

By A. Achmed. Ursuline College. 2018.

Individually cheap 250 mg chloroquine overnight delivery symptoms high blood sugar, adductor magnus) Sartorius Winds down thigh generic chloroquine 250 mg on line medications used for bipolar disorder, Flexes thigh and leg moving from lateral to medial posi- ilium to tibia (to sit cross-legged) tion, they are the biceps femoris, the Gracilis Pubic bone to medial Adducts thigh at hip; semimembranosus, and the semi- surface of tibia flexes leg at knee tendinosus. The name of this muscle Quadriceps femoris: Anterior thigh, to tibia Extends leg group refers to the tendons at the back Rectus femoris Vastus medialis of the knee by which these muscles Vastus lateralis insert on the leg. Vastus intermedius (deep; not shown) Muscles That Move the Foot Hamstring group: Posterior thigh, to tibia Flexes leg Biceps femoris and fibula The gastrocnemius (gas-trok-NE-me- Semimembranosus us) is the chief muscle of the calf of the Semitendinosus leg (its name means “belly of the leg”) Gastrocnemius Calf of leg, to calca- Plantar flexes foot at (Fig. According to Greek outward) mythology, the region above the heel Flexor digitorum Posterior leg and foot Flex toes was the only place that Achilles was groups to inferior surface of vulnerable, and if the Achilles tendon is toe bones Extensor digitorum Anterior surface of leg Extend toes cut, it is impossible to walk. The anterior and lateral femur are covered by the The muscle for eversion of the foot is the peroneus (per- quadriceps femoris (KWOD-re-seps FEM-or-is), a large o-NE-us) longus, located on the lateral part of the leg. The individual parts The long tendon of this muscle crosses under the foot, are as follows: in the center, covering the anterior thigh, forming a sling that supports the transverse (metatarsal) the rectus femoris; on either side, the vastus medialis arch. The tendons of the extensor muscles nates from the ilium, and the other three are from the are located in superior part of the foot and insert on the femur, but all four have a common tendon of insertion on superior surface of the phalanges (toe bones). The term Charley horse comes from the cise throughout life delay and decrease these undesirable practice of using Charley as a name for old lame horses effects of aging. Even among the elderly, resistance exer- that were kept around for family use when they were no cise, such as weight lifting, increases muscle strength and longer able to do hard work. Sprains are more severe than strains and involve tear- ing of the ligaments around a joint, usually as a result of ◗ Muscular Disorders abnormal or excessive movement at the joint. A spasm of the visceral is “turned,” that is, the foot is turned inward and body muscles is called colic, a good example of which is the weight forces excessive inversion at the joint. The pain and THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM ✦ 171 8 swelling accompanying a sprain can be reduced by the Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is associated with immediate application of ice packs, which constrict some widespread muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness along of the smaller blood vessels and reduce internal bleeding. FMS is difficult to diag- Atrophy (AT-ro-fe) is a wasting or decrease in the size nose, and there is no known cause, but it may be an au- of a muscle when it cannot be used, such as when an ex- toimmune disease, in which the immune system reacts to tremity must be placed in a cast after a fracture. Muscular dystrophy (DIS-tro-fe) is a group of disorders in which there is deterioration of muscles that still have Disorders of Associated Structures intact nerve function. The most common type, which is found most Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa, a fluid-filled sac that frequently in male children, causes weakness and paraly- minimizes friction between tissues and bone. Some examples of Progress toward definitive treatment for some forms of bursitis are listed below: the disease may be possible now that the genetic defects ◗ Olecranon bursitis, in which the bursa over the point that cause them have been identified. This form of bursitis is found in tis (mi-o-SI-tis) is a term that indicates actual inflamma- people who must often kneel, hence the name from an tion of muscle tissue. Box 8-3 • Health Professions Careers in Physical TherapyCareers in Physical Therapy hysical therapy restores mobility and relieves back pain, as the use of crutches, prostheses, and wheelchairs. Individuals with therapist assistants are responsible for implementing the heart disease and brain injury, or those who are recovering treatment plan, teaching patients exercises and equipment from burns or major surgery, may benefit as well. To Physical therapists work closely with physicians, nurses, perform these duties, both physical therapists and assistants occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and audiologists. For include stretching and exercise to improve mobility; hot more information about careers in physical therapy, contact packs, cold compresses, and massage to reduce pain; as well the American Physical Therapy Association. Some causes of shinsplints are tendinitis at the in- Bunions are enlargements commonly found at the base sertion of the tibialis anterior muscle, sometimes with in- and medial side of the great toe. Usually, prolonged pres- flammation of the tibial periosteum, and even stress frac- sure has caused the development of a bursa, which has ture of the tibia itself. Tendinitis (ten-din-I-tis), an inflammation of muscle Carpal tunnel syndrome involves the tendons of the tendons and their attachments, occurs most often in ath- flexor muscles of the fingers as well as the nerves sup- letes who overexert themselves. Numbness and weakness of shoulder, the hamstring muscle tendons at the knee, and the hand is caused by pressure on the median nerve as it the Achilles tendon near the heel. Disorders of associated structures—bursitis, bunions, ten- movement dinitis, shinsplints, carpal tunnel syndrome 174 ✦ CHAPTER EIGHT Questions for Study and Review Building Understanding Fill in the blanks 1. Normally, acetyl- aches, tenderness, and stiffness and with no choline is broken down shortly after its release into the known cause is synaptic cleft by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. McPhillips Early in human history a natural bond formed be- CONTRIBUTIONS OF MANY CULTURES tween religion and the use of drugs. Those who became The ancient Chinese wrote extensively on medical most proficient in the use of drugs to treat disease were subjects. The Pen Tsao, for instance, was written about the “mediators” between this world and the spirit 2700 B. The Chinese doctrine the community was derived from the cures that they of signatures (like used to treat like) enables us to un- could effect with drugs.

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From the visual cortex discount 250mg chloroquine fast delivery treatment xeroderma pigmentosum, in- lieved that the damaged or cut nerve fails to regrow with all struction based on whether the object of vision is near or fibers running in the same direction for proper reattach- far buy discount chloroquine 250mg medications and mothers milk 2016, and whether the surrounding light is bright or dim, ment to the ciliary body. The propensity to affect women goes back to the muscles of the eye—the ciliary body— between 20 and 40 years of age more than men of all ages through the ciliary ganglion, and results in a re-shaping promoted one doctor to speculate that it may be, or related of the lens (accommodation) and an opening or closing of to, an autoimmune disorder, especially when the individual the pupil (pupillary reaction), as needed, in order to focus lives a stressful lifestyle and other related family members more sharply. Under normal circumstances, brightness have suffered neurological diseases or disorders. Caffeine, and accommodation for near vision will result in contrac- a high sugar diet, or an imbalance in essential fatty acids ture of the ciliary body and the pupil, whereas darkness that are important in maintaining nerve health may also be and accommodation for distance normally results in a re- factors, but no studies have been identified supporting this laxation of the ciliary body and dilation of the pupil. This unusual pupillary reflex, also known as “tonic ation of the ciliary ganglion or the ciliary body. The af- pupil,” because it is slow to change, may also be associated fected eye muscle is unable to contract, dilate, or focus with diabetes, alcoholism, a herpes viral infection, or a with the same strength and speed as the unaffected eye. Relative to the opposite, unaffected eye, in normal day- Symptoms, in addition to the slow-to-respond, differently light the pupil of the affected eye will be larger whereas, sized pupil of the affected eye, may include headache, as a in a quickly darkened room, the affected eye will be result of the strain on the vision, a sensitivity to bright smaller. Furthermore, the nerve from the ciliary ganglion lights, and loss of some reflexes, especially the knee-jerk. Some research Diagnosis is made on the basis of a thorough history suggests that as the person ages, the ability to dilate grad- and physical examination, followed by tests to rule out GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 23 other suspected causes according to the persons history. An examination of the eye using a “slit lamp”—an in- KEY TERMS tensely bright lamp shielded by a shade with a slit it it—. A positive (hypersensitive) reaction to pilo- Aqueous humor—A clear fluid in the posterior carpine drops, an alkaloid substance from the jaborandi and anterior chambers of the eye that moves from tree that causes the otherwise slow-to-constrict pupil to back to front and exits the eye through a small constrict intensely, is considered diagnostically additive. Knee and ankle jerk reflexes—Normal reflexes Treatment elicited usually by testing with a reflex hammer No specific treatments were noted; however, treat- and demonstrating, by being present, a healthy ments that strengthen or protect the nervous system and intact nervous system. Manual of Ocular Diagnosis & reductions in caffeine and sugar, including sugar substi- Therapy, 4th ed. Human Physiology, Mechanics ic use of dilute pilocarpine drops to constrict the tonic of Body Function, 5th ed. Partial recovery of function is more likely if the initi- OTHER ating damage was to the ciliary body rather than to the Enersen, Ole Daniel. It continues to be a widely popular in Description Europe as a remedy for BPH, especially in France where African pygeum (Prunus africana), also known as the use of African pygeum for BPH is reported to be pygeum africanum, pygeum, and African plum tree, is an about 80%. A 150 ft (46 m) tall member of the Rose family General use (Rosacea), pygeum has been found to be useful in treat- ing prostate problems, particularly benign prostatic hy- Pygeum is Primarily used to treat benign prostatic pertrophy (BPH), a condition affecting many men. Phyto (plant) sterols are structurally similar to, but to reduced prostatic secretions. Due to actions as an im- much less efficiently absorbed from the diet than, cho- mune system “up regulator” and anti-inflammatory, lesterol. The biological strength of phytosterols, howev- pygeum is also being studied for use with other treat- er, is similar to that of hormones; therefore, a very small ments for hepatitis C and HIV. Pygeum also reduces According to one source, in a double blind placebo edema (the swelling caused by an excess of fluids), re- controlled study involving 263 men on a dose of 100 mg duces levels of the hormone prolactin, lowers and in- per day of African pygeum extract for 60 days, the fol- hibits cholesterol activity within the prostate. Prolactin, lowing improvements versus controls were observed: whose levels are increased by drinking beer, stimulates • 31% decrease in “nocturia,” or night-time frequency testosterone uptake by the prostate, reportedly increasing • 24. BPH imlies two prostate changes: increased • 50% increase in overall relief and feeling of wellbeing. These changes cause Two-thirds of the group using Pygeum reported symptoms of frequent urge to urinate small volumes, re- feeling satisfaction. This was twice the improvement re- duced prostatic secretions, reduced bladder emptying. Incomplete bladder emptying increases risk of bladder infections, edema and inflammation, and possibly, pro- In a study on chronic prostatitis, 60% of men with static cancer. Blood sugar levels and immune function urinary tract infections and nearly 80% of men without have also been found to improve. The few small and relatively short clinical trials of • reducing edema of the prostate pygeum in the treatment of Hepatitis C and HIV+ infec- • inhibit cellular increase tions have been statistically significant; further trials are • improving the natural flow of prostatic secretions under way in South Africa. Standardization is the process rope since the 1700s, and is still used today as a major whereby the targeted active ingredients are quantified and GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 25 concentrated to a consistent therapeutic dose. The widely modern use of the extract form of African pygeum in- KEY TERMS stead of the whole plant may derive from the discovery. In some preparations, synergistic in- Beta-sitosterol—A plant lipid with considerable gredients such as amino acids, other herbs, and vitamins biological activity; even in very amounts it is or minerals, may be included.

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The outer cell mem- teins order 250mg chloroquine with amex medications ocd, such as receptors and transport brane discount 250mg chloroquine overnight delivery symptoms by dpo, or plasmalemma, effectively de- molecules). Phospholipid molecules marcates the cell from its surroundings, contain two long-chain fatty acids in es- thus permitting a large degree of inter- ter linkage with two of the three hy- nal autonomy. Bound to the malemma are transport proteins that third hydroxyl group is phosphoric acid, serve to mediate controlled metabolic which, in turn, carries a further residue, exchange with the cellular environment. Cell functions phospholipids aggregate spontaneously are regulated by means of messenger into a bilayer in an aqueous medium, substances for the transfer of informa- their polar heads directed outwards into tion. Included among these are “trans- the aqueous medium, the fatty acid mitters” released from nerves, which chains facing each other and projecting the cell is able to recognize with the into the inside of the membrane (3). Hormones secreted phospholipid membrane constitutes a by endocrine glands into the blood, then diffusion barrier virtually imperme- into the extracellular fluid, represent able for charged particles. Final- cles, however, penetrate the membrane ly, signalling substances can originate easily. The effect of a drug frequently re- sults from interference with cellular function. Receptors for the recognition of endogenous transmitters are obvious sites of drug action (receptor agonists and antagonists, p. Drugs may also directly interfere with intracellular metabolic processes, for instance by inhibiting (phosphodiesterase inhibitors, p. In contrast to drugs acting from the outside on cell membrane constituents, Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Cellular Sites of Action 21 1 Neural control D Nerve Transmitter Receptor Ion channel Cellular Hormonal transport control systems for Hormones controlled transfer of D substrates Hormone D receptors Transport molecule Enzyme D Direct action D = Drug on metabolism 2 Choline 3 D D Phosphoric acid Phospholipid matrix Glycerol Protein Fatty acid Effect Intracellular site of action A. Sites at which drugs act to modify cell function Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. These boundaries are formed by vided by the amount in the gut available the skin and mucous membranes. When absorption takes place in the In the respiratory tract, cilia-bear- gut (enteral absorption), the intestinal ing epithelial cells are also joined on the epithelium is the barrier. This single- luminal side by zonulae occludentes, so layered epithelium is made up of ente- that the bronchial space and the inter- rocytes and mucus-producing goblet stitium are separated by a continuous cells. A zonula occludens or nized, multilayered squamous epitheli- tight junction is a region in which the um of the oral mucosa. Here, the cells phospholipid membranes of two cells establish punctate contacts with each establish close contact and become other in the form of desmosomes (not joined via integral membrane proteins shown); however, these do not seal the (semicircular inset, left center). Instead, the cells gion of fusion surrounds each cell like a have the property of sequestering phos- ring, so that neighboring cells are weld- pholipid-containing membrane frag- ed together in a continuous belt. In this ments that assemble into layers within manner, an unbroken phospholipid the extracellular space (semicircular in- layer is formed (yellow area in the sche- set, center right). In this manner, a con- matic drawing, bottom left) and acts as tinuous phospholipid barrier arises also a continuous barrier between the two inside squamous epithelia, although at spaces separated by the cell layer – in an extracellular location, unlike that of the case of the gut, the intestinal lumen intestinal epithelia. A similar barrier (dark blue) and the interstitial space principle operates in the multilayered (light blue). The efficiency with which keratinized squamous epithelium of the such a barrier restricts exchange of sub- outer skin. The presence of a continu- stances can be increased by arranging ous phospholipid layer means that these occluding junctions in multiple squamous epithelia will permit passage arrays, as for instance in the endotheli- of lipophilic drugs only, i. The con- pable of diffusing through phospholipid necting proteins (connexins) further- membranes, with the epithelial thick- more serve to restrict mixing of other ness determining the extent and speed functional membrane proteins (ion of absorption. In addition, cutaneous ab- pumps, ion channels) that occupy spe- sorption is impeded by the keratin cific areas of the cell membrane. Eligible drugs are those whose physicochemical properties al- low permeation through the lipophilic membrane interior (yellow) or that are subject to a special carrier transport mechanism. Absorption of such drugs Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Distribution in the Body 23 Ciliated epithelium Nonkeratinized squamous epithelium Epithelium with Keratinized squamous brush border epithelium A. External barriers of the body Lüllmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2000 Thieme All rights reserved. Penetrability of mac- Drugs are transported in the blood to romolecules is determined by molecu- different tissues of the body.

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