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By J. Rasarus. Langston University.
The chloride channel is shown as a pore in the center of five equivalent sub- RECEPTORS units order viagra jelly 100mg impotence propecia, each with four membrane-spanning domains (see the iso- lated subunit at the bottom) cheap viagra jelly 100mg free shipping erectile dysfunction due to medication. Because of the existence of subunit The GABARs are the major players in CNS function and families, many such heteropentamer combinations are possible, each with multiple drug sites. Ligand sites: GABA: agonists (musci- relevance to psychopharmacology. These receptors, defined mol), antagonists (bicuculline); Benzodiazepine: agonists (fluni- by pharmacologists using electrophysiologic and other tech- trazepam), antagonists (flumazenil), inverse agonists (DMCM); niques (14,22), were identified in brain homogenates by Picrotoxin/Convulsant (TBPS); Barbituate (phenobarbitol); Steroid (alphaxalone, allopregnanolone); Volatile Anesthetic (halo- radioligand binding (25), and are shown to have the correct thane). Molecular biology specificity for GABA analogues expected from the neuro- of GABAAreceptors. The stituents of the GABAR by photoaffinity labeling with the GABAR strategy has certainly not been exhausted. ACTION OF BENZODIAZEPINES AND The GABAR proteins were purified using benzodiaze- BARBITURATES pine affinity chromatography (32), which allowed partial protein sequencing and expression cloning of two receptor The actions of several classes of CNS depressant drugs had genes (13). GABA-activated currents were demonstrated in for some time been suggested to involve enhancement of Xenopus oocytes using cDNAs for two polypeptides that inhibitory synaptic transmission. In particular, the anxio- contained the partial sequences within their coded sequence, lytic effects of benzodiazepines were shown probably to re- sult from potentiation of GABA action (37,38). At first, these were benzodiazepine receptors were discovered using radioligand thought (incorrectly) to correspond to the two bands seen binding to brain homogenates (1,4,39,40), it was quickly in the purified protein (32). These two subunits were related determined that the benzodiazepine binding sites were phys- to each other and also to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ically present on the GABAA receptor–chloride channel family of subunits, a finding indicating a superfamily of complex (28,41). The various types of drug binding site on receptor polypeptide genes and a likely heteropentameric the GABAAreceptor allosterically interact with each other in structure (Fig. Barbiturates and related sedatives also enhance as probes to clone additional family members with more or GABAAreceptor–mediated inhibition, and their pharmaco- less sequence homology to the first two. Those with high logic spectrum overlaps with that of the benzodiazepines homology were named with the same Greek letter, whereas and related substances, such as zolpidem, zopiclone, and those with less homology were given other Greek letters. The selective actions of benzodiaze- The current repertoire involves 1to6, 1to3, 1to3, pines not shown by barbiturates or vice versa are believed , , , , and 1 to 3 (21). There are also a few splice to arise from heterogeneity in GABA receptor sensitivity to variants; for example, 2 exists in two forms differing in an the drugs, and corresponding heterogeneity in brain regions, eight-amino acid insert in the intracellular loop that in- circuits, and functions. Further, some GABARs are insensi- cludes a substrate serine for protein kinase C (33). All the tive to benzodiazepines but not to barbiturates, as well as subunits are related to each other and have molecular additional nonoverlapping, nonGABA actions of high weights of about 50 kd. The purified receptor protein thus doses, especially barbiturates. In addition, the two classes of actually contains about a dozen subunit polypeptides, of drugs have a different mechanism of action at the molecular varying amount (6). Hydropathy plots show that they have channel level; barbiturates prolong the lifetime of GABA a long extracellular N-terminal domain, which has glycosyl- currents, in addition to gating channels directly at high con- ation sites and is believed to carry the GABA binding site. M3 and M4, and a short extracellular C-terminal tail. These subunits are arranged as heteropentamers (Fig. The different receptor sub- types have biological differences, such as location, affinity for GABA, and channel properties, as well as pharmacologic heterogeneity. Most receptors contain two copies of one type of subunit, two copies of one type of subunit, and a subunit. Rarely, another subunit ( , , ) can substitute for (30,33). The presence of a subunit is needed for benzodiazepine sensitivity, and other subunits affect the de- tailed specificity. For example, the subunits define the benzodiazepine pharmacology, and some subunits 4 and 6 do not bind classic benzodiazepine agonists; the detailed pharmacology depends on the small differences in polypep- tide sequence for the various subunits (6,34–36). Because of the unique location of receptor subtypes, and thus unique FIGURE 12. Chemical structures of drugs active at the benzodi- functions of the circuits involved, great hope for new drugs azepine site on the GABAA receptor–chloride channel complex. Chapter 12: GABA 163 The classical benzodiazepines such as diazepam (Valium) with ethanol.
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As a result viagra jelly 100 mg sale erectile dysfunction questionnaire uk, routine preventive women are of particular concern because of the possibility of therapy after a sexual assault should be encouraged discount viagra jelly 100mg without prescription erectile dysfunction at 30. In addition, HBV infection can be pre- ing prophylactic regimen is suggested as preventive therapy: vented by postexposure administration of hepatitis B vaccine. Reproductive-aged female survivors should be evaluated for Tis vaccine should be administered to sexual assault pregnancy, if appropriate. Follow-up doses Evaluating Adults and Adolescents for of vaccine should be administered 1–2 and 4–6 months Sexually Transmitted Diseases after the frst dose. Initial Examination • An empiric antimicrobial regimen for chlamydia, gonor- rhea, and trichomonas. An initial examination might include the following • Emergency contraception. Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM in a single dose • Wet mount and culture or point-of-care testing of a OR vaginal-swab specimen for T. Te wet Cefxime 400 mg orally in a single dose mount also should be examined for evidence of BV and PLUS candidiasis, especially if vaginal discharge, malodor, or Metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose itching is evident. PLUS • A serum sample for immediate evaluation for HIV infec- Azithromycin 1 g orally in a single dose OR Doxycycline 100 mg orally tion, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Decisions to perform these twice a day for 7 days tests should be made on an individual basis. Follow-Up Examinations For those requiring alternative treatments, refer to the specifc sections in this report relevant to the specifc agent. After the initial postassault examination, follow-up exami- Te efcacy of these regimens in preventing infections after nations provide an opportunity to 1) detect new infections sexual assault has not been evaluated. Clinicians should counsel acquired during or after the assault; 2) complete hepatitis B patients regarding the possible benefts and toxicities associated vaccination, if indicated; 3) complete counseling and treatment with these treatment regimens; gastrointestinal side efects can for other STDs; and 4) monitor side efects and adherence to occur with this combination. Examination for STDs can be repeated within 1–2 weeks of the assault. Because infectious agents acquired through assault might not have produced sufcient concentrations of organisms 92 MMWR December 17, 2010 other Management Considerations the assailant(s) (e. In consensual the assault, survivor, or assailant that might increase risk for sex, the risk for HIV transmission from vaginal intercourse HIV transmission. Te risk for HIV transmission from oral sex is substan- discussed with the patient: 1) the unproven benefit and tially lower. Site of exposure to ejaculate, viral load in ejaculate, and potential benefts (i. Providers should emphasize that PEP survivor also might increase the risk for HIV. Clinical man- the sexual abuse of children is frequently associated with mul- agement of the survivor should be implemented according to tiple episodes of assault and might result in mucosal trauma the following guidelines (78). Specialist consultation on PEP (see Sexual Assault or Abuse of Children). Te sooner PEP reduced risk for acquiring HIV in a study of health-care work- is initiated after the exposure, the higher the likelihood that ers who had percutaneous exposures to HIV-infected blood it will prevent HIV transmission if HIV exposure occurred; (480). On the basis of these results and the results of animal however, distress after an assault also might prevent the survivor studies, PEP has been recommended for health-care workers from accurately weighing exposure risks and benefts of PEP who have occupational exposures to HIV (446). Tese fnd- and from making an informed decision to start such therapy. If HIV exposure has occurred, be ofered a 3–5-day supply of PEP, and a follow-up visit initiation of PEP as soon as possible after the exposure likely should be scheduled several days later to allow for additional increases beneft. Although a defnitive statement of beneft counseling. Te possible beneft §§ Hours of Sexual Assault of PEP in preventing HIV infection also should be discussed • Assess risk for HIV infection in the assailant. Implications of commonly encountered sexually trans- mitted (ST) or sexually associated (SA) infections for diagnosis and provide enough medication to last until the next return reporting of sexual abuse among infants and pre-pubertal children visit; reevaluate the survivor 3–7 days after initial assess- Evidence for ment and assess tolerance of medications. ST/SA confrmed sexual abuse Suggested action • If PEP is started, perform CBC and serum chemistry at † Gonorrhea* Diagnostic Report baseline (initiation of PEP should not be delayed, pend- Syphilis* Diagnostic Report† Human immunodefciency virus§ Diagnostic Report† ing results). Chlamydia trachomatis* Diagnostic Report† • Perform HIV antibody test at original assessment; repeat Trichomonas vaginalis Highly suspicious Report† at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. Condylomata acuminata Suspicious Report† (anogenital warts)* Genital herpes* Suspicious Report†¶ Sexual Assault or Abuse of Children Bacterial vaginosis Inconclusive Medical follow-up Recommendations in this report are limited to the identif- Source: Adapted from Kellogg N, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Te ¶ Unless there is a clear history of autoinoculation.
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