion. On the other hand, Stromeyer’s operation found himself in possession of a remedy, and it was truly subcutaneous, performed through a became insistent in his mind that the remedy single tiny puncture—the only method with any should be put to the service of the community. Little He dreamt of an institution for the study and treat- returned to Berlin. He showed his cured foot, and ment of cripples, and to this project he applied all demonstrated Stromeyer’s operation, to both his energies. After spending 2 years in collecting Muller and Diffenbach and convinced them of funds and finding a site, the Orthopedic Infirmary the great advance initiated by this new procedure. Lord He impressed them so much that he was allowed Chancellor Eldon was chairman. This was the first to dissect many deformed fetuses in the Berlin hospital in Britain to be devoted solely to the museum. An account of these researches, and of study and treatment of disabilities of the limbs the treatment of talipes varus, including that of his and spine and in which the word “orthopedic” own case, were embodied in a Latin thesis enti- was incorporated in its name. It was something tled “Symbolae ad Talipedem Varum Cognescen- new; and it was an outward and visible sign that dum,” for which he was awarded the degree of a special branch of surgery was emerging. A large subcutaneous tenotomy in London on February mansion on the north side of Hanover Square, for- 20, 1837, the year that Queen Victoria came to the merly occupied by Earl St. This was the beginning in England of a Admiral, was bought and altered to provide serious attempt to deal with deformity by opera- accommodation for 50 beds. On March 25, 1845, a had been neglected, and Little threw himself with Royal Charter of Incorporation was granted to the great ardor into the task of rousing the profession. Infirmary, the name of which was changed to Patients quickly came his way; he gained experi- “The Royal Orthopedic Hospital. In this book the deformity “talipes canca- this last hospital, in 1892, Mrs. Muirhead Little neus” was so named and described for the first started the first hospital school of which there is time—“bearing the same relation to T. She first frankly orthopedic work to be published in started with part-time teachers; but the venture this country. On July 3 the same year he was el- was so successful that a whole-time teaching staff ected assistant physician to the London Hospi- was soon employed. He had become a Licentiate of the Royal the Board of Education began to consider the pro- College of Physicians. His position as gamated; and in 1905 a new Royal Charter was a consulting physician who practiced tenotomy granted, giving the combined hospitals the name was somewhat anomalous, but he was strongly of Royal National Orthopedic Hospital. National Hospital in Great Portland Street was Archibald Billing, that there was no impropriety pulled down and a fine building with 200 beds in so doing. The new hospital inher- practiced no less as a medical consultant than as ited a great tradition. It was in the direct line of an orthopedic surgeon; but his combination of W. Little’s foundation of 1840, and there were both may have influenced the delay of his elec- memories of distinguished men who played their tion to the Fellowship of the Royal College of part in forming that tradition, including Adams, Physicians. The problem of the cripple had been present to In 1922 the country branch at Stanmore was his mind from boyhood, but it gathered force with started. It was developed continuously until the increasing knowledge of the unhappy plight of outbreak of the Second World War, when it thousands of cripples left to their fate.

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